Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Queen Bee
I thought she didn't want us to know her real name. I know most people already do, but she raised a fuss about her real name being posted a month or so back and posts got edited.

That's not my name. Call me Tinsley all you want.

I think marriage is amazing. No part of it is depressing to me. Having a relationship of just us was fun, but once you have kids and you watch your partner parent, and you have equal love for something half you half your partner, that's when it gets really good. You have lots to look forward to Keg. Just make sure you marry someone that's going to age well. Not blow up into a beached whale.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I love my wife so much I wouldn't mind a bit paying for all the surgeries if she blew up
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Musty Nester
Hey. Wearing a 2 piece while you're pregs takes balls.


All I really expect from my wife is that she has a nice thick cock.
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Girlfriend convinced her parents to go back to school a couple days early and she will be spending the weekend at my place.

Kinda worried she will go into my closet and find my Trump stuff. I need to put it in the basement.

I feel like a sell out.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
What kinda stuff?

Tell her you stole the shit
Buy a can of spray paint and deface it and tell her you're a street artist like banksy but you don't believe in vandalism.
Keep her tied up all weekend. Literally. And take pictures.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Like he's going to deface his $6,000.00 Trump RealDoll®.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Girlfriend convinced her parents to go back to school a couple days early and she will be spending the weekend at my place.

Kinda worried she will go into my closet and find my Trump stuff. I need to put it in the basement.

I feel like a sell out.

Catching up on this thread, but unless she's an 8+ and swallows there's no justification on hiding your Trump support like some rape victim.

Move to Texas, no shame in being a Trump supporter here except to the small slice of liberal hipsters. I make talking politics a 1st date priority these days unless I'm too mesmerized by her tits to form a cohesive argument. Otherwise you quickly establish within about 30 seconds whether you love her or want to jackboot her, or more accurately you either hit it off or she calls you a racist misogynist. 2016 partisan politics has created the best dating filter ever.
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What kinda stuff?

Tell her you stole the shit
Buy a can of spray paint and deface it and tell her you're a street artist like banksy but you don't believe in vandalism.
Keep her tied up all weekend. Literally. And take pictures.

Hats, signs, signed Christmas card bobble head.


Trakanon Raider
I thought the girl likes to be dominated? Tell her you got it as her punishment and make her have to wear a MAGA hat out in public.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Time to show some of that white supremacy and come clean, Adolfa_skeleton_02.

Actually, now that you remind me, a_skeleton_02 represents the literal personification of what your average Berniebro or Leftist journalist perceives a Trump supporter to be, so maybe he should keep it in the closet. Maybe he'll get her pregnant and then find out she's Jewish, karmic justice and all.
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