Marvel's Jessica Jones


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I prolly wouldnt have caught on if I wasnt reading everything in this thread, is nuke even that big of a villain in the comics?

Can't really picture him being nearly as good of villain then Killgrave next season


Mr. Poopybutthole
I prolly wouldnt have caught on if I wasnt reading everything in this thread, is nuke even that big of a villain in the comics?

Can't really picture him being nearly as good of a then Killgrave next season
Purple Man is a minor villain, and look what they did with him. I didn't know it was Nuke until I read an article on the show just now.


Mr. Poopybutthole


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah but Tennant is a great actor, the guy playing nuke didnt seem like anything special


<Bronze Donator>
Wait, Nuke was a villain?


Yet another writing fail (not sure why people think the writing was good. Every "power fluctuation because reasons" or stupid plothole introduced because reasons are all because of bad writing)

If he was supposed to be a bad guy then lol. I can't be the only one cheering him on because he (and the other guy lester freeman) was the only one who had a fucking clue. Jessica was a stupid cunt who got dozens/hundreds of people killed for no reason. literally 1 episode after encountering kilgrave he does what every male in the audience screams at their screen, grab some zip ties or duct tape to subdue mindcontrolled puppets and blow him the fuck up. Lester fucked up by thinking that any scenario where kilgrave goes to trial would ever work or would even save that stupid cheerleader girl, so yeah bullet to head for him for buying in to jessica's stupid shit. Show would of been over like episode 6 if jessica hadn't been a stupid cunt trying to save 2 old people.

the plotholes in the writing got a lot worse as you learn over the season that Jessica has already dealt with this dude and already knew his powers/limitations. She knew his mind control lasted exactly 12 hours, asks the girl she rescues in the first episode how long it's been, is given the answer of only 6 hours, and yet let's her go murder her parents. We're shocked initially because we don't know that jessica knows this already but is being a stupid cunt because bad writing.

If he's supposed to be the "villain" in season 2 going after jessica to avenge the hundreds of people her stupidity got killed them i'll be cheering him on and starting a petition that he should win and kill jessica and her stupid face for justice. thanks obama.


Millie's Staff Member
And yet it's the highest rated superhero show yet (and deservedly so). It was good writing and acting. The action and power levels were off, but other than that, this is definitely the best superhero show ever.
its for that reason why i watched this, lots of buzz, hoopla whatever on the net about it. not sure how high ratings make the lack of any titties or ass, strange power fluctuations, filler episodes and dumb decisions not exist. 6/10 is the best i can do, if there is a second season i will watch that too. tennant was great, it sucks how they defeated him, but it was workable i guess. if he is willing to spend millions on replicating jessica's childhood home on the off chance that it will make her love him, then i guess its possible he loses all sense and believes that she is finally controllable.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
In what way is this the highest rated superhero show? I cant see it being rated higher than Daredevil or flash unless there is a lot of dumb women out there blindly doing the voting


El Presidente
There's not going to be very much in the way of nudity in these sort of mainstream superhero shows/movies.


Millie's Staff Member
There's not going to be very much in the way of nudity in these sort of mainstream superhero shows/movies.
what do you mean by mainstream? because i do not consider the level of graphic violence or straight up non nude fucking on this show as mainstream. naked & afraid on discovery channel has much more nudity than this show and thats on basic cable. so i really dont know what to make of it. is it a marvel thing?


Ssraeszha Raider
In what way is this the highest rated superhero show? I cant see it being rated higher than Daredevil or flash unless there is a lot of dumb women out there blindly doing the voting
It's because most people don't have the ridiculous nerd rage you and people like Sylas have.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Everyone is in agreement with the flaws, also who is saying this is the highest rated show? it isnt on IMDB or RT


Ssraeszha Raider
Honestly, I don't think it's the best "super hero" show at all. I honestly liked it more than the other shows, but more as a noire show that has some supernatural aspects. Outside of Jessica's inconsistent power level I thought the writing was pretty solid. I don't expect a mid 20s PTSD emo chick to make perfect decisions all the time and you're retarded if you consider that a plot hole.

If you're going in to it expecting Daredevil/Flash/Daredevil you'll probably be disappointed. It's just not that type of show, but I can see how people wouldn't care for it if they thought it was


Silver Baronet of the Realm
the inconsistencies stand out a lot more when youre able to binge watch the series I think. My biggest issue was Killgrave being allowed to kill people everyday because Jessica wants to get hope out of prison


El Presidente
Yeah the writing wasn't great. In fact it was pretty bad in parts. Casting was excellent though and the show was good enough that I certainly want to see the rest of the shows and I'll certainly watch season 2 when that happens.


