Marvel Universe stuff


What the fuck are you talking about. In the Ultimates line that is the storyline.
If you ask any comic fan about them, that's what they will bring up.

It's famous at this point. They didn't imply anything, they are all over each other in Ultimates 3. Captain America confronts them on it, and Quicksilver slaps his hand away.
And poor selling? it's one of Marvels bigger hits. It has Joe Maudiera, and Jeff Loeb as the creators.2 of the industry biggest stars...

The book was reprinted many times, and even came out in a black and white version. I personally think it sucked, but allot of Marvel books suck ass.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and you are out of your league.

I love these new faggots that watch a couple Marvel Movies acting like they have any idea what's going on. They say stupid shit Likes it's not cannon like The MU doesn't have more holes in it then swiss cheese. Why do you think Marvel, and Dc have to keep doing big event's every 5 years? to fix that crap.

I don't give a shit what they show. Like I said the MCU doesn't care what came before it because they are drawing from all the comics as a whole not one particular line.
Saying you cant use Moondragon and Quasar because they are Lesbians RECENTLY is fucking stupid. They don't have to adhere to that one story Arc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I could have sworn Volume 3 lost tons of sales after a couple issues, but apparently itwasn't nearly as much as I thought(starting Dec. '07). Oh well, good to see not remembering exact sales numbers from 6 years ago makes me a newbie faggot who has only seen movies though. And bang on job latching on to the least important part of my post.


<Prior Amod>
ignoring incest and ignoring gays are two crazy scales. aside from crazy rednecks and secluded tribes everyone acknowledges it's not only morally wrong, it's scientifically bad if you have offspring, there is no incest pride parade, there is no incest-ians of americans league knocking down disney offices to display the incest between the maximoffs. (if they even had it, it never existed in 616, and never proven in ultimateu, a lot of he said/she said and ickyness between the two)

while there will be gay protests happening if you "change" the gay away from moondragon or phyla.


while there will be gay protests happening if you "change" the gay away from moondragon or phyla.
You live in a dream world. At best some attention seeking fag on Kotaku will write an article, and then the movie will come out, make millions, and no one will give a fuck.


Speaking of faggots ^

Looks like I pissed off one our resident ones.

It's allright man, be a good boy and take it in the ass like a champ tonight you will forget everything that Disney has done to your people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh yeah I don't think there would be some huge uproar that made a real impact on the movie if they ungay'd them. The only characters I imagine that would happen for are the 2 long time queers, Northstar and Gambit.


<Prior Amod>
i mean if we're talkin gays, the best ones are midnighter and apollo, dc would finally be profitable if they did the authority, oh i can picture it now, matt mcconaughy and and woody harrelson would make the best midnighter/apollo duo.


<Gold Donor>
I sort of assumed that the Shi'Ar were out due to the Fox licensing, but I've been known to be wrong plenty of times before. That's about the only non-Inhumans thing I can think of though. And I agree, Gladiator would be badass.

The only characters I imagine that would happen for are the 2 long time queers, Northstar and Gambit.
For size:


<Gold Donor>
It didn't in my preview, it does in the actual post. Better safe than sorry, I figured, no telling what is going to rustle someone's jimmies.

EDIT: Also, I didn't know that happened, so I guess you really do learn something new every day!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The ultimates vol 1 and 2 were great. 3 sucked. There were some great stories in the ultimate world but mostly, it was plagued with writers trying too hard. Sure, if you read comics, you know about Wanda and Pietro being incestual. It was never explicit but it was overt enough. The MCU relies pretty heavily on the look of the ultimate universe with the stories of 616. They will not, and should not have any incest in the movies.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Good. He's wanted that roll for awhile. Not as perfect as Patrick Stewart as prof x and Downey as stark but it's a good fit I think


Mr. Poopybutthole
Good. He's wanted that roll for awhile. Not as perfect as Patrick Stewart as prof x and Downey as stark but it's a good fit I think
Yeah he's a funny guy and it sucks that his movie career hasn't really taken off. I mean granted, it obviously hasn't fizzled out, but he has the chops to be an A-list action star, I just don't think he can shake off the pro-wrestler stigma.