Gays probably shouldn't be able to be "married" in the Christian context. The problem is that the state and the church share the word. In my ideal world, there are "marriages" and "civil unions" which are completely exclusive from each other. A secular couple would get a civil union with the state (which would grant them all of the privileges that are offered to married couples in the real world by the state) but would not get "married" because they're not religious. A Christian couple would get "married," but if they want to benefit from the government's benefits to committed couples, they would also need to get a state-recognized civil union. "Marriage" would not grant any government benefits because it would be ordained by pastors only and be completely separate from the government..Says the guy who claims gays shouldn't marry cause marriage should be banned while also being married.
Like I said government recognition of marriage is stupid, I did not have that stance at 19 when I married. I do now and have for several years. That is exactly what I have said here for years during the marriage debate. Keep up.Says the guy who claims gays shouldn't marry cause marriage should be banned while also being married.
I don't know his full opinion on it but I have a feeling I'm in agreement with him.No, please, Kriptini, start a_skeleton_03's derail for him.
That poor poor dog, that's not the kind of bone it wants.I just can't imagine ever getting married again if I got divorced. Lose half my shit? Pay alimony/child support? FUUUUUUUUUUCK THAT. Once would be lesson enough, you guys must be masochists.
If I get divorced I'm going on a "fucking" binge.
I'll get a dog and live in a shack in the woods.
Thanks. The process is still ongoing. We don't talk much, more so because of her than myself. Much of my stuff is still at her place and currently we have a documented agreement in place that has my son staying at both places (I work nights 5 days a week) where it won't impact custody decision making. Everything has been documented that needs to be in that regard.Also missed the "pulling the trigger post" but holy fuck that is goddamn awful, Tarrant. No child deserves to have that happen to them and I hope this doesn't do lasting damage to them. Glad you decided to leave for good now and I hope you and your kids can forget this bitch. That shit is just inexcusable.
Yeah, it's pretty angering though now I feel more sorrow over it that anger as well as disappointment in myself. The look of heartbreak that was on my sons face when it happened is something that will be burned into my brain for the rest of my life. My job is to protect my children and provide them a safe, nurturing environment and to ensure this exact thing doesn't happen. I failed them in that, totally and it's something I'm struggling with very much right now where I'm so ashamed that I'm even having a hard time talking to them on the phone, I'm not sure I'll ever forgive myself for it.Dealing with how the fallout from our failed relationships hurt our kids, is one of the most painful experiences one can go through. My kids were 4 and 6 at the time, and that is almost 5 years ago, and I still want to punch their mother for causing them this pain.
But: You are now in a position to build yourself a new life, with a new structure, your values and in time a loving relationship. Growing up in this framework will have a profoundly positive impact on the kids. If they grew up never having seen what may be, they would end up copying the patterns of the damaged relationship you just got out of. Now they have a chance.
No, I won't be. I wanted to be able to look back at things and say I tried everything I could to make it work. you'r erigh tit should have happened sooner, that's a mistake I now have to live with.I know its fucking hard Tarrant but you have to get this part over with. Don't be tempted to take the path of least resistance and fall back into it, not that I'm expecting you to. Just saying in the long run you're better off doing this sooner than later. Probably should have done it before now, but I get that too. Don't let her try to talk you out of it with bullshit either, she's never going to be a decent person and even if there's a chance for her to get better its not worth making yourself miserable on that chance.
Thanks, much like being a shitty mod, I'm also a shitty father. Hopefully I can someday not be.Damn Tarrant, that sounds rough but hang in there. As an unelected and unsolicited representative member of the rerolled community I would like to formally provide you the allowance to be a shitty mod without chastisement for at least the next month.
I did, we have a 5 year old together. He is semi special needs and does not handle change very well so I stay over there one night a week on the couch, tonight actually.I had thought you had a child with that wife, but you didn't mention him in the story. .
Yeah, this is what happens pretty frequently with us as well. It isn't even so much that I dislike company/interaction, it's just that I'm perfectly content doing things by myself, and sometimes I just want to be left the fuck alone. She interprets this as selfish, uncaring, unloving, etc., but like I try to explain, I don't interact withanyoneat times.While it's nice to have compnay, I also feel drained by constant interaction since I love solitude(gogo introverts). She couldn't understand it and wouldn't take my advice on what I needed, until I'd blow up in her then I'd explain again that I needed space and she'd give it to me for a bit then slowly start smothering me until I blew up again.
