Most underrated and overrated movies ever


<Gold Donor>
The Last Jedi
  • 3Worf
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Did I hurt your feels?

Sorry, I didn't think the first one was awesome. It was mediocre at best. Everything that followed was a fucking travesty.

Feelings? You're the only feelings based, leftist around here.

I'm working in objective fact. Your taste in movies is just as bad as your taste in politics and college football teams.
  • 1Salty
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<Prior Amod>
Feelings? You're the only feelings based, leftist around here.

I'm working in objective fact. Your taste in movies is just as bad as your taste in politics and college football teams.

nah, I have a lot of feelings too.

even so, I fully admit the original Matrix is a masterpiece of 90s science fiction.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Feelings? You're the only feelings based, leftist around here.

I'm working in objective fact. Your taste in movies is just as bad as your taste in politics and college football teams.

No. I've never invoked feelings and politics here. And your taste in college football teams tells me all I need to know about you.

  • 1Double Worf
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My hot take is. Matrix 1 : interesting mess (overrated). Matrix 2 : masterpiece that has at its core the key question of the evolution of cinema when digital effects become indistinguishable from filmed reality (highly underrated). Matrix 3 : uninteresting mess (rated properly).
  • 2Pathetic
  • 1WTF
  • 1Garbage
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Potato del Grande
My hot take is. Matrix 1 : interesting mess (overrated). Matrix 2 : masterpiece that has at its core the key question of the evolution of cinema when digital effects become indistinguishable from filmed reality (highly underrated). Matrix 3 : uninteresting mess (rated properly).

This post should disqualify you from posting another one of your pretentious movie reviews ever again.
  • 3Solidarity
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  • 2Great Review
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean Matrix 2 is so very close to being a masterpiece but then every single thing about the architect is absolutely terrible and practically ruins the entire trilogy. Revolutions should have been about the revelation that they were still in the Matrix or something. There was no real payoff to the 'i can stop machines in the real world' thing and Smith being able to 'rewrite' disconnected humans was retarded. Zion was mega cringe.
  • 5Like
  • 1Great Review
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The Big Mod
Matrix 2 had a few good set pieces. That’s all about all the positive I can say about it.
  • 1Like
  • 1Solidarity
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Tranny Chaser
I can see the Matrix 1 being overrated. There's a bunch of people that saw that when they were youngish that absolutely gush all over it (me included). Someone seeing it now for the first time have already seen some of the films it inspired or influenced by it as well as the themes it presents. When I sat down and watched Casablanca for the first time I realized I had already seen the movie in that I'd seen every scene parodied, homaged or just flat out ripped off. It was not possible to see that movie for the first time. The Matrix I think would be like that.
  • 1Solidarity
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'll say this, some of the set pieces and action scenes for Matrix: Reloaded were fucking amazing. But the whole needing the story to go somewhere and as someone else noted the architect shit was all terrible. Honestly the whole war with Zion shit shouldn't have been resolved in that trilogy. Also side character story stuff was weak af.


Trakanon Raider
This man is just as right about Cobra Kai as he is wrong about Aliens

How am I wrong about Aliens? It's probably top 3 greatest sci-fi movies of all time. I think it has a 99% on RT. I honestly didn't know there were people who didn't like that movie. It's basically a perfect movie. Great character building, great acting, lots of action, suspenseful, what more do people want?
  • 1Solidarity
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Dental Dammer
How am I wrong about Aliens? It's probably top 3 greatest sci-fi movies of all time. I think it has a 99% on RT. I honestly didn't know there were people who didn't like that movie. It's basically a perfect movie. Great character building, great acting, lots of action, suspenseful, what more do people want?
Sigourney and the kid to die.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
How am I wrong about Aliens? It's probably top 3 greatest sci-fi movies of all time. I think it has a 99% on RT. I honestly didn't know there were people who didn't like that movie. It's basically a perfect movie. Great character building, great acting, lots of action, suspenseful, what more do people want?

I did you dirty.

I confused you with Zwi and his Aliens stupidity.

You're opinions on both Cobra Kai and Aliens are beyond reproach.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Matrix worked at the time because it had a lot of unique visual elements and cyberpunk as a genre had not made it to the masses yet (or at least not since the original Blade Runner) in anything resembling a good movie. I really think it was one of those "at the right place at the right time" movies. I would actually toss the original Jurassic Park in the same category, where wathcing it now things like the kids being deathproof and Nedry's poorly considered heist plan kind of stick out as being bad. Both are good movies, but they are not rewatchable masterpieces like Fifth Element, Mars Attacks, or 12 Monkeys.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Matrix worked at the time because it had a lot of unique visual elements and cyberpunk as a genre had not made it to the masses yet (or at least not since the original Blade Runner) in anything resembling a good movie. I really think it was one of those "at the right place at the right time" movies. I would actually toss the original Jurassic Park in the same category, where wathcing it now things like the kids being deathproof and Nedry's poorly considered heist plan kind of stick out as being bad. Both are good movies, but they are not rewatchable masterpieces like Fifth Element, Mars Attacks, or 12 Monkeys.

Man on Fire.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Matrix worked at the time because it had a lot of unique visual elements and cyberpunk as a genre had not made it to the masses yet (or at least not since the original Blade Runner) in anything resembling a good movie. I really think it was one of those "at the right place at the right time" movies. I would actually toss the original Jurassic Park in the same category, where wathcing it now things like the kids being deathproof and Nedry's poorly considered heist plan kind of stick out as being bad. Both are good movies, but they are not rewatchable masterpieces like Fifth Element, Mars Attacks, or 12 Monkeys.
I like 5th Element, but some of the over the top shit was too much for me. Gary Oldman is amazing, but he basically played the same character from Leon: The Professional. Too much crazy.