

Trakanon Raider
Shame they can't make it GFWL exclusive anymore.

For the price, I can't fail the guy, now he can fuck around for the rest of his life and maybe Microsoft can bring some order to mod support and other requested features. No way they will pay this much for the game only to turn it into XBone exclusive. It would've been nice to have another Valve for high quality independent titles, but so far Mojang has been understaffed and a one-hit wonder.


I'm Amod too!
and maybe Microsoft can bring some order to mod support and other requested features.
I actually see it more likely that Microsoft will destroy the current mod community than I think they can positively contribute to it.


Trakanon Raider
I actually see it more likely that Microsoft will destroy the current mod community than I think they can positively contribute to it.
It will be pretty tough to do that without being the greatest evil for millions of kids and even if you pull that off, you still have older versions supporting it. Never underestimate the kids, if they want something, they will get it, EULAs and DRMs be damned. Unless they have some crazy monetization scheme, they are better off cashing in on merchandise and licensing, which is safe and likely more profitable.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Mojang may be a one hit wonder, but it's one hit is the highest selling PC game in the history of PC games.

It's a strange thing for me to see this game go from our little alpha/beta FoH server rape castle to attending a six year old's Minecraft themed birthday party (last weekend).


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, last Halloween some chick brought her kids to my office and her son's costume was a creeper from MC. It was then that I realized just how big this shit had gotten.


I'm Amod too!
It will be pretty tough to do that without being the greatest evil for millions of kids and even if you pull that off, you still have older versions supporting it. Never underestimate the kids, if they want something, they will get it, EULAs and DRMs be damned. Unless they have some crazy monetization scheme, they are better off cashing in on merchandise and licensing, which is safe and likely more profitable.
The problem is the tools they use to make the mods. The guy who made/updates MCP works for Mojang so if Mojang/Microsoft wants that gone then it's probably gone. No MCP no modding whatsoever. Bukket is owned by Mojang so same situation there. To add to that one of the main Forge guys has said he's out if this rumor is true. Not sure how many people work on Forge but no Forge, no mods.

Now obviously that is doomsday scenario but I don't see any good side to this deal for Minecraft as a whole and have very little trust in Microsoft to actually make this a good thing.


Trakanon Raider
cpw does FML(this is the primary boot code for mods to get injected into MC, and he already said that if it's true he's done.(course he's said that like 8 times now and always comes back....hah)), Lexmanos (who does most of the core work for Forge itself, said he would have to think on it if it does happen..) They are open source projects also, I doubt there gonna "die" off quickly but if MS shifts the whole coding platform to something else, it's gonna set everything back for years.

Honestly.... MS is gonna ruin it...

I can see it now.... Xbox gold required for Online interaction..... *choke hold them all*


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Personally I believe the time to "buy" Minecraft was at least a year ago. The gross amount of sales have already been made on it and MS won't get 2 billions worth from it now. Everything else Mohang has churned out hasn't sold well at all so this entire deal is for Minecraft. If MS didn't have something like 86 billion in the bank it doesn't matter if this is a bad deal to them.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
There's still a lot to be made from licensing, TV, Movies, Minecraft 2...

Big corporations know exactly how to fuck something to death.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Meh, Minecraft isn't about Minecraft Steve. It's about building shit and Steve Vila's Building Shit TV show doesn't seem like it would work when it's competing against a youtube full of them and then you take in account the trend that kids rarely watch TV but watch youtube instead for the most part.


what Suineg set it to
I dunno, I feel like the Minecraft ship has sailed already. This was the EQ of its genre. Forever more companies will inexplicably tack on worthless shit to the base concept meanwhile everyone will go 'yea I mean, I guess... but I already built that in Minecraft 7 years ago..." Lego has the legitimate stranglehold on the 'builder' IP past the elemental video game (they went with sidescrollers and never really put out a viable 'builder' game to my knowledge anyway). I don't see Microsoft being able to unseat Lego in that realm. Plus it's hard to do product tie ins in-game with that low of a resolution. Coke billboard would take up half a chunk.

