Yep, it's essentially my mom keeping that tradition alive. One of my sisters might have a hand in it too. This same sister tried to start a tradition where we each had boxes and we all wrote nice things about each other and we'd add to that every Christmas. I'll admit I was way over the top in killing that tradition by putting stupid internet memes in everyone's box(they were handwritten, they know who it was from), but the saved years of forced platitudes makes me feel a bit better.
My dad and I essentially share a birthday, 2 days apart. We exchange checks of the same amount, don't get a card, and since we live an hour apart, celebrate both on the same day. Recalling my mom and Christmas, now I'm actually wondering how much this really bothers her.
Tenks, I would love for Christmas to be Thanksgiving 2.0. I mean, I would still buy presents for my nieces and nephews, gift giving still has a purpose there. But really, just food and visiting.