Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Buzzfeed Editor
If I felt like there was a decent chance it wouldn't work out, I also wouldn't get married. Like I said earlier, I've been through the bad marriage stuff. I feel like if it is that much of a concern then maybe marriage isn't the answer. If a woman presented that idea to me, it would feel like she is already looking to the end at a time when you're supposed to be forming a partnership. I don't really like the whole idea of it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
how do you guys feel about female asking for a prenup to keep her shit and the male gets nothing in the case of divorce (and he will agree to it).
Have zero issue with a woman asking for a prenup - my feelings on the matter don't change based upon who wants it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There are some seriously whipped ass white knight motherfuckers around here. No wonder Ravven was able to pull thousands of bucks a week out of this board.


A Mod Real Quick
Well, we do have a ton of stress right now so it adds to it. We have a new (small) apartment, both have full time (>50-60 hours per week) jobs, we have a new puppy (HUGE STRESS FUCK), plus I'm finishing up my Bachelor's degree while starting on my Masters. Also we're trying to pay off the wedding before it comes. Money isn't exactly tight, but it fluctuates a lot based on what we need to payfor the wedding. I know the stress is huge right now, so that's the only reason I'm hesitant to just end it. Just tired of being yelled at for retarded shit. I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that whenever she yells at me I'm going to pretend I'm super happy. SO far it is pissing her off and it is hilarious.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You won't end it, this is a preview of the next however many years of your life until she inevitablely starts cheating and then divorces you. Have fun!!!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Even though I hope it works out, I look forward to your future posts in the Girls Who Broke Your Heart thread.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Well, we do have a ton of stress right now so it adds to it. We have a new (small) apartment, both have full time (>50-60 hours per week) jobs, we have a new puppy (HUGE STRESS FUCK), plus I'm finishing up my Bachelor's degree while starting on my Masters. Also we're trying to pay off the wedding before it comes. Money isn't exactly tight, but it fluctuates a lot based on what we need to payfor the wedding. I know the stress is huge right now, so that's the only reason I'm hesitant to just end it. Just tired of being yelled at for retarded shit. I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that whenever she yells at me I'm going to pretend I'm super happy. SO far it is pissing her off and it is hilarious.
You might have hope if she continues to work after you're married so that inevitably she has some purpose, and her energy/focus is primarily diverted mostly towards her job. More likely however is she gets knocked up, takes early retirement at your expense after the first kiddo, gets bored/disempowered whilst proclaiming that the Stray at Home Wife job is "such hard work", starts paradoxically raving how you need to spend more time with the family while simultaneously making more money, continues to rant how difficult her Stray at Home Job is despite the fact that the kiddos are now in school full time, spends all day on Facebook and starts flirting with an ex, leaves you and takes the house and kids.. THE END.

Lol ok maybe not. But the above story happens every day across America


Buzzfeed Editor
Well, we do have a ton of stress right now so it adds to it. We have a new (small) apartment, both have full time (>50-60 hours per week) jobs, we have a new puppy (HUGE STRESS FUCK), plus I'm finishing up my Bachelor's degree while starting on my Masters. Also we're trying to pay off the wedding before it comes. Money isn't exactly tight, but it fluctuates a lot based on what we need to payfor the wedding. I know the stress is huge right now, so that's the only reason I'm hesitant to just end it. Just tired of being yelled at for retarded shit. I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that whenever she yells at me I'm going to pretend I'm super happy. SO far it is pissing her off and it is hilarious.
Do you think that is healthy for your relationship, dealing with her outbursts like that? Or do you think you will have less stress a few years from now?

Don't be that delusional guy. Things don't get easier, ever. This is as easy as your relationship will ever be.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There are some seriously whipped ass white knight motherfuckers around here. No wonder Ravven was able to pull thousands of bucks a week out of this board.
Lol true story

You won't end it, this is a preview of the next however many years of your life until she inevitablely starts cheating and then divorces you. Have fun!!!
This is exactly right its not going to get better

You might have hope if she continues to work after you're married so that inevitably she has some purpose, and her energy/focus is inevitably diverted mostly towards her job. More likely however is she gets knocked up, takes early retirement at your expense after the first kiddo, gets bored/disempowered whilst proclaiming that the Stray at Home Wife job is "such hard work", starts paradoxically raving how you need to spend more time with the family while simultaneously making more money, continues to rant how difficult her Stray at Home Job is despite the fact that the kiddos are now in school full time, spends all day on Facebook and starts flirting with an ex, leaves you and takes the house and kids.. THE END.

