Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Karen Gillan shaved her gorgeous head of hair to play Nebula.
Da fuck...

Karen Gillan shaved her gorgeous head of hair to play Nebula.
Da fuck...
"A lot of people, because we called it Age of Ultron and there was a book called Age of Ultron recently, assumed that was the storyline we were doing which is not the case. We're doing our own version of the origin story of Ultron. The other thing is in the origin story, there was Hank Pym, so a lot of people assumed he was going to be in the mix, but he's not because we're basically taking the things from the comics for the movies that we need and can use. A lot of stuff has to fall by the way side. Ultron was their chief villain when I read the book. He has been THE Avengers villain for so long, I was amazed anybody was surprised it was going to be him in a movie. But we're sort of crafting our own version of it, where his origin comes more from The Avengers that we already know about it."
spot on. anyone outside of comics has a VERY hard time taking pym seriously just based on his name. the story they are going with Ant-Man is perfect for a wide audience... i just wish they would at least have pym be a background character. he doesn't even have to wear the suit... would just be nice to have him be the guy who MAKES the suit. then he can be the guy who makes ultron. pym is a character that everybody loves to hate... he's an arrogant prick. let him create ultron and have everyone hate him for it. he's not a villian but he's definately a guy who acts before thinking about the implications.I think Pym would be too hard to convey to a massive audience.
I brought his character up to my wife. She doesnt know shit about Marvel but she knew Captain America, Iron Man, THor and the Hulk before the movie just from pop culture and what not. I explained Ant Man to her and she couldnt get past the retarded name.
They have done a good job so far of making these characters accessible to the general movie goer and Pym is probably too hard to do that with. "Hey heres another super genius like Stark who can Grow and Shrink and shit".