Unelected Mod
It's kind of amazing how many people incorrectly claim this.
It's almost like lots of people really liked it and some people let the ending ruin their experience of the rest of the game.
- 5
It's kind of amazing how many people incorrectly claim this.
It's almost like lots of people really liked it and some people let the ending ruin their experience of the rest of the game.
Given that it's a subjective statement how confident can you really be that everyone who's said that has been incorrect?It's kind of amazing how many people incorrectly claim this.
Gavin Twinky Sparkle Pony and Ut live in a world of self-absorbed delusion. There is only their opinion and other people's wrong opinions.
Ut's brain is likely damaged, I don't know what Sparkle-boys problem is.
I never beat ME2, let alone ME3. Part 1 was decent, but the Mako scenes almost push it to mediocre. I'll wait for the FOH reviews on this one, since I know every shitty game site will be beating their dicks to this game, even if it's a turd.
jfc u fucks ME3 was terrible because
1) Kai Lang was probably the dumbest fucking character ever put into a video game
2) The whole war effort was half assed bullshit that had zero impact on the game
4) The abortion of an ending