Most Hated Man in America

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I dont see how you label something as "free market" when government owns 45% of the market.


Blackwing Lair Raider
this is a potentially life saving, emergency use drug for those who need it. This is akin to someone developing a new, highly improved defibrillator for cardiac arrest, putting it out there in the market, and then charging 300x the cost to restock it after use. There should be some body of laws/regulation that limits exorbitant price alterations on established, life saving emergent use medications, particularly when the drug price is not impacted by 'normal' market forces (rarity of use + overhead to produce nullifies competition)


Trump's Staff
I dont see how you label something as "free market" when government owns 45% of the market.
The government doesn't own half the market just because Medicare pays for things. That's like claiming Boeing is owned by the government because they have defense contracts.


Trump's Staff
this is a potentially life saving, emergency use drug for those who need it. This is akin to someone developing a new, highly improved defibrillator for cardiac arrest, putting it out there in the market, and then charging 300x the cost to restock it after use. There should be some body of laws/regulation that limits exorbitant price alterations on established, life saving emergent use medications, particularly when the drug price is not impacted by 'normal' market forces (rarity of use + overhead to produce nullifies competition)
I hate to break it to you, but this is standard operating procedure for basically everything in the healthcare industry. I work in a hospital lab and see this every day.

In our lab we have an automated stainer which does a silver stain invented in 1928. We buy reagent packs from Roche for this stainer which contain 100ml of 1% silver nitrate. They cost $900 each. That's right, $900/gram for silver nitrate. Why do we pay this? Well, they didn't charge that much when we bought the stainer. They just waited until all the doctors got used to the machine's staining intensity and then jacked up the price, knowing the doctors would hate to have to relearn the nuances of another machine. Also, getting another stainer validated would cost well over $1 million.

A co worker of mine recently broke her chair and needs a new one. Its taking awhile because our chairs need to be certified to not absorb lab chemicals over time, which means there are few vendors and as such a new office chair costs $8000.

We have a half hour of downtime at the beginning of every shift, because we have to wait for our water baths to heat our water up to the right temperature. The lab assistants can not fill our water baths for us before we arrive, as since they are not certified they can't interact with the equipment, not even filling something with water. We used to have a microwave to heat our water fast, but they never replaced it after it broke. They didn't replace it because a new microwave would have to be validated, as in they'd have to run control tissue through water heated by the microwave and have a doctor examine the results to ensure that this microwave doesn't heat the water in a way that would affect the results, which means it would cost about $50,000 to buy a new microwave.

I'll see if I can dig up the pictures I have of the tissue cassette holders that we use to load the tissue processor. They're basically just bent and molded chicken wire, but cost $800 each.

Seriously, one time on a slow day I compared our lab's price list to Sigma-Aldrich's website for reagent prices, and the lowest markup I found on the whole thing was like 5,000%. 20,000% markups on common reagents like denatured alcohol were not uncommon.


<Bronze Donator>
Also he was the top bidder for that wu tang, once upon a time in shaolin album. hopefully he is thrown in jail and that thing is sold at auction :p


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Hopefully after he is done with prison and left penniless the only work he can get is as a janitor like his parents and needing that pill he can no longer afford.


The dude seems super bright (and evil) so you'd think that he would know with all of the attention he attracts, his moves would need to be bulletproof. Guess that ego got the best of him.



Trakanon Raider
Once you double down in that first lie, all the rest just flow from the need to keep that first lie intact.


<Gold Donor>
And this is why most rich people don't shit in the swimming pool and instead throw money into it. Rot in held tardo.


what Suineg set it to
Yea, I'm guessing if he had bought the aids drug and gave it out for free he could have continued raping other random less known disease treatment drugs for money indefinitely and never be investigated or arrested.

It's called a PR scam you rube, you.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The government doesn't own half the market just because Medicare pays for things. That's like claiming Boeing is owned by the government because they have defense contracts.
It is and they are, that's literally what the mil/indus complex is to make sure Boeing and a few other companies stay in business, they also pump a bunch of money into university research to provide the tech for them too.