Obviously we?d seen the ratings and we had an inkling about it. But it was tricky, because the show was so popular overseas. In the end, it really came down to DOLLHOUSE or us and that was sort of what happened. I think we were too expensive and DOLLHOUSE was a lot cheaper.
If I remember correctly Fox screwed Whedon again with the start of Dollhouse and didn't let him write the first 6 or so episodes. They wanted to do it their way. Then you can tell right where Whedon picks up. All the smart jokes even in the dramatic periods etc.
biggest problem i see in this show is lack of star power and just generic B cast everywhere. Combine that with carrots on stick mystery about Coulson's "death" and silly shit about "exposing the mystery" group. I am pretty fucking sure I've seen this bullshit somewhere. Jesus, fuck this show.
I assumed coulson was a clone, but a couple of people have mentioned a 'vision'. I don't know WTF that is, but it sounds like it's something from the comic books, so that will probably be it. If someone wants to explain that, I will appreciate it.
Anyway, I think the most important question to be answered is, what diseases will I catch from fucking Red Tide. I'm thinking anything short of aids will be worth it.
Oh yeah, and first ep seems a little too much like alphas, which I was growing weary of.
I assumed coulson was a clone, but a couple of people have mentioned a 'vision'. I don't know WTF that is, but it sounds like it's something from the comic books, so that will probably be it. If someone wants to explain that, I will appreciate it.
Anyway, I think the most important question to be answered is, what diseases will I catch from fucking Red Tide. I'm thinking anything short of aids will be worth it.
Oh yeah, and first ep seems a little too much like alphas, which I was growing weary of.
In short the vision is an android part of the avengers is supersmart has emotions because they put the brain patterns of a dead superhero into him (wonderman at the time) does energy stuff and can phase like kitty pride (on better since he also changes density so can be light as air, dense as super steel, whatever) oh and somehow he gets to marry the scarlet witch, somehow she hex-magics and has two twins with him, somehow these two twins are just really fragments of mephisto (the devil) and they disappear, she goes nuts, makes the vision endanger the avengers, has she-hulk rip him in two and kill him. through many convuluted storylines where he is resurrected (how do you resurrect an android?) killed and rebuilt blah blah, he's alive, is emo about his now ex-wife (since she killed him) and is getting along with the reincarnation of his dead son?
The Vision (that's how he's referred to) most usual story is that he was created by Ultron, the super mega robot/android whom was created by Hank Pym (ant man) of the avengers, one of the 7 smartest ppl on earth. Ant man movie is the next movie to premeire so maybe that's why they believe the vision is involved, i don't know how, but maybe because the vision most resembles LMD's which is Life Model Decoys, that SHIELD uses all the time. Whenever Nick fury (of shield) dies, and appears next month in a comic it's explained that "oh he didn't die it was a LMD", just like how the FF(fantastic four) always kills Dr. Doom and the next comic "oh it was a doombot" LMD's are basically 100% undetectable android replicants.
Josh whedon probably didn't want to say that Colson was just a LMD, and explained the superswitch b4 he dies, cuz he probably thinks LMD's are stupid deux ex machina.
My housemate summed it up well: "Generic American Allteam". Group of generic personality archetypes investigating mysteries like Scooby Do, Stargate, Warhouse 13, Buffy, etc etc... from the few minutes I saw it didn't really have anything special about it?
I'm pretty sure a character mentions that the BroDudeGuy has also been to Tahiti. At least I'm pretty sure they weren't talking about Colson. In typical Whedon fashion, the dialog never gives you time to digest any of it, especially the jokes that are thrown in. The guy is the Robin Williams of exposition. sayitreallyfastandmoveon
The main girl is clearly having the toughest time selling the Whedon "mutter joke to self" bits. And she had more of them than any other character. Hopefully she gets better at it.
My housemate summed it up well: "Generic American Allteam". Group of generic personality archetypes investigating mysteries like Scooby Do, Stargate, Warhouse 13, Buffy, etc etc... from the few minutes I saw it didn't really have anything special about it?
it would only be special if whedon can pull this team together ala firefly and give them a group collective identity. Which i don't think can happen, while they are "on the move" i hope it doesn't turn into a superhero of the week type of thing (which it probably is) that is one of (theres more) the reasons why heroes sucked past season 1 (we can argue it should have just ended).
but i don't think it'll happen. i don't know why ppl like the coulson character, sure he's quirky for 3minutes in an ironman film and the more memorable moments of that horrible series, but he's just not an engaging character, and that was already pre-determined before the series.
In truth i'd rather it be restructured and focused on Maria Hill (the brunette with the headset). because
she will later on become the head of shield as a level 9 agent for contrast nick fury was the first and only level 10, but this also feels like a deux ex for the plot since by this time fury is renegade and knows more stuff than hill, just b/c well he's nick fury
and have her run the SHIELD black ops team. They don't all have to be superheros on the team, just normal agents that all act as handlers for the one superhero, who i don't know "input superpower". They find new superheros and recruit them into shield and when they can't they axe em.
they really should re-write the hacker chick, she doesn't seem like a hacker at all, not smart or intelligent, and she looks too "well kept" with good clothes to live in a van and hack shield, Instead just give her an electronic talking superpower and i would more readily believe that, than the fact that she's got super skills.
the main shield guy has that stick shoved up too far, he's just not connecting
the two scientists seem to work, give them more time and i think they could develop well.
but i don't think it'll happen. i don't know why ppl like the coulson character, sure he's quirky for 3minutes in an ironman film and the more memorable moments of that horrible series, but he's just not an engaging character, and that was already pre-determined before the series.
Well, you pretty much spelled out why this show doesn't work for you right here. If you don't like Coulson, and you didn't like the entire Iron Man series, there isn't much chance that you're going to like much of this show either. I don't care if you do or not, but the chances of you being "won over" are pretty slim I'd say.
when was it that agents of shield was supposed to be about coulson? He's not even a field agent, it'd be like if they made the X-files and centered it around mulder and scullys bald boss.
when was it that agents of shield was supposed to be about coulson? He's not even a field agent, it'd be like if they made the X-files and centered it around mulder and scullys bald boss.
Since pretty much the very first preview? "Welcome to Level 7." "Don't touch Lola." Sliding door to van opens and Coulson is standing there. Want more? Conversely, Robin from HIMYM wasn't depicted once in the commercials (that I'm aware of anyway), and is likely not going to play much of a part at all anymore beyond perhaps sweeps weeks or random ratings boosts.
Even if the others on the team are doing all the "grunt work" it is pretty obvious that Coulson is going to play an integral part in the show. Did "Mulder and Scully's bald boss" talk down the main antagonist in the series pilot like Coulson just did?
Even if you were somehow misled by the commercials, you have now had that error clarified with the first episode, so if you don't like Coulson you can safely stop watching and feel justified in your decision.