MLB 2013 season


Molten Core Raider
Hamilton for 5 years in LA? What could go wrong?




Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wow that's a giant leap of faith IMO .. Hopefully they get 2 good years out of it


Golden Squire
Hamilton was a $25m player exactly two months out of last season. He was checked out during a stretch where the team really could have used THAT guy. I'm betting they might get a full season out of him once.

Meanwhile, I think this is a good time to bring up Leonys Martin. People talked about what Cespedis did for the As but Martin was a guy who kept Cespedis on the bench in the Cuban League. Him to CF, Profar to 2b, Kinsler to 1b... feels good man.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Has anyone else just lost interest in baseball? I can't even get excited for it. My team the Phillies, who I loved for years have turned into what we always talked shit about.. the Yankees. I fucking hate it. When we won our WS, we did it with our guys. I admire the small market teams like Oakland who figure out a way. Baseball is just losing it's appeal


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I'd rather the Rangers keep trying to do it mostly from within than go fully Yankee mode (even the Yankees are cutting payroll though).

Jurickson Profar, Mike Olt (if he's not traded), and Leonys Martin should get some major burn time this year.


Has anyone else just lost interest in baseball? I can't even get excited for it. My team the Phillies, who I loved for years have turned into what we always talked shit about.. the Yankees. I fucking hate it. When we won our WS, we did it with our guys. I admire the small market teams like Oakland who figure out a way. Baseball is just losing it's appeal
Not so much myself, it's going to be interesting how the new CBA effects the large market teams. Only team really spending money is the Dodgers and they almost have to. They really need to build their fanbase and the best way to do that is spend money on all-stars at every position. Yankees on the other hand want to get under the 189m threshold for 2014, which is really about 175m with add in values, so they aren't going to spend anymore thus all their one year contracts.

I think for the next year or so your going to see teams trading away money for more team budget players and prospects.

This off season has been crazy, Boston dumping money on players like Napoli, Dempster, etc... you'd think they would learn their lesson.


Duppin;16860 said:
Mariners are going to end up with Jason Bay as the prize of their offseason.[/QUOTE

Least they removed Chone Figgins. Here's hoping Ackley, Montero and Smoak have decent years since I actually go to Mariner games.


the napoli signing is one of the more reasonable ones this year
Not sure about that, his advance stats aren't all that great, he can't really catch anymore and he's not exactly a defensive first basemen. I could see 2 years with a team option for a third but 3/39 is quite a bit for him. Now granted the Red Sox have shed an enormous amount of contracts but still. I read the other day he may not have passed his physical as well so.


El Presidente
I get the whole shedding a shitload of salary the way the Sox did, but the timing just before such a mediocre free agent class seems fairly odd.


Molten Core Raider
The 2 LA franchises are really good at spending a shit ton of money so that they can finish in 6th and 7th place in their respective leagues.

People like to use the lack of a salary cap in baseball as a scapegoat for not liking the sport. For the most part, though, if you look at the last 15-20 years (my knowledge of the sport doesn't go back further than that) there is very little correlation between amount of money spent/number of all stars signed and success. Unlike football where you can sign a Peyton Manning and go from an 8 win team to a 12/13 win team, baseball is a lot more about cohesion.


Bronze Squire
The 2 LA franchises are really good at spending a shit ton of money so that they can finish in 6th and 7th place in their respective leagues.

People like to use the lack of a salary cap in baseball as a scapegoat for not liking the sport. For the most part, though, if you look at the last 15-20 years (my knowledge of the sport doesn't go back further than that) there is very little correlation between amount of money spent/number of all stars signed and success. Unlike football where you can sign a Peyton Manning and go from an 8 win team to a 12/13 win team, baseball is a lot more about cohesion.
Baseball has never had more parity than it has in the last 10-15 years (or so). There is no doubt that money can be a path to victory. But it isn't the only path, and like any other method of team-building, if a team built through spending isn't done so intelligently it won't work out. One of the things I actually like about baseball is that the talent in your front office can be just as important as the talent on the field.

I think baseball would benefit more from a salary floor than it would a cap.


that's not necessarily true. the yankees won quite a few world series by buying every free agent and effectively raising salary ceilings so that other teams couldn't afford to compete. there's a little more parity nowadays but some teams aren't able to keep up due to lack of revenue or sheer frugality (blue jays).