Master of Orion


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Seems to be the case that we're getting the game the Russians MOO2 fans want, which is not necessarily the game the US MOO2 fans want. Devs are much more involved with the Russian official board & etc. and I gather that Russian players were the origins of starlane movement instead of traditional MOO2 movement.

I'm going to guess that the hybrid TBS/RTS is because Russian fans want playable multi-player. You can play MOO2 with two humans + some number of AI, but beyond two it's not a good multiplayer game. Since I happen to play MOO2 2 person+AI multiplayer fairly regularly, I am open to a hybrid RTS combat if it improves that experience. Even with 2 players, there are significant waiting times, further more I'd like three player to be an actual possibility and not the experience in futility it is now.

Well, some RTS variants could be good - Star Control was good, but I can't see them doing it on that level. So many besides Star Control have been bad in my book.


Elisha Dushku
Well, some RTS variants could be good - Star Control was good, but I can't see them doing it on that level. So many besides Star Control have been bad in my book.
Always twitch to watch before you buy. Also @Gavin I wrote too quickly, the research is a hybrid: there are some techs where you research and then get a choice of one of two or three (example developers have shown is genetic mutation research gives you either heightened intelligence or psionics but not both) and there are other techs where you get all available techs (e.g there's a upper level engineering tech that IIRC gives you both artificial planets, terraforming and something else).

So I guess the word of the week, every week, for the developers was "Hybrid".

Edit: And as to how often research is selective vs. inclusive the official dev response is:

It's decently frequent, just enough to feel like your choices are specializing your empire, but not to the point where you have to spend part of every turn figuring out which of the options is best for your victory path.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Any degree of RTS will put this into sub MOO3 shit levels. This is not a genre for RTS elements. It is 4x and people love it because you don't have to be a Korean mainlining redbull to micromanage your army, like StarCraft.

Also, fuck MP emphasis (aka we are too lazy to program a good AI that doesn't cheat its ass off, so lets call it MP only) in modern gaming. If you want timed turn based MP gaming, don't shit on this IP for fucks sakes. This is turning into something else with the MOO name on it for publicity.

Star Lanes, I am on the fence about. Ascendency had them and it was still enjoyable, but Moo just will not work with them unless they completely reinvent the wheel.


Buzzfeed Editor
Well, it depends, do you mean RTS for just the battle screen? Because my favorite 4X game, Sword of the Stars (The original) was that. Not to mention that is essentially Total War, too.

In fact I tend to think 4x games are made better by that element, especially if real world geometry of the unit, and how it attacks/defends, are made aspect of unit balance. For example, in sword of the stars, weapons which face forward were far more powerful, but they were far more difficult to use than broad sides. Just like how sword stats in Dark Souls could be deceptive because how the weapon moved in the world was important, having that element in a 4X game prevents it from being just a big case of rock paper scissors.

(The worst miss of all time was SoTS 2. It had everything, but they just didn't finish it. Armor had layers, and weapons had penetration templates, so some weapons did all four of their damage in a straight line, which allowed them to punch out armor, while others did their damage horizontally, which sucked vs armor but was really good vs internal components. Was really an awesome design concept, but the game sucked.)

In any case, if they say its a mesh between TBS/RTS, I suspect it just means the battle screen will have a pause button. (But RTS style movement has numerous advantages over TBS, the biggest of which is momentum becomes a consequence. Turning a ship or unit in a more RTS like environment, and having it be slow to turn another way can add a huge tactical layer compared to chess-like movement.)


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I won't be pre-ordering, but I will buy it if I like what I see from what you lot will say, and from Let's Plays.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
wargaming wants to make a balanced 4x / rts game?

But there's no Russian choice to make more balanced than the others?


Elisha Dushku
Well, it depends, do you mean RTS for just the battle screen?.
It's turn-based but hybrid RTS for tactical battle per official forum. Ship design video is due out on weds, but the battle video may not be out before the EA release on Friday. However tactical battles will be in the EA release so we'll know what's up with it on Friday (though create-your-own-race option won't be in for a while per official forum community manager).