This pretty much describes me to a T, and to be fair a lot of people on this board as well I'd assume. Ultimately, most of us are or were "gamers", and we've all perfected the art of multi-tasking various forms of passive entertainment-- TV, video games, books, etc.. For a lot of people on these forums, I'm sure the "ideal" weekend involves 72 hours straight of take-out, video games, and John Wick/Mad Max reruns. I can literally hermit myself all weekend and not talk to a single person besides the pizza delivery guy and I'm in fucking bliss.Yeah, this is what happens pretty frequently with us as well. It isn't even so much that I dislike company/interaction, it's just that I'm perfectly content doing things by myself, and sometimes I just want to be left the fuck alone. She interprets this as selfish, uncaring, unloving, etc., but like I try to explain, I don't interact withanyoneat times.
Shit, when we were living in Beaverton, there were times I'd take the hour or so to drive to Arch Cape and just sit on the beach for hours, by myself. We also spent plenty of beach trips together, but there were times I just needed some fucking solitude. It wasn't because I didn't love her, or didn't care, but I just wanted some time to reflect on life and the Oregon coast is my absolute "zen" zone (I miss it like hell). I mean, this is a pretty typical interaction when it comes to doing "stuff"...
Me: "Hey, babe. I'm going to go do X. You're more than welcome to come, but I don't think it's really you're thing and you're probably going to be bored. But, you're more than welcome to come..
Her: *reluctance on her voice* "Yeah, I'll go.."
Me: "You sure? Seriously, it's not a big deal if you'd rather just stay home.."
Her: "I'll come.."
We'd go, she'd not be very interactive, then on the ride home it'd be nonstop complaining about how that wasn't her thing, she shouldn't have gone, next time she doesn't care if I just go by myself, etc. Obviously, this usually led to some sort of argument, ending in me bitching about "space". She'd relax for a while, long enough for the following to happen..
Me: "Hey, babe. I'm going to go do X again. You hate going, so I'm going to go do X by myself.."
Her: "Ok, I want you to have fun! Bye!"
A number of hours later, when I got home, she'd be pouting in her room about how I'm selfish, I'd rather spend time with X or doing Y instead of with her, blah blah blah. It's a losing game and I'm reaching my breaking point.
Now, ahugepart of the problem is her lack of hobbies, but she hasn't shown any real interest in developing/discovering her own and I'll be goddamned if I'm dragging her along on mine - almost all of which she hates or sucks at. Prior LTRs I've had also weren't as codependent either, but my past relationships havealwaysdevolved into some sort of version of this scenario. Girls telling me that I'm "distant", not "caring", "selfish", etc. And you know what? I'm perfectly willing to admit that it's a very real possibility that I'm all of those things and just not cut out for a relationship, but it'll be a cold fucking day in hell when I give up everything that makes me.."me". It's hilarious that women fall in love with the person that youare, yet spend a lifetime trying to change the very same qualities they fell in love with. Then, they're shocked when things aren't working out anymore.
Originally, I thought maybe this was all a result of my standards being "too high" and "hot bitches be crazy". The thing is, I've downgraded in the looks department on every subsequent LTR and it doesn't ever seem to change. In some cases, the "uglier" chicks can be an entirely different hassle, because they come with more self-esteem issues.
Seems like you do understand them, you're just not willing to take the actions that your understanding would suggest.women want to do something together
so your GF can "feel" you're doing something together
women feel that you don't care if they have to ask, it needs to be "spontaneous"..
That doesn't sound so bad. If I couldn't have a relationship like Phazael's, I'd want one like this.Haha I have the reverse problem, my wife gives two shits what I do for my hobbies and I'm always doing them by myself. She won't get involved in the slightest. There are a few things I wish she would come do because they'd be a good way to spend time together and I think she'd enjoy it. She sits at home cleaning and working on her projects. When I'm there she's glued to me, but not concerned when I leave to do whatever.
Maybe I have it good and I don't realize it? She's a perfectionist introvert so she's perfectly happy being left alone to do her own shit so that I won't fuck it up and make her have to re-do it. Haha.