Marvel Heroes 20xx

Wait until you're level 60 and try to run X-Def or even red terminals, then go play a hero that actually does real damage. Your opinion will change real fast. Levelling in this game is easy, my Punisher at 60 does absolutely shit damage and offers almost no utility to the team. Of course things could change if he got geared out but he's just not fun to play for me at 60. I just got SG to 60 last night and she can already solo cosmics with relative ease.
Yeah i was a tad worried on that , if i dont get constant crits to make use of the high brut stike rating his dmg is lack luster at times....but I enjoyed him. Really loved letting loose with barrage and just watching shit explode and flail around with mines going off.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
I am loving all the tears of the NC players crying about a fix to a completely bugged skill (Blink Strike). Sorry, you should not be able to spam 1 ability and get 7 second TTK on a test dummy. Use it on Doom and you are nearly invincible. On Doom, you may not have the fastest time due to spirit recovery to spam some more, but for the most part, you will never die.

Now I will agree the FnG nerf was a tad odd. But it does make sense as EVERY ability in the game across all heroes has tenacity scaling so you cannot perma-stun/CC a boss. So basically, he had 2 skills that rendered him nearly unkillable 90% of the time.

This is nowhere near the level of the Black Widow drone changes. Atleast NC still has some viability. Black Widow's nerfs made her pretty much unusable unless you wanted to take 5 minutes fighting Doom, or take 1-2 minutes clearing a basic mob pack in MM.


Silver Squire
I'm loving the nightcrawler tears also. Flash and grab and blink strike, everyone that has a brain knew a fix was coming; but to hear the nc players tell it, a skill that can indefinitely animation cancel itself and spam the first portion of damage is a feature to nc only, and by changing it the character is ruined forever. He didn't even need blink strike to trivialize content; I used fng as well as x-slash, and that combo was still trivializing cosmic terminals.


Yeah NC still feels great for me. Playing that purple haze spec or w/e, with dive bomb + stealth, and alot of Flash and Grab, still wrecking face... the only difference is that it's harder to position for cosmic rings, since you can't FnG bosses (except kingpin, for some reason).


Molten Core Raider
50% xp bonus this weekend if youre grouped up ( doesnt seem like you actually have to be in the same zone)


Silver Squire
My nc build is fng for aoe, x slash for single target and bosses. I tried that purple haze build before, but I didn't like the fact that you are vunerable and open to attacks in the second that you are in the air preparing to divebomb down. I'm used to repositioning bosses for cosmic power anyways, since I run those terminals with other heroes far more than I do with nc.


<Gold Donor>
Fuck ya, just got Loki out of random box. Finding that Cable if specced towards defense can solo most cosmics. Just did Dr. Doom pretty easily (though Doom took FOOOOOOREVER). Still haven't found any 60 uniques, but cosmic 60's seem adequate for now. Maybe I'll lvl Loki now, think his dps is quite a bit higher.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Loki is my primary character to use for farming cosmic terms, and I would highly recommend him to anyone, as his kit is quite versatile. I leveled him back in November when his pet build was insanely strong, if doing it now I would imagine pure Sorcery or a Sorc/Jotun hybrid would be best. Just using Bouncing Bolt, and then Arcane Binding when you unlock it should wreck most packs of minions.

As for cosmics, with all of his area damage it's quite easy/fast to get the bounty chests, I normally run AIM due to summon Affixes the minions have. I'd say Loki is one of the top 5 characters atm, his only weakness imo is single target damage on high health bosses like Doom. I max out his signature, Unyielding Power as it does a ton of damage, and helps in those longer fights.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've re-worked my DP and now he's just crushing cosmic bounties. I switched over from being a SatB focused DP to a melee Deadpool. I popped on a Pym and noticed I was basically at infinite spirit the entire time. So I dropped my basic for SnD. With gouger+bomb+SnD elites just melt away. If anything is left behind I just Big Ol Stab them a few times. If I do run low on spirit I can just run around and More Bullets kicks in and I'm back at full so fast. I've just been doing Sinister.


