So, if you forget to lock your door, you should have no complaints if you get burglarized, right? If you have a cleaning person over and they take a necklace or a $20 on the desk, maybe you shouldn't have left them out, right? Don't even file a police report or say anything because you were asking for it. Yeah, it wasn't smart of her to keep them around but it's still not the same as asking them to be taken.
I don't think it's "pretty obvious." Maybe she didn't care but it's not like she ever offered to let a_skeleton_03 view them in any other manner. Maybe the woman didn't think herbest friend's husbandwould be enough of an ass to look through her stuff for pictures to jerk off to. I mean, maybe for the dudebros the obvious first thought at getting access to someone's computer would be to find pictures to steal, but that's probably not everyone's first thought. She just wanted her computer to work again (indicating she's probably somewhat computer illiterate to begin with).
Jesus fucking christ. Your retarded analogies would make more sense if a_skeleton_03 had hacked her computer, or broken into a PW protected file.
Orif she had left her computer on and he walked by, downloaded her photo directory to a USB stick, and then walked off.
She literally handed him every piece of information on her HD by saying.."Hey, can you fix my computer?" - especially when he has repeatedly let it be known that he shouldn't be trusted around electronic devices . My mother is the most illiterate person I know when it comes to technology, but when she was thinking of getting her laptop repaired, she called me up and asked me, "Hey, is there any way I can download all of my family photos? I probably shouldn't have them on my computer when I take it in, right?".
For fucks sake, the man posts semi-nude photos of one of his wife's friends. Rather than praise him for this noble deed, half of you pussies are chastising him. Sure, if I wanted to see "random" chicks I could scour virtually any corner of the web. The thing is, I've seen a pair of tits or 300,000 in my lifetime and now I want to see the rest of them. This fucking board, man. It's like only the fucking crybabies and autistic kids made the migration to Rerolled, I swear.
Weird stuff beginnings:
1.) Keeps buying me strange shit. Like a Ninja Turtles toy of some kind and other random baubles.
2.) Invited me to Thanksgiving at her Mom's house. Its been less than three weeks...
3.) Makes me Almond milk (DIY almond milk) like every other day. Never expressed too much desire in the stuff, but whatever.
The sexual "deviancy" stuff doesn't strike me as that odd - most of it sounds like a major turn-on. However, I'm pretty open to sexual deviancy, so there isn't really much that phases me. It sounds exactly like a girl who spent most of her childhood in a Catholic environment. I went to a private Christian school from 6th-9th grade and all the girls there were mega sluts/deviants.
As for the rest..
1.) That doesn't seem too terribly odd, but "toys" seem to indicate a possible lack of maturity, unless you're some kind of collector. I know my wife used to buy little "things" for me constantly in the beginning of our relationship (she still does it pretty frequently - especially if I say, "Oh, that looks awesome/neat!". Usually, it'll show up in the mail 1-2 weeks later.). I think a lot of my wife's want to purchase things for me comes from her childhood/upbringing. She had a very rich grandfather and comes from a lot of family money, so I think a lot of it is her showing "love" by buying people shit. It's a habit I've never been able to break her of, no matter how many attempts I make. At this point, I've come to accept it as just being a part of her. It's possible something similar may be going on with this girl.
2.) This is the only one that stands out as a possible "red flag". Inviting you to big family gatherings after dating for less than 3 weeks is a huge "wtf?". In my experience, it's usually a sign of a girl who gets
waytoo attached
waytoo easily. Some guys don't mind clingy chicks, so that will be up to you to figure out/decide.
3.) Eh, this just seems like some weird quirk of hers. I wouldn't read too much into it, honestly. Unless it tastes like ass, then I'd just gently let her know that you aren't a big fan of almond milk.