Millie's Staff Member
the inconsistencies stand out a lot more when youre able to binge watch the series I think. My biggest issue was Killgrave being allowed to kill people everyday because Jessica wants to get hope out of prison
i think it would still be noticeable even if this was week to week. she had several opportunities to kill killgrave and end his murderspree which she knew full well he was committing but she kept letting him skate free because "Hope!" lets talk about Hope for a second, she really did murder her parents, whether she did so under the influence of drugs, alcohol or mind control its still her actions which she should be accountable for. many innocent people died so jessica could "prove" Hope was not responsible. i dunno if there is some kind of SJW message in that, but its fucking tarded.

i also think jessica for some reason was trying to redeem killgrave, i dunno if she has some secret love for him, or maybe she has compassion for him because they both share superpowers and had shitty early lives. i dont know for sure, but her actions came off as she didnt really want killgrave dead, ever. he practically forced her to decide to kill him.


<Bronze Donator>
It's because most people don't have the ridiculous nerd rage you and people like Sylas have.
nerd rage? because i pointed out how terrible the writing was? I gave it 8/10 and said it was one of the best comic shows. AND that has nothing to do with the "writing", which was just bad. it has bad writing with stupid plot holes because plot needed it and writers couldn't figure out a better way to achieve the same result. Story was good, setting, mood, pacing, all great. really nice change of pace from typical comic book shows, gritty noir feel. good actors and acting, decent dialogue. That's why I said it was good. shitty plot holes because bad writers = bad writing.

I would of rather had more filler episodes than "oh shit we're only 3 episodes in and can totally end this arc right now, but we have 10 more episodes to go so better have something retarded happen because emo chicks are dumb hur hur hur"

I don't expect a mid 20s PTSD emo chick to make perfect decisions all the time and you're retarded if you consider that a plot hole.
perfect decisions? nope. who expects perfect decisions? Any one of those adjectives lets you get away with not making perfect decisions every time. Mid 20s, PTSD, Emo, Chick, pick one and it excuses not making "perfect" decisions, pick more than one and it excuses making "perfect" decisions ever. But literally retarded decisions that an 8 year old with down syndrome would avoid like the plague, every. single. decision. she. makes? what the fuck. Just once it would be nice if she wasn't full retard.

Most of the glaring plotholes could of been avoided if she had no foreknowledge about kilgrave. If this was her first encounter with him. The story would of been worse (you lose out on all the revenge, unrequited love, death of luke cage's wife, etc), but the writing would of been better. The audience is introduced to kilgrave slowly and over the first few episodes you learn what his powers/limitations are and it's a good introduction but then you realize she's known. she's always known. The writer's forgot that she knew and left in the holes.

Inserting a single scene could of fixed all of those and kept the story. As she's walking away after killing luke's wife and he's losing his control over her, he could of just yelled out sarcastically "well then forget me then, huh?" and had that command "take". Then she learns through all the flashbacks and alcoholism coping with the PTSD from all the shit that she did that she was being mind controlled and it wasn't her fault all the evil bad shit she had just done for months/years/however long she was his puppet. she learns and remembers what happened and why just as the audience learns and suddenly there are no plot holes. other than the obvious ones with her power level fluctuations due to bad writing.


Ssraeszha Raider
i think it would still be noticeable even if this was week to week. she had several opportunities to kill killgrave and end his murderspree which she knew full well he was committing but she kept letting him skate free because "Hope!" lets talk about Hope for a second, she really did murder her parents, whether she did so under the influence of drugs, alcohol or mind control its still her actions which she should be accountable for. many innocent people died so jessica could "prove" Hope was not responsible. i dunno if there is some kind of SJW message in that, but its fucking tarded.
Holy shit are you serious with this?

There's some legit flaws in the writing, but you really think Hope should be blamed for her parents murder and this is some SJW message?

God damn


Millie's Staff Member
Holy shit are you serious with this?

There's some legit flaws in the writing, but you really think Hope should be blamed for her parents murder and this is something SJW message?

God damn
i'm not blaming her, i'm saying she is still responsible to some degree for their deaths, should she be given life in prison or the chair? no, but you cant just wave that shit away because she was being mind controlled. this is probably going to play out in cap2 civil war, is bucky responsible for all those deaths because he was mind controlled or should he get a complete pass?