Sandboxes only become truly interesting when you start adding new things to them, but eventually you outgrow the sandbox part and realize you can just use the toys themselves without getting sand everywhere. You can only play Army Corps of Engineers for so long and shuffle the same pile of dirt back and forth for 12 years on a civic project... I dunno, they could prove me wrong and add engaging 'freeform' content though.

One area I think is missing still from the 'genre' (if you will) is build to overcome challenge. Minecraft is kind of stupidly simple in this aspect, you just need a giant ass cube with light sources, there's really no sort of 'tower d' mentality. I'm thinking Dwarf Fortress, something purposeful though less anal and a little more fluid.


Trakanon Raider
I dunno, I feel like the Minecraft ship has sailed already. This was the EQ of its genre. Forever more companies will inexplicably tack on worthless shit to the base concept meanwhile everyone will go 'yea I mean, I guess... but I already built that in Minecraft 7 years ago..." Lego has the legitimate stranglehold on the 'builder' IP past the elemental video game (they went with sidescrollers and never really put out a viable 'builder' game to my knowledge anyway). I don't see Microsoft being able to unseat Lego in that realm. Plus it's hard to do product tie ins in-game with that low of a resolution. Coke billboard would take up half a chunk.

Sandboxes only become truly interesting when you start adding new things to them, but eventually you outgrow the sandbox part and realize you can just use the toys themselves without getting sand everywhere. You can only play Army Corps of Engineers for so long and shuffle the same pile of dirt back and forth for 12 years on a civic project... I dunno, they could prove me wrong and add engaging 'freeform' content though.

One area I think is missing still from the 'genre' (if you will) is build to overcome challenge. Minecraft is kind of stupidly simple in this aspect, you just need a giant ass cube with light sources, there's really no sort of 'tower d' mentality. I'm thinking Dwarf Fortress, something purposeful though less anal and a little more fluid.
You want a Minecraft that will kill you ? Try Blood n Bone's from the FTB launcher, the mods in it are filled with AI enhancements for all the enemies, world invasion's, Boss battles,(albiet the guy had to tone down his AI system a bit because it was making servers cry in pain, cause of all the path finding that mobs were doing.)


Vyemm Raider
There may be a bright side to this. The amount of tears on the interwebs about Notch selling out is pretty hilarious.

He helped fund Age of Wonders 3; he also wanted to look into funding a Psychonauts(I think it was Psychonauts) sequel but ended up not doing so. I can see him being sort of a financial patron to indie gamers, and 2bn would certainly let him do that.


FPS noob
pretty amazing story for indie gaming, i remember buying minecraft for like $10 when it first came out and thought "what is this crap" and its grown so huge

this is a stellar deal for microsoft because mojang is not an american company. Microsoft has $50b+ in cash outside the USA, part of their whole loophole way to avoid paying lots of taxes by sending profits to foreign subsidiaries (google and apple do similar things). So they are always on the lookout for good foreign companies that can grow to big money. It makes sense or Notch too, to go to the next level of turning this pretty hot property into a full on Disney/Lucas/etc rape-it-all mode is a lot of work and effort, and I doubt he wants to deal with any of that shit. Its already been reported after Mojang is sold he would leave. With $1b or so in his pocket (three founders own the entire company, no other investors at all) he can do literally anything.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I too am scratching my head at how MS aims to get it's investment back. All I can think of is doing a Sims and selling a shit ton of DLCs, but the only way to do that would be to nerf the modding community to hell so they couldn't make their own free variants. The other would be to charge MC LPers (Yogscast etc) for rights. But both of these options seem like they'd do more harm than good. Some folks here mentioned licensing, probably toys and shit, but I'd assume it would take a hell of a long time to make $2 bill back that way.

But still, I'd sell in a fucking heartbeat if someone offered me that kind of dough. I've been playing on and off since a friend of mine set up a private creative server way back just after Notch released the first version when it was creative only. And Jesus... has it been 7 years since? Where does the time go?