Molten Core Raider
Loki is my primary character to use for farming cosmic terms, and I would highly recommend him to anyone, as his kit is quite versatile. I leveled him back in November when his pet build was insanely strong, if doing it now I would imagine pure Sorcery or a Sorc/Jotun hybrid would be best. Just using Bouncing Bolt, and then Arcane Binding when you unlock it should wreck most packs of minions.

As for cosmics, with all of his area damage it's quite easy/fast to get the bounty chests, I normally run AIM due to summon Affixes the minions have. I'd say Loki is one of the top 5 characters atm, his only weakness imo is single target damage on high health bosses like Doom. I max out his signature, Unyielding Power as it does a ton of damage, and helps in those longer fights.
Whats full build out on cosmic lok if you dont mind. inc artifacts?


I'd like to try Loki more but all of his costumes look fucking stupid.

Here's who I have unlocked; suggestions on who to try leveling up some?

Black Panther (mid 40s, boring to play even though he's pretty strong)
Captain America (mid 20s, but I'm already starting to see how squishy he is)
Storm (no real interest in playing her even though I've heard she's currently amazing)
Ghost Rider (sortof boring too)

Or I could buy someone else, I've got plenty of Gs.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Whats full build out on cosmic lok if you dont mind. inc artifacts?
I've built a bit defensive(mainly health) just to give me some room for error, though full out glass cannon works just fine as well depending on build. I'm running Sorcery...

Max: Master Sorcery, Bouncing Bolt, Arcane Shield, Lay Waste, Arcane Binding, Unyielding Power
1 Pt: Jotun Blood, Enemy of my Enemy and Lord of Deception - Can dump rest of points into any of them, I go with LoD just to keep my meat shields(pets) around bit longer.

Artifacts: Adv. Meta, Pluvian Superconductor, Mental Focus Headband(Modok drop) and Starstone Tooth. I could drop the Starstone, and replace it with an Adv Super Soldier, or just go damage.
Slot 1-5: Full Uniques. The crown doesn't help my dps at all really but I like the extra safety it provides via pet procs/bonuses. Boots also could be tossed for a good Cosmic, but I haven't found one with +skills I want yet.
Medallion: Wizard
Relic: Gibborim(Spirit) - All the offensive relics are shit, and my Lemuria/Subterranea are only other heroes.
Ring/Insignia: I have terrible luck with these, I am using a Spider-Man Insignia since it can proc Confuse to buff Lay Waste.
Core: Life Leech with 25% Hp/Spirit...the LL is helpful but I only just got it few days ago, ran cosmics without it just fine. The 25% is what I really wanted due to Lay Waste being a huge mana hog on long fights.
Costume Affix: Health

I have also ran a build where I dropped Bouncing Bolt/Lay Waste for Winters Breath/Permafrost Spikes, and it did quite a bit of damage, downside being Winters Breath has a pretty short range. Good thing about Loki is you can hit 60, slap on whatever artifacts/gear you have and run Cosmics without a lot of hassle. It may take you a bit longer at first, but you shouldn't have a death-fest like many other heroes.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'd like to try Loki more but all of his costumes look fucking stupid.

Here's who I have unlocked; suggestions on who to try leveling up some?
Yeah it pisses me off the 'Must never see a male on my screen' folks basically talked Gaz into making his 3rd fucking costume a gender bender. I think I've seen like 2 people using it so far...I wanted one of his 80s looks, or the helmet version he wore in the first Thor film. Anyways, if Loki isn't an option, out of that list I'd probably say Colossus, Cap or Ghost Rider. I'm actually leveling Cap right now, only level 38, but from people I know with him geared, he has no trouble with Cosmics. The other 2 I have at 60 but never really bothered to gear them at 60, but enjoyed leveling them.

My problem with Ghost Rider is same as you mentioned, he's boring to me because I wanted a melee based character, and his only real option in the Chains tree is Whirling Chain, which is lame when you are forced to use it on single targets as well.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I've been working on Cyclops today; he's not super button-intensive but he seems pretty fun.
He's boring as fuck, but easy to level for synergy bonuses. He's nothing but optic barrage for single target, ricochet blast for AoE. Literally, that is his entire arsenal.


That's fine with me though, honestly. I don't need to be pushing 3000 buttons per minute as long as stuff dies and I don't.