<Prior Amod>
oh, don't forget that Ultimate Valkyrie, was Hank Pyms rebound sex fling cuz he had his usual inferiority complex issues, decided to take it out on janet(wasp) then she turned insect and he bug sprayed her, then Cap (with 1940's homey don't play that woman abuse ideal) confronts Hank pym when he giant's, takes him down by being Cap 'merica, kicks him off the team and takes his (wasp) woman.Ultimate Valkyrie started as a sort of superhero fangirl with no actual powers. Joined a team of like-minded losers to make The Defenders. Then in Ultimates Volume 3 she suddenly had powers but had no idea why or how. I didn't stick around for the explanation because Volume 3 was one of the worst things to ever happen to a pretty good series ever.
Valkyrie (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and yes you're correct, after v3, Ultimates went to shit, somehow valkyrie is thor-girl basically, and might even have some asgard, thor looses the awesome axe-hammer, get's basic 616 mjolnir back, and talks like a normal guy(cuz stark donated to charity if he stopped talking like that) then ultimatum happened, valkyrie dies, thor says "no way"! goes to Hela (the asgard mephisto/devil/dead keeper, whatever) challenges her, Cap shows up cuz he dead too, they challenge together, win, and he's gotta sac his life for valkryrie to live. She revives chops off Magneto's arm(cuz he's the bad guy behind ultimatum, oh and he was in control of mjolnir too, he just magnet stole it from thor) and get's throat slashed by magneto. next (shitty volume) now she has mjolnir, then of course she looses mjolnir in the first issue, dies again, which then revives thor cuz they spirit linked or whatever, then valkryie revives again and is Hela's death bitch.
They fucked up Thor by giving him valkyrie, at this point, jane foster would have been super preferred (she was like leading the thor believers or something when the world thought thor was a fake, and just some guy with a cool belt and power hammer)