Yeah, this is what happens pretty frequently with us as well. It isn't even so much that I dislike company/interaction, it's just that I'm perfectly content doing things by myself, and sometimes I just want to be left the fuck alone. She interprets this as selfish, uncaring, unloving, etc., but like I try to explain, I don't interact withanyoneat times.
Shit, when we were living in Beaverton, there were times I'd take the hour or so to drive to Arch Cape and just sit on the beach for hours, by myself. We also spent plenty of beach trips together, but there were times I just needed some fucking solitude. It wasn't because I didn't love her, or didn't care, but I just wanted some time to reflect on life and the Oregon coast is my absolute "zen" zone (I miss it like hell). I mean, this is a pretty typical interaction when it comes to doing "stuff"...
Me: "Hey, babe. I'm going to go do X. You're more than welcome to come, but I don't think it's really you're thing and you're probably going to be bored. But, you're more than welcome to come..
Her: *reluctance on her voice* "Yeah, I'll go.."
Me: "You sure? Seriously, it's not a big deal if you'd rather just stay home.."
Her: "I'll come.."
We'd go, she'd not be very interactive, then on the ride home it'd be nonstop complaining about how that wasn't her thing, she shouldn't have gone, next time she doesn't care if I just go by myself, etc. Obviously, this usually led to some sort of argument, ending in me bitching about "space". She'd relax for a while, long enough for the following to happen..
Me: "Hey, babe. I'm going to go do X again. You hate going, so I'm going to go do X by myself.."
Her: "Ok, I want you to have fun! Bye!"
A number of hours later, when I got home, she'd be pouting in her room about how I'm selfish, I'd rather spend time with X or doing Y instead of with her, blah blah blah. It's a losing game and I'm reaching my breaking point.
Now, ahugepart of the problem is her lack of hobbies, but she hasn't shown any real interest in developing/discovering her own and I'll be goddamned if I'm dragging her along on mine - almost all of which she hates or sucks at. Prior LTRs I've had also weren't as codependent either, but my past relationships havealwaysdevolved into some sort of version of this scenario. Girls telling me that I'm "distant", not "caring", "selfish", etc. And you know what? I'm perfectly willing to admit that it's a very real possibility that I'm all of those things and just not cut out for a relationship, but it'll be a cold fucking day in hell when I give up everything that makes me.."me". It's hilarious that women fall in love with the person that youare, yet spend a lifetime trying to change the very same qualities they fell in love with. Then, they're shocked when things aren't working out anymore.
Originally, I thought maybe this was all a result of my standards being "too high" and "hot bitches be crazy". The thing is, I've downgraded in the looks department on every subsequent LTR and it doesn't ever seem to change. In some cases, the "uglier" chicks can be an entirely different hassle, because they come with more self-esteem issues.