I'm with Khane, didn't seem like pee, but if it was pee, I guess I'm totally fine with watersports?
Also, had a ridiculous thing happen, with a classic Onoes twist ending.
Monday night, about 8p.m. a girl starts chatting with me out of the blue on Facebook. This is a girl I went to school with, but was never friends with, who I've run into all of twice over the course of the last year (both times at a brewery during special events). She had added me to Facebook, but again, we've never really talked and effectively do not know each other. So, she's talking to me, and a few minutes in I go "So, whats going on here? I mean, I'm enjoying talking to you, but its odd for you to message me out of the blue, since we've never really talked. Are you wanting to hang out or something?" to which she says, yes, she's bored and was hoping to find something to do. I offer to take her out for a drink, or dinner if she hasn't eaten, and she replies with "Ehh, is it cool if I just come over to hang out."
So, now I'm thinking this is a booty call type situation, and despite the "DO NOT LET STRANGERS KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE WOMEN." rule, that I completely agree with, I was like "Sounds good! Here's my address." Because A.) I'm still super fucked up/sad about getting dumped by the awesome girl I was seeing, and B.) I often make terrible decisions.
So, she shows up and we stand around talking for a minute, and she see's my game room and wants to check it out. So, we are hanging out in there for a bit and she see's this giant open box on my table in there, where I've been working on putting together this massive board game (OGRE). She gets all intrigued, and I try to steer her away from it, but she's like "I love crafts, we should totally put this together!". I try to shut it down. She's having none of it. Pulls up a chair and starts getting to work, asks me to put a cheesey movie on the projector. So, 2 hours later, I'm watching an 80's super dumb horror movie, while this girl is punching out cardboard pieces and coloring the edges with a black sharpie, and passing them down to me, where I am super glueing these things together. Movie ends, we keep hanging out and doing this for like another hour. I make a few moves, but she seems completely oblivious.
Eventually she says she better head home. I'm still thinking maybe something is going to happen now that we have left the distraction. I again make a few moves, she put her coat on, hugged me, and left.
The twist ending was that there was no sex or craziness. After she left I just kept shaking my head going "What the fuck just happened?" lol. I guess maybe thats more of a normal first date/encounter scenario and I'm just so not used to it that it seems strange to me?