Marvel Universe stuff


<Gold Donor>
But that's kind of the point. He was passionate about this project, and not in the Hollywood sense. He's been pushing for the chance to make this movie since 2006, 2 years before Iron Man even kicked off the MCU. He spent his own money to make a proof of concept Ant Man short thing on his own just to get Marvel to let him make this movie about a character they had no big plans for. He MADE Ant-Man happen as much as any single person possibly could.

And now he's off it. The fact you have some weird blind spot for his brilliance doesn't change the fact that this movie was his baby from before it was even really conceived. And now we are never going to get his version of the movie.

I have faith in Marvel. Theywillmake a good Ant Man movie. But I will never see the Ant-Man movie that Edgar Wright envisioned for the better part of a decade and fought for and finally got the backing and big budget to make. That is a God damned shame, and if you or anyone can't see or accept that the fault lies purely on you.
I didn't realize he was the one that made that short, or that he pushed so hard for the movie in the first place. So I'll agree with you that it's a shame, and I can admit that I didn't have all the facts and was wrong in that respect. I'm never going to be as upset over it as you, for obvious reasons, but I can see where the facts you laid out do make it a loss of some significance. If only for those reasons, I guess it is too bad.

Still bros?


Molten Core Raider
Who will be Paul Rudd's wacky/crazy foil for the film? Every single movie he's in has one.


Life's a Dream
I imagine it'll be Ellen DeGeneres. It'll be some kind of animated character. She's already proven her chops as the voice of Dory in Finding Nemo.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Who will be Paul Rudd's wacky/crazy foil for the film? Every single movie he's in has one.

Ko Dokomo_sl


Thor being a woman when "He" is the "Son" of Odin is just stupid. I know this is not a movie yet, but I get the feeling that 10 years down the road it might be. I will not watch Thor the Russian Body Builder. They need to stop all this PC shit.
Agreed, but it's also striking that no one cares at all that the Falcon will take over as Captain America. Different cases and Marvel should have realized why one would draw fans ire.


Trakanon Raider
I think the reason no one cares about Cap is that at some point Rogers will get his powers back and become Cap again.
The Thor thing is crazy though. Why not just make Cap a black woman and kill two birds with one stone?


Molten Core Raider
It would have to be a 300 lb black woman to be a right proper Capt America. I am also okay with it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It would have to be a 300 lb black woman to be a right proper Capt America. I am also okay with it.
A fat lesbian black divorced autistic woman with aids who is part of the tea party movement with 7 children would about cover all the angles. Oh and she used to be a guy.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Its because the falcon is an established character that makes sense why he would take up cap's shield. They didn't make Steve rogers black to draw in African American audiences. They made the falcon, cap's long time partner fill in for him. Huge difference.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have no problem with the Captain America story. It does make sense. I am however a little befuddled at the Thor change. I suppose maybe that explains why he never wanted the throne. A throne is meant for a King and all this time he knew that deep inside he was really a woman. It does explain all the tension with Loki. It was sexual and explains why Loki is the "True" king!!!!!!!!!!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Female Thor could be Charlize Theron. I could see a Charlize x Natalie makeout scene in Thor 3.

The Ancient_sl

I think the reason no one cares about Cap is that at some point Rogers will get his powers back and become Cap again.
That's not the reason otherwise noone would be upset at the Thor change for the same logic. This difference is that Falcon taking Cap's mantle makes some sense, other patriots close to Rogers have taken the shield before and Falcon is probably as popular as ever from the 2nd Capt. America movie. Thor "Odinson" being a women is out of left field and makes no sense.

That being said. It's stupid to get upset about, you are an idiot if you think female Thor is a permanent thing. At best (worst?) it's an eventual spinoff character like Beta Ray Bill.


Molten Core Raider
Yea they are spinning the Thor thing for no reason. They said the person wielding Mjlonir will be a woman and be granted Thor's power since she is worthy of it. Also she will take up the mantle of Thor, name included. But Thor (the real one) will still exist at the same time. Just as he did when Beta Ray Bill wielded Mjlonir way back when.

It seems stupid to me, but I am guessing the future spin off and hype from it is really all it is for.