Mist Mostly Mightily Blames Other People or MMMBOP for short.


Musty Nester
Box munching stories would make this story sexier.

I mean it's an ok story. It's not that. But what Lethal Weapon really needs is some full frontal penetration.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I was convinced Mist was an actual self hating lesbian (mannerisms mirror my doughnut bumper sister in-law to a T), but I think I am now leaning towards pre-op tranny or Jeffylys. All the signs are there.

So which is it Mist, are you avoiding meeting people because you are a self loathing miserable cunt who enjoys playing the perpetual victim or are you a mangina afraid of being Millied?


Shit Lord Supreme
I've worked hard my whole life, it just hasn't paid off as well as it should have. Maybe I didn't put that work into the best avenues but I don't see where I'm at fault. I never did anything reckless, have always been responsible/tried to do the responsible thing, both for myself and for others, and have pursued, to the best of my abilities, the opportunities that I've come across.
World does not "auto correct" for injustices, a man spends his entire life busting his ass as a janitor, he's going to be living off the wages of a janitor. He's not just gonna win the lottery because he should.

Given that I started life literally dirt poor, and have lost nearly everything I've owned twice in my life, I think I'm doing alright. I have an education, a job, and a side business to supplement that income. I have no welfare children or substance abuse issues to weigh me down. I think I've made all the right decisions, I'm still just waiting for them to pay off.
World/Universe/XYZ is not tallying your karma.

I wish I had friends, I wish I had the emotional support I need right now at this point in my life, but I don't.
Does talking about it on the forum help you?

I'm really trying hard.
I believe you.


Vyemm Raider
I think we should all pitch in buy Mist a sweet set of big tits. There is nothing that i am aware of that does not get much better with a sweet set of big tits.

quarterly photos with a seasonaly "hi rerolled" theme and a better life for Mist is all we would ask for in return.


The Big Mod
what good will fake tits do her while she's sitting at home on the Internet arguing about video games and feeling sorry for herself