MMA Thread


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's like they took R5 and then added it to R1-4 while reading a Pride FC judging instruction manual. 15 years ago I'd expect something like that because there was a lot of bias built up. Pride rules were damage > activity. This scorecard reminds me a lot of a Pride FC decision.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's like they took R5 and then added it to R1-4 while reading a Pride FC judging instruction manual. 15 years ago I'd expect something like that because there was a lot of bias built up. Pride rules were damage > activity. This scorecard reminds me a lot of a Pride FC decision.
Herb dean was calling stuff so out of place. The score cards were shit. Lucky all the fighters didnt get fucked
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
whoever is gonna face off against valentina next is gonna be champ, she looked so old
What fight did you watch? I don't care for either fighter but Valentina made a point to Grasso and she mowed it
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H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
It never looked that bad until the blood was wiped away. Worst ufc cut confirmed? Even Diaz’s cut wasn’t that bad and his stopped the fight. So fucked up. But god damn, she showed some fucking heart. I’m not old, but I did start blasting Raining Blood. Brutal.
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Avatar of War Slayer

lucky i don't know what that is yet, so looked it up

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
View attachment 546415

lucky i don't know what that is yet, so looked it up
View attachment 546416

I've had torn labrums and surgical repairs in both hips. It suuuucks. In my right hip the labrum was completely detached and floating loose in the joint and also had significant arthritis. "Wow, I've never seen that before!" - words you never want to hear from your orthopedist.

I'm suprrised O'Malley performed as well as he did. Eight weeks on crutches and nine months out of athletics for me, but I'm not a pro able to do full-time rehab.
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah I had my right one repaired after ripping my leg out of my hip. It got to the point the ball calcified over causing it to pop out every 10 steps. The surgery was straight forward and I was walking just fine the next day with 1 crutch for a week.


<Prior Amod>
I've had torn labrums and surgical repairs in both hips. It suuuucks. In my right hip the labrum was completely detached and floating loose in the joint and also had significant arthritis. "Wow, I've never seen that before!" - words you never want to hear from your orthopedist.

I'm suprrised O'Malley performed as well as he did. Eight weeks on crutches and nine months out of athletics for me, but I'm not a pro able to do full-time rehab.
musta been easier to recover since no more usada

i remember watching a dj video and he said he had to call usada and read off every drug he was taking after a surgery

oh he retired last week btw


Avatar of War Slayer
musta been easier to recover since no more usada

i remember watching a dj video and he said he had to call usada and read off every drug he was taking after a surgery

iirc, early on usada didn't have any approved supplements, had to call and ask for each and still was on you if tainted.
current program, but don't see anything about how to check other stuff.