Lol ok maybe not. But the above story happens every day across America
You forgot going months without pussy cause she wont give it up soon youll donate thousands of dollars ti a wash up gold digger in hopes that youll catch a wife of that clam you get a couple blurry tit pics to beat off to and you well think you got pretty good deal


<Prior Amod>
You forgot going months without pussy cause she wont give it up soon youll donate thousands of dollars ti a wash up gold digger in hopes that youll catch a wife of that clam you get a couple blurry tit pics to beat off to and you well think you got pretty good deal
Be truthful...did you get a 4th grader to write this reply for you?

Chaos is right, this is as easy as it's ever going to get. If this stuff is annoying you now, imagin how much it'll bug you after a few more years of it because it won't just magically change. You either need to address it now or be prepared to ignore us and be miserable for the next few years and then when you divorce have us all make fun of you for not listening to us.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is suppsosed to be the happiest most exciting time of your lives and look how she's acting. I get that marriage is stressful to plan but she's treating you like you're a peice of shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, we do have a ton of stress right now so it adds to it. We have a new (small) apartment, both have full time (>50-60 hours per week) jobs, we have a new puppy (HUGE STRESS FUCK), plus I'm finishing up my Bachelor's degree while starting on my Masters. Also we're trying to pay off the wedding before it comes. Money isn't exactly tight, but it fluctuates a lot based on what we need to payfor the wedding. I know the stress is huge right now, so that's the only reason I'm hesitant to just end it. Just tired of being yelled at for retarded shit. I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that whenever she yells at me I'm going to pretend I'm super happy. SO far it is pissing her off and it is hilarious.
Planning a wedding is stressful and monetarily draining if you're paying for a lot of it yourself. Couple that with jobs and school and I'm sure it is a stressful situation.

However, antagonizing her while she is being a bitch to you isn't going to fix your problems. Consider have a serious, empathetic conversation with her and trying to get to the root of the outbursts. Having nit-picky fights is pretty natural for any two people having to share close quarters in times of stress. The sex withholding is a red flag, though. Monogamous + no sex = massive failure waiting to happen. You should make that clear when you talk to her.

Remember, this isn't some dumb broad you are trying to run game on, this is your fiancee. Focus on fixing things. If it becomes clear a fix isn't viable, end it before you make a big, extremely expensive mistake.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Be truthful...did you get a 4th grader to write this reply for you s.
No I typed it on the little GS3 keyboard between doing shit for my Job but when you come from where I come from having a job that earns you a nice middle class living is a great victory in its self. Don't worry most white people make that same mistake they think that everyone is the same as them especially when they come from an area as white as MN. Thank you for pointing that out I well try harder to live up to your lofty standards of spelling and grammer on internet forum.

You did a good thing the world is better place with you drawing breath in it. It well be a sad day for humanity when you exit to go be with what ever God you believe in. I'm not sure how we well go on without you tremendous contributions


2 Minutes Hate
I skimmed this thread and it's depressing as fuck. I'm coming up on my 2nd wedding anniversary and I'm happy as a motherfucker!


Personally I have no interest in marriage until I'm stable career wise. I'd like my potential spouse to be in the same situation as well. The idea of getting married and having one of us sacrifice our career ambitions for a relationship that might not work out has always turned me off.


Do women actually do the no sex for months thing? I always thought that was just a myth or men exaggerating. I couldn't imagine going several days without sex, but months!? Wth.

And I agree, this is a depressing thread. I'm happy being married. I live with and am in love with my best friend and we spend time hanging with our kids, playing video games and having sex. Life is good.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, but from the small windows into Noodleface's life we have, do you think he will be as happy as you and your husband are? Even close?

For me in my relationship, we're happy yeah but this is a very stressful time in our lives. In a couple of years the stress will die down a bit, mostly it is having so many kids so close in age. But it will never be as stress-free as it was before we were married. I feel bad for this bro, this should be the carefree time he does whatever he wants with his lady and has a good time, not the stressful , bitter period where she withholds sex and he grows resentful.


<Prior Amod>
No I typed it on the little GS3 keyboard between doing shit for my Job but when you come from where I come from having a job that earns you a nice middle class living is a great victory in its self. Don't worry most white people make that same mistake they think that everyone is the same as them especially when they come from an area as white as MN. Thank you for pointing that out I well try harder to live up to your lofty standards of spelling and grammer on internet forum.

You did a good thing the world is better place with you drawing breath in it. It well be a sad day for humanity when you exit to go be with what ever God you believe in. I'm not sure how we well go on without you tremendous contributions
You typed a lot trying to be clever and you still hit no where near that mark, I feel bad for you. Also, commas are your friends.

Also, stop acting like a little bitch over what was originally a simple ribbing.

And LoL @ Minneapolis being a "white" area.