FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ I got Hawkeye dupe this morning and my 4th Storm dupe tonight!Moon Knight, not a dupe. My random hero luck has been incredible.
You cannot go wrong with Ms. Marvel. She's got no downsides and can put out decent DPS while also being a monster tank. Cable can do a lot of damage but needs some pretty good gear. You basically want to get his basic to max rank if possible because he just throws down his DoTs and then spams his basic.[Raid Guild] Wyvernfist's Raid Hero Tier List - Marvel Heroes 2015
Does anyone have feedback on this list? I am debating on leveling Ms. Marvel or Cable when not farming for Deadpool artifacts (eff u terrible artifact drop rates...)
Yup this is about what I experience as well. SG is really freaking good damage and on my older nvidia 5800 works fine and never had any FPS issues but I know people with near new rigs and their FPS goes to nothing when a SG is in a raid doing her thing. Its a bug and likely will get nailed down pretty quickly. So the character is overally really well designed for raids but some game bugs can cause issues for some folks and you may wind up having to swap out the SG if there are to many problems.That is the Super Group I am in who posted that list. We have an SG (Ruggler) who can do the boss dummy with one other person in the room in 11 seconds with a summoner build. Her DPS is even higher with her non summon build from what I understand but I've only played her as summoner. But yes she does cause lag, however we have killed Surtur with SG's in the raid. It really depends on video card I think. Not sure why but my ancient system seems to handle having other SG's on my screen just fine while some people in the supergroup with high end machines get their framerate killed.
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