Silver Baronet of the Realm
Current Starters:
Black Panther
Black Widow*
Captain America
Human Torch
Luke Cage
Rocket Raccoon
* - 200 ES hero, I highly suggest you do NOT pick as your first one. The rest are all 400 ES. If you really want to play a 200 ES hero, choose a 400 to start and spend your first 200 ES from quests/loot on the one you want. It only costs 25 more than randoming so no big deal. I'll also say again that Torch and Panther are the two best 400 ES starters, by a considerable margin.
Black Panther
Black Widow*
Captain America
Human Torch
Luke Cage
Rocket Raccoon
* - 200 ES hero, I highly suggest you do NOT pick as your first one. The rest are all 400 ES. If you really want to play a 200 ES hero, choose a 400 to start and spend your first 200 ES from quests/loot on the one you want. It only costs 25 more than randoming so no big deal. I'll also say again that Torch and Panther are the two best 400 ES starters, by a considerable margin.
Speaking of that, I really think the game was better off when every power unlocked by level 30. Even as awesome as Ms. Marvel is, I can't bring myself to prestige her because I can't stand the thought of losing Crashdown Strike for 47 fucking levels that are hell without it.His 52 progression