i've always assumed i would end up getting hitched in my early to mid 30's so i can have sons to live vicariously through my sons but now that i'm getting closer to that age and also getting to know myself better i'm starting to wonder if that's really the best path to go down. a few things about myself to point out:
- i hate being micromanaged. this goes without saying.
- i get bored of fucking the same girl after about a month of it, no matter how hot she is and how good she is. on a related note, i've cheated on pretty much all of the girls i've been in relationships with and i don't feel an ounce of guilt about it.
- i'm currently in a line of work that is very demanding and requires frequent travel and late nights. i would be ridden with guilt if i was unable to have an active involvement in my children's life growing up.
- i'm also very ambitious and could quite possibly grow to resent my family if i had to take a less demanding job that wouldn't lead to quite as great opportunities.
- the prospect of divorce scares and enrages me.
- i hate being forced to do bullshit "adult" social activities -- that's not to say i'm anti-social, but when i've been in relationships and had to go to lame shit like attending her family gatherings, going out to dinner with her friends who suck... it just blows.
anyway those are my concerns at the moment. i'm still young and maybe some things will change but then again i'm not that young anymore.