I am hoping that you can put time-limits in for turns or the game has an option for some kind of simultaneous turns to speed up multi-player.


Elisha Dushku
Well, some RTS variants could be good - Star Control was good, but I can't see them doing it on that level. So many besides Star Control have been bad in my book.
Actual info about the combat from a WG dev on the official forums.

Collisions are a thing. I discovered that firsthand by running into an asteroid. Whoops!
So ramming speed is now a thing.

It's closer to RTS than TBS, IMO. I'm still getting the hang of it
Suggests "hybrid" means RTS that you can pause or slow.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I am hoping that you can put time-limits in for turns or the game has an option for some kind of simultaneous turns to speed up multi-player.
If the timed turn shit is for MP only, fine. If they let the Russian MP desires for this title pollute the single player experience, then we can add this to the long list of Putin's war crimes. And seriously, fuck the RTS in battles too. You basically kill anything resembling a swarm fleet (which is already harder to use) because you now need extra micro to run it in their Homeworld Lite simulator. If you want RTS style large space battles, then there are PLENTY of options. Trying to turn the premier first person 4x title IP into a twitch fest for the battles means they are just aping the IP for sales. Maybe you need the online MP to add inches to your dick, but I want a game I can play, single player, in 2-3 hour chunks with the ability to pause (and plan). If the game goes this route, then I guess count me out for this one and add another great series to the list of ones that bowing to MP concerns took a dump on.


Elisha Dushku
If the timed turn shit is for MP only, fine..
Single player is standard turn-based, you can see that on the Aus PAX gameplay video on youtube. Repeated claim is that the RTS tactical combat is not a twitch fest, we'll see on Friday (or maybe Saturday given you can't pre-load the game).


Elisha Dushku
From the official forums: Old build of the tactical battle screen UI (according to devs has gone through significant polish since this picture). Specifically the buttons on the bottom screen allows you to pause, slow or speed game speed to give units specific orders.


Edit: Controls for individual ships appear when you select that ship.


Elisha Dushku
Early Access update on Steam with yet another 2 minute marketing video.

Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Master of Orion

I spoke to soon about the video seems that at 0:26-27 you can see a brief example of space combat. Given that per Dev comment on Steam, combat is completely pausable, I think there is reason for hope.

Master of Orion: Early Access Trailer - YouTube

Available on 26th
.Six races: Alkari, Bulrathi, Human, Mrrshan, Psilon and Sakkra

.Three victory conditions: Conquest, Diplomatic and Excellence

.Tactical Battles


.Ship Design

.English and Russian language support for text and VO

.64-bit Windows support
Not available: the other races, create-your-own-race option, other winning conditions, espionage (given for the reason Darloks aren't in), all other localization.

Edit: Official site has some not-very helpful pictures of combat. Controls for formation, individual ship orders, pause/play/gamespeed and obstacles (asteroids) on the tactical battle map: all of which we already knew were in. Ship design video due tomorrow, tactical battle video due ???

Early Access 1 Details - Arrives Feb 26 | News | Master of Orion


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
So basically, pause every other second because the allied AI is retarded kind of like Baldur's Gate or PoE? Yeah, no thanks. I will just keep playing Moo2, instead.


Elisha Dushku
So basically, pause every other second because the allied AI is retarded kind of like Baldur's Gate or PoE? Yeah, no thanks. I will just keep playing Moo2, instead.
1. You never go on auto in MOO2? Ever? If you are telling me you start, play through, and finish all combats manually, then you're a masochist.

2. You're saying you won't use a hybrid RTS/TBS system as a turn-based system because of... Well, I really don't know why, I guess "just cause". Using a hybrid system that always you to play turn-based, is totally different from a turn-based system how precisely?

3. We have no understanding of the goodness of the AI but you're going to call it retarded anyway. Now, on Friday we may find out the AI is indeed retarded, in which case you should start your own psychic hotline, but until then you've got no basis for your rant.

I hate cynical bullshit "everything sucks" posts like this. So yeah, I'm going to neg you.