It's because most people don't have the ridiculous nerd rage you and people like Sylas have.
nerd rage? because i pointed out how terrible the writing was? I gave it 8/10 and said it was one of the best comic shows. AND that has nothing to do with the "writing", which was just bad. it has bad writing with stupid plot holes because plot needed it and writers couldn't figure out a better way to achieve the same result. Story was good, setting, mood, pacing, all great. really nice change of pace from typical comic book shows, gritty noir feel. good actors and acting, decent dialogue. That's why I said it was good. shitty plot holes because bad writers = bad writing.
I would of rather had more filler episodes than "oh shit we're only 3 episodes in and can totally end this arc right now, but we have 10 more episodes to go so better have something retarded happen because emo chicks are dumb hur hur hur"
I don't expect a mid 20s PTSD emo chick to make perfect decisions all the time and you're retarded if you consider that a plot hole.
perfect decisions? nope. who expects perfect decisions? Any one of those adjectives lets you get away with not making perfect decisions every time. Mid 20s, PTSD, Emo, Chick, pick one and it excuses not making "perfect" decisions, pick more than one and it excuses making "perfect" decisions ever. But literally retarded decisions that an 8 year old with down syndrome would avoid like the plague, every. single. decision. she. makes? what the fuck. Just once it would be nice if she wasn't full retard.
Most of the glaring plotholes could of been avoided if she had no foreknowledge about kilgrave. If this was her first encounter with him. The story would of been worse (you lose out on all the revenge, unrequited love, death of luke cage's wife, etc), but the writing would of been better. The audience is introduced to kilgrave slowly and over the first few episodes you learn what his powers/limitations are and it's a good introduction but then you realize she's known. she's always known. The writer's forgot that she knew and left in the holes.
Inserting a single scene could of fixed all of those and kept the story. As she's walking away after killing luke's wife and he's losing his control over her, he could of just yelled out sarcastically "well then forget me then, huh?" and had that command "take". Then she learns through all the flashbacks and alcoholism coping with the PTSD from all the shit that she did that she was being mind controlled and it wasn't her fault all the evil bad shit she had just done for months/years/however long she was his puppet. she learns and remembers what happened and why just as the audience learns and suddenly there are no plot holes. other than the obvious ones with her power level fluctuations due to bad writing.