Ok bros I got myself into a bit of a predicament and I have no one else to vent to. A little background first.
I am 35 and my wife is 31. We have been together for 9 years. 7 of which have been us living together with the last 5 with us being married. We do not have kids. I do not want any and she is about 70/30 on the issue. 70% leaning towards not having any kids. She is sweet and caring. She takes as good care of me as I expect from any other person. She is a Doctor so is excluded from office gossip so I never have to listen to that bullshit. When she watches shows I dont like, she does not expect me to join her. She likes the things that I like which is travelling and food but she is not into the typical geeky shit that most people on this forums are into. She does not mind the fact that I am about to take a massive paycut by leaving my business and going into grad school. She doesnt get mad if I look at other women and in fact we often discuss how hot these women are and which one she would prefer to bang. Basically she is the opposite of every complaint about wives in this thread. The only "bad" things about her is that she isnt very concerned with the cleanliness and tidiness of our house (niether am I so its not a big deal), she is super shy and unsure of herself and very naive, especially in business. Her naivety is a constant cause of our very mild arguments. Basically I am terrified of her losing her license due to being too trusting of others so I lose my cool from time to time. Oh and she is pretty, petite with an awesome ass and exercises every chance she gets. She also works 6 days a week, sometimes 10-12 hours a day and does not mind it at all and is in fact thinking of working more. And on top of all of this, she is absolutely and undeniably in love with me. And we are each others best friends, we like spending time together (which isnt much, maybe an hour a day, sometimes more, sometimes less), we are honest with each other and we hold each others opinions above all others.