I got a Nick Fury T-Shirt and a mid/high roll Skrull Medallion of Bravery (seems BIS for Spider-Man, probably a bunch of others as well) in about a half hour. Really happy with almost all the loot being stuff you actually want to pick up too. [Edit: Also, nearly every unique that drops has a challenge bonus.]
Of course it wouldn't be a Friday patch without the downsides--XP is total shit there. The "XP"-marked orbs are only like twice the xp of a cMM boss orb, and the bosses drop like 1/20th the amount. Good idea to get rid of the orbs filling the screen shit of cMM, but someone at Gaz sucks at teh maths. Some of the mobs are way overtuned too. The SHIELD imposters can 2-shot me and Skrull Avengers 1-2 shots me, and that's on Spider-Man with an 80 shield and 90k eHP.
BTW, if you had any Skrull Communication Devices rotting in your stash, they got buffed up (retroactively) to be one of the best mental artifacts. I'm glad I didn't toss mine, one of them is almost perfect.