A Mod Real Quick
To each his own man, I really like it. I just grab her ass from the side and slam myself into there rapidly.
That position with the ex was one of both of our favorites. Although typically I'd be kneeling on the bed, not standing beside it (bed is too low for that). Something about the angle worked great for her, although I'd have to be careful to not bottom out if I also brought one of her legs up to really get right in there.Well, she's laying down - but we've established my wife is lazy. I'm standing off the bed.
Yes, this is good. I spent several months pondering lessons from my train wreck marriage. I think that pondering helped me figure out what I was looking for and what to watch out for when I started dating again, as well as some ways I could handle things better in relationships.I think it's probably pretty natural when you have a big change in your life to take a step back and think about things. Or it should be, anyway.
Unless you are lighting up every day, why quit pot?Some days are better than others. I'll be feeling fine about shit and then some stupid reminder of her will come up and I'll get all mopey and shit. Overall I'm doing okay. In some ways it's kicked off a bit of an existential crisis for me, wondering what I want to do with my life in general and specific areas. Do I want to settle down and have kids? Do I want to move from my condo to a house? If I do, do I want to get a dog? Do I want to seriously look in to moving to the mountains and working remotely? Or even further than that, get out of the business entirely and do something else? Do I need to work on being a bit more humble (she's not the first GF who's said I can be an arrogant dick, and my friends wouldn't disagree with that, but they've known me so long they know it comes from a good place and it doesn't bother them. It's just part of who I am, but maybe I need to work hard to round off the sharper edges)? Should I quit drinking entirely, or just cut back? Should I quit smoking pot entirely?
Shit like that. I think it's probably pretty natural when you have a big change in your life to take a step back and think about things. Or it should be, anyway. Ultimately I don't know that I'll make any major changes, but who knows? It's not that my life sucks or anything like that, but for most of it I've just been kind of on autopilot taking things as they come, as opposed to moving in any particular direction. If I took more pride from my business or had more passion for it a lot of that would be moot, but the reality is that I don't much like what I do on a daily basis. But extricating myself from it is not an easy proposition, given that my bro is my partner, and I'd be seriously fucking up his life and plans if I were to walk out the door.
So yeah, I guess I'm doing okay. I've seen her a couple times since she moved out. Once to drop off a table that she'd stored at my office to her new place. And she came by about 10 days ago to pick up some mail that was collecting, as well as a few other items I came across while rearranging closet space etc. It's all been very amicable, we did a bit of small chat for a couple minutes, and as she was leaving she said that we should meet up for a beer and chat in a couple weeks. I was kind of confused about what she wanted to chat about, and she said at least she wanted to talk about the money/payment situation. So I guess we'll see how that goes in a few weeks. Part of me wants to think up all these elaborate ways to win her back. The other part of me knows that there's next to no chance of that happening, and that trying to do so is only going to make things worse in the end. So mostly I've just avoided contact with her so I don't say or do anything stupid. I considered getting her something for her birthday a couple weeks back, but managed to resist that temptation. I wasn't going to do anything romantic; there's a really nice wine and cheese store in the basement of my building, and you can buy a "cheese of the month" membership thing where you get a couple fancy cheeses per month. But I decided against that and just sent her a short text wishing her a happy birthday and left it at that. I was also kicking around the idea of sending her flowers for Valentine's Day, but again, that's probably not a great idea.
So yeah, mostly I've been masturbating a lot.
As far as pot goes, I definitely have some dependency issues if I keep it around. When I don't, then it's not really an issue, just the occasional puff after hockey or while camping/hiking/skiing with buds. So no, I don't think it's a major issue for me at all or anything, just one of many things to think about. The fact is, I haven't gone more than a couple weeks without smoking pot since I was probably 15 or 16 (20 years, give or take). So maybe it would be a good idea to cut it out entirely for a period of time to see if I notice any difference. I had a few buds who were roommates at the time who in their mid 20's gave up any and all alcohol for six months, and they said it was kind of eye opening for them. None had any serious issue with alcohol or anything like that, they just decided to do it together and were all glad they did. They've all gone back to drinking to one degree or another so it's not like it was a life changing experience or anything like that.Unless you are lighting up every day, why quit pot?
Don't chat with her about the money thing. Just give her a bill with the total owed, tell her she can send it in however much or little she wants, 0% interest. Walk away. Nothing good comes of this as far as potential conversations go. Hell, just text her the info.
I haven't bought her any gifts or flowers since we broke up, not sure if I was unclear on that. And yeah, I fully expect to walk away from the next meeting, if it happens, feeling about the same as I did the last couple times we met. As you said, she checked out awhile before we broke up, and generally there's no coming back from that.Haast_sl said:Focus on what is next for you. Don't keep buying her gifts and flowers, either. That is confusing as hell and will toy with both of your emotions. You can go have beers with her, but expect to be disappointed. Maybe that will help firm up your resolve to move on without involving her.
No, she really wasn't interested in my money dude. I don't know how you take that away from it all. If she was, she'd have gotten her hands on a shitload more of it and/or walked out the door with no intention of ever making good on it.Seems she was ultimately interested in your money more than she was you, Eomer. You just lucked out it was the negative instead of the positive interest in it.
But change your locks anyway.
No, she never would be. But I don't think that alone was necessarily a deal breaker. After much reflection over the last month I think that her opinion of me as a person had significantly deteriorated as well. The financial aspect didn't help things, for sure, but I think primarily she'd come to realize that for various reasons I wasn't suitable as a husband or father of her children. Whether consciously or unconsciously. Sucks to admit that to yourself when you really respect that person yourself, but here we are.Iannis_sl said:She'll never be comfortable with your money, and that's just the hard truth of it.
You missed the "negative interest" part of his "interested in your money" comment.No, she really wasn't interested in my money dude. I don't know how you take that away from it all.
Ah, you're right. My bad.You missed the "negative interest" part of his "interested in your money" comment.
Just under 20k. 7k to help her replace a stolen car when we'd been dating for about a year. She'd initially rejected my offer of help when it became apparent that her insurance settlement and ability to make payments was only going to get her an absolute shit box, but then fell in love with a particular car that she paid way too much for, and came to me for help. Another 6k to pay down her CC when she was doing a two month practicum for her Masters that required her to take time off from work. And then a smattering of other small loans or payments here and there for school tuition, books, residence rent, etc etc. The shitty part is that since last summer she's actually making pretty decent money and going forward wouldn't have needed any further assistance and could have actually started to chip away at what she owed me, paid for some groceries, etc etc and not felt like a free loader as much.Maybe I missed it, but how much does she owe you and what was it for?