what Suineg set it to
So, yea, there's a lot going on. I get it. That's why I'm not just like 'fuck you bitch, get out'. We talked a bit, she finally went to the doctor's office (had a number of minor things not helping like allergies, bad migraine meds, etc.), Dr. fixed a few scripts which weren't working out and asked her to get on an antidepressant for a while to see if it helps. So it seems like she's taking some positive steps now that I did the talk equivalent of *shake shoulders wake up*.Sounds like a number of factors:
Dog Died- My wife was absolutely nuts for a year after her dog passed away.
Moving away from home- Much harder on women, who often like to keep close with their families, than men and you already pointed out that she has not made new friends. This pretty much makes you her only friend out there.
No marriage- Probably very frustrating for her, especially since she basically dropped her life to be out there with you. Not saying you are doing this or that this is even happening, but from her minds eye you might be "not buying the cow when you can get the milk for free" as it were. Her not having other friends pretty much means she has no one to vent this shit off on, so you are basically getting all of the emotional blowback on this.
Different Expectations- I think she is likely trying to be a trooper, but its just not in her nature and she fails at it when push comes to shove. Your her only friend in the area and she wants to be around you, but once its time to put up or shut up about something difficult like the skiing, she rage quits. Pretty normal reaction of a person trying to be something they really aren't.
Long Time to get Ready- Women all do this shit in my experience. The time needed to get ready increases proportionally with the degree you want to do something, they don't like the activity, and the amount you bitch about them dragging their ass on the way out the door. My wife does not wear makeup and is basically a died in the wool tomgirl, but if we need to leave for someplace I want to go that she doesn't, she manages to make getting ready last eons. I got her back the last time we were going to go see her family by queing up a giant shit that I initiated the moment she was ready to go. She was not amused, but it was worth the hell I took over it.
I think Noodle asked the right question, though. If there is enough there that you see enjoying her company for the long haul, then you have to accept that people are different and make some concessions. If you are keeping her around just out of guilt or pity, then its time to move on sooner rather than later.
The problem is really twofold for activities though - 1) I'm FINE doing mostly anything alone. I have hobbies/sports that engage me enough to want to do them alone. but... 2) I want to find a middle ground and include her in my life to some degree. I don't expect her to like everything I do, in fact I don't want her to - I want her to have her own passions. I fucking hate it when people are so fake they will say 'oh yea I like/dislike that too!' toanythingto be agreeable. Anyway, the problem is she really doesn't put effort into finding her own likes/dislikes and THAT is my biggest frustration. It's been true with literally EVERY woman I've dated, though, but here it's just compounded by the other issues. So that's why I'm trying to pry her to do things - anything, really - that are new that she can find some sort of interest in. Obviously it started with a lot of the things I like to do because I know how to do them and don't mind... but I've done plenty of stuff I don't really care for that either of us think she'd like - to mixed results.
I know I'm unfair to a degree. For example when she had just moved to AZ and we drove up to Flagstaff to bum around town since I hadn't been there in maybe 12 years. She got 'sick' 30 minutes into the trip and I spent an hour at the first rest stop north of Anthem basically waiting for her. It was supremely frustrating. I am 'out of commission sick'maybe1-3 days every 5 years, if that. I get sick enough to impact my life very rarely. So yea, was it her fault? No. But it's still frustrating as hell to catch no breaks whether it be her (I don't want to), life (sickness) or something dumb like fatal traffic accident ruining a weekend because the highway we need to take is effectively closed. It's just incessant and a lot of it is luck but it's still unbearably common in our relationship.
So I'm glad she's taking some steps to improvement. I just want to figure out something about what's going on besides 'this sucks'. Part me, part her, part life, who knows? That's why I come back to "what's the point?". If she said she just needed to be with family and still loved me but had to move back east so we had to take a break, I'm sure I would be upset initially but I would also be OK with it. I want her to be happy and I am just not wired to need permanent or 24/7 companionship. I'd be more happy that she was taking a step towards what she wanted as a friend than upset as a boyfriend. I'd also be very upset if things just detonated and I lost her completely.
I guess I just have to really take some time to dissect this once the move is complete in a few weeks and hash out exactly what she wants. I could give two shits whatdreamsanyone has, I want to see goals instead. That's my major concern. Dreams are not useful motivators, they just end up being depressing measuring sticks. That's all she seems to have at this point. Fucking "I hope you have D cups and a shapely ass and marry before age 24" Disney, ruining girls.