Fuck that, she can sleep on the couch in that situation. Tolerate, do not facilitate. She is now an unwanted guest and should be made to feel that way. If she wants to play the 30 days + 2 weeks card then treat her like an actual tenant. If you have a room you can clear out, then her and her shit live there until she is evicted or moves out. Are the utilities and such in your name? If not, do that immediately so she can't fuck you over any more than she already is. Change the locks now, and don't give her a key. Set specific times she can use the kitchen and dining area. Your house, your rules. As long as you aren't forcing her onto the street or damaging her belongings you have a lot of leeway in how you accomodate. You aren't required to feed her, for example. Empty out the fridge and pantry and only get take out or buy enough groceries for 1/2 meals at a time until she leaves. If you haven't already, make sure your finances are entirely separate. You were smart enough not to put her on the mortgage, so I hope you were smart enough to not have shared accounts too.Also: SLEEP ON THE FUCKING COUCH.
rofl, that's harshOnoes, you reading this shit? We don't want to repeat this information next week for you
You need to listen to some of this real talk here. We're your bros, you want your feelings coddled go talk to your chick friends, bros give real talk. And what you need to hear is this: on June 11th you need to be sitting there at 6 am wwith a sheriff kicking her ass the fuck out. If she goes psycho on you and starts telling her friends (or the police...) about how abusive you are to her, the time you forced yourself on her, etc then you are FUCKED. Done. And you say "But she would never..." and imma stop you right there, because I am sure plenty of guys thought the exact same thing. People don't always act rationally in these emotionally charged situations, you have no idea what she is capable of. Don't run through Tinder bitches, don't talk to her unless you have to, just suck it up and make it to the 11th and then do what you know you need to do.The last job that she had (quite a while ago) was at a courthouse, where she worked the front desk of the small claims court. As a result, she has seen a crap ton of cases involving evictions, and she LOVES to throw her knowledge of the situation at me. The laws give her the same rights that they would any other "tenant" - she has to be given 30 days notice, at which point if she doesn't leave I can begin the eviction process. I did give her a 30 day notice on paper about 10 days ago (as advised by a sheriff) to get the ball rolling just in case things didn't go smoothly on the back end. The 30 days are up june 11th, so legally I don't really have the grounds to boot her out before then. And truthfully, I just wouldnt. I would feel awful about putting her (and what about her dogs!??) in a total shit position. We are not meant to be together, and I have a lot of anger towards her for some things that have happened, but I am not perfect either, and I do still have feelings for her (which thankfully will slowly fade with time). I realize that many people would or could just boot her out, but that really isn't something that is likely to happen, so I am open to other ideas if you guys have any.
I'm hereOnoes, you reading this shit? We don't want to repeat this information next week for you