Marvel Universe stuff


<Prior Amod>
no one cares when these are 1-3 issues as a story divorce. wolverine marries and divorces viper so i think she can control madripoor? deadpool marries and divorces death, cuz deadpool, scarlet witch divorced, cuz she went crazy and had she hulk rip her vision in half, eh seems like fun, he's a robot anyway.

find a meaningfull marriage/divorce, something along the lines of the reeds getting a divorce. hell for a year storm and t'challa took over the FF cuz they were a family and the reeds wanted a space vacation or some shit, they were trying to setup storm/black panther as the next marvel family, no one cared.


The Black Panther cartoon series was good because it was funny, but a whole movie of him in a fictionalized version of Africa? meh

Also I find it funny that a well known anti white group like the Black Panthers have a super hero with the same name.
There is some Irony there.


Trakanon Raider
Apparently Stan Leelet it slipthat they are working on a Black Panther movie along side Ant Man and Dr Strange. It happened when he talked about Black Widow appearing in other movies and that is the main reason why she doesn't have her own film or something along those lines.
My man crush on Idris Elba says that's who plays BP. But then he's Heimdal. Man...


Michael Jai White would make the perfect Black Panther. He has that build

Powerman should be 100% be Terry Crews. Guys is 6 foot 3, and looks just like the current Luke Cage in the comics.

"Like I said, anything can happen, I never rule anything out. I'm game. There are no rules. What's up marvel? I'm right here baby. I ain't goin' nowhere. you know where I live!" (laughs)


While covering the filmmaker's Dragon Con panel in Atlanta, Collider noted Gunn's aim to introduce even more female characters in the MCU. As to who those characters will be, Gunn wouldn't say, although he did mention that it wouldn't be Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel. That's because Gunn wants "to steer clear of 'earthlings' in his side of the Marvel universe, allowing Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) to be the main focus from Earth," Collider wrote.

However, Gunn hinted that Danvers could pop up in another Marvel movie at some point, hopefully "sooner rather than later."

In the meantime, any guesses as to which female characters Gunn will add to Guardians of the Galaxy 2? Mantis? Aleta? Nikki? Moondragon? Let us know in the comments! IGN Logo


<Gold Donor>
Well if he wants to steer clear of earthlings, that eliminates a ton of them right off. I'd love to see Angela appear (because Marvel would do her right), but unless she does really well in the comics, and unless Neil Gaiman's licensing of her to Marvel lets them use her without paying him just a fuckload in royalties, that will never happen. So unless you include some of the Inhumans, are there really even that many besides those you listed (and I can't remember who Aleta or Nikki are) that aren't from earth? Can't do anything X-Men or Fantastic Four related, so that's a bunch of other randoms. Assume Asgardians and the like are out. I honestly can't think of anyone else at this point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I mean, outside of who they already introduced in GotG the pickings are slim for Marvel space ladies as far as I know. Monica Rambeau is from Earth so I guess she's out. Can they bring in the Shi'ar, or does Fox own them along with X-Men? If they can use them there's a few they could bring in. Cerise, Lilandra, Deathbird. Plus they could bring in Gladiator as some level of antagonist, and he's a badass.

They could make a female Nova person since the power isn't some innate thing, though the fans are so chubbed up over Richard Rider they might revolt.


I assume its going to be the female Quasar (Phyla-Vell), and Moon dragon.
They have a relationship in the comics, and are pretty popular in the current GOTG.

As new characters...

I would love to see Bug in GOTG. Micronauts on the big screen would rock.


<Prior Amod>
i don't know, bringing in 2 lesbians into a marvel/disney movie sounds far fetched, even tho it'd be cool, i doubt it, and you can't ignore the lesbian part, cuz they're one of the few openly gay, kinda have to bring that in or suffer lots of LBGT, comic book nerd? hate? (either way the headline is too easy "marvel/disney brings in two strong female leads who used to be gay, but makes them straight for the movies!")


Well Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have an incestial relationship, and they are ignoring that. Also Tony Starks massive drinking problems, and I seriously doubt they will show domestic abuse with any version of Ant Man.

So yeah you can ignore it, and be fine.

Also Disney could care less about gay people. They're famous for not giving a fuck


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is the incest thing canon, or just from that awful 3rd volume of Ultimates?

As for lesbians, I don't see them shying away from that. GotG was full of swearing, so they're getting a long leash already.


Whats canon in the Marvel U tho. That's silly to even say that.

The Cinematic Universe it taking from all versions


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If it's not canon and they don't put it in a movie then it's not "ignoring it". It's just not following a massively stupid storyline from a universally panned comic in an alternate marvel universe. It isn't like making Johnny Storm black. It was just a poor example.


That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. If it's in a Marvel comic, and isn't supposed to be satire (i.e the What if books) then it's cannon in one branch of there universes. You are citing a variation of a Marvel comic character that is happening in a Movie...

You act like the Marvel U is done by one Author, and he delegates his ideas out to series of writers. Marvel has always been a mess.
The Cinematic Universe takes from everything including Ultimates...

Moondragon wasn't gay till recently, should we say well since it was in a shitty line of books then it is no longer cannon. Your Logic is Fail.
FYI Moondragon was created in 1973


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That was special.

Theyimpliedthey were Lannisters in one book. A poor selling, alternate universe, critically panned, and aborted book. Compared to the hundreds of issues in other continuities where they are notimpliedto be fucking. You flat out said "they have an incestuous relationship" and that they are ignoring it. Like it's an accepted and known thing about the two of them. Like you said, the MCU picks and chooses what they want. Not picking this one really stupid, short-lived, and barely known thing about them isn't ignoring some accepted trait. You might as well be complaining that Spider-Man isn't use the Iron Spidey suit in the movies, except that would be more valid. I'm really sorry you won't get to see your hot magic speedfucking twincest, but it's a pointless thing to obsess over. Go write some more erotic fanfic about it and let it go.