Most underrated and overrated movies ever

Sanrith Descartes

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Well you heard it first directly from the king bigot himself.

Lurkingdirk hates trannies


Everytime I see that hair on the left I am reminded of the EQ Barbarian Female Hairdo...

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Karazhan Raider
Yeah I rewatched it the other day and was very underwhelmed. In 4K everyone’s costumes look like cheap plastic garbage. The best part of the movie is the story itself, and once you realize it’s just a metaphor for the directors being trannys, gross.
That sort of interpretation is like saying the beatles were imparting sociopathic info to charles manson or that the karate kid was about an uptight asshole from newark that robbed johnny and turned him into a hobo seeking eternal vengeance. What rubbish.
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Sanrith Descartes

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That sort of interpretation is like saying the beatles were imparting sociopathic info to charles manson or that the karate kid was about an uptight asshole from newark that robbed johnny and turned him into a hobo seeking eternal vengeance. What rubbish.
I just watched Cobra Kai. That is exactly what that asshole kid from Jersey did to my man Johnny.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I know this is not going to be popular.

Over rated: The Matrix. All of it. Shitty acting. Video effects they said were ground breaking, but had been used in a Gap commercial almost a year before the movie released. Pretty cool story, terrible execution.

Boooooo! Boooo Mutha Fucka!!!

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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
alien 3 and 4 sucked b/c sigourney weaver had input and basically directive control into how she wanted ripley to play out.

no... this makes no sense, actors are actors, they don't write characters.

imagine driving from ny to cali and youre doing swell up until you hit colorado and then the car decides, "hey, i'm a car, i decide how i want to be driven now"

and youre like "wtf car, i'm the one driving you this whole time!!"

car says "yea well i should be able to control my own destiny, cuz i'm a car and i'm the star of the show, and OH SHIT THERES A RACOON ON THE ROAD, imma go crash into the tree to save the racoon, but you die, oh well, i had to make a choice"

and thats what happens when you let actors think

actors don't think, they just act

This...Fuckin makes sense somehow.

tenor (1).gif


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I know this is not going to be popular.

Over rated: The Matrix. All of it. Shitty acting. Video effects they said were ground breaking, but had been used in a Gap commercial almost a year before the movie released. Pretty cool story, terrible execution.


I have watched this movie more than any other movie. It was damn near perfect in execution and style. The effects were top notch for the time and still hold well now. The 2nd and 3rd movie on the other hand were not done as well. The original Matrix was not Over-rated.
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Aychamo BanBan


I have watched this movie more than any other movie. It was damn near perfect in execution and style. The effects were top notch for the time and still hold well now. The 2nd and 3rd movie on the other hand were not done as well. The original Matrix was not Over-rated.

Totally agree. There's a handful of "near perfect" movies... Terminator 2... Gladiator... Braveheart... Matrix... Avengers IW / Endgame.

I loved that they dove through the plot hole from the ending of Karate Kid 1 for the Cobra Kai series.

Explain please!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Explain please!

Well it's not a plot hole exactly, but it's commonly thought that Daniel's crane kick was actually an illegal strike to the face. In actual karate tournaments from the 80s it most likely would have been legal but the movie sorta waffled back and forth about whether head shots were legal or not. I guess part of the setting of Cobra Kai is that Johnny's never really let that loss go and is convinced Daniel shouldn't have won or something. Haven't had the chance to sit down with the series yet.
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Trakanon Raider
As someone who used to participate in those karate tournaments growing up, I can tell you the main thing is not where you strike someone, but how hard. You could strike to the face with a punch or a kick, but if you hauled off and drilled someone, you'd be thrown out of the tournament. It was really an odd thing, as in you were supposed to strike each other, but still "respect" your opponent and not try and knock their head off. It was more like fencing than it was combat, where you got a point for the "strike" to the head, stomach, or ribs, but if you tried to hurt them, you would be penalized. So in that sense, Daniel walloping Johnny with a full force kick to the face would've gotten him disqualified. So I suppose Johnny was correct in that it was an illegal strike. Also, you had to wear hand and foot pads to fight in those tournaments. Not that they did anything, they were like 2 ounces.

Also, Cobra Kai is fucking awesome, and if you haven't watched it yet, you should drop whatever it is you're doing and go watch it immediately.
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Aychamo BanBan

Well it's not a plot hole exactly, but it's commonly thought that Daniel's crane kick was actually an illegal strike to the face. In actual karate tournaments from the 80s it most likely would have been legal but the movie sorta waffled back and forth about whether head shots were legal or not. I guess part of the setting of Cobra Kai is that Johnny's never really let that loss go and is convinced Daniel shouldn't have won or something. Haven't had the chance to sit down with the series yet.

Ahh that’s fucking awesome!

It’s almost like the thing about raiders of the lost ark where if Indy hadn’t gone the outcome would not have changed!!


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I know this is not going to be popular.

Over rated: The Matrix. All of it. Shitty acting. Video effects they said were ground breaking, but had been used in a Gap commercial almost a year before the movie released. Pretty cool story, terrible execution.

This is a fucking garbage opinion. The Matrix was the greatest sci-fi movie of the 90s and probably is still better than everything up to now. The sequels were trash, but the original was and is incredible.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
As someone who used to participate in those karate tournaments growing up, I can tell you the main thing is not where you strike someone, but how hard. You could strike to the face with a punch or a kick, but if you hauled off and drilled someone, you'd be thrown out of the tournament. It was really an odd thing, as in you were supposed to strike each other, but still "respect" your opponent and not try and knock their head off. It was more like fencing than it was combat, where you got a point for the "strike" to the head, stomach, or ribs, but if you tried to hurt them, you would be penalized. So in that sense, Daniel walloping Johnny with a full force kick to the face would've gotten him disqualified. So I suppose Johnny was correct in that it was an illegal strike. Also, you had to wear hand and foot pads to fight in those tournaments. Not that they did anything, they were like 2 ounces.

Also, Cobra Kai is fucking awesome, and if you haven't watched it yet, you should drop whatever it is you're doing and go watch it immediately.
This man is just as right about Cobra Kai as he is wrong about Aliens
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<Prior Amod>
I'll admit, going into Cobra Kai I had less than zero expectations. I almost woke my wife up laughing the first time ol' Daniel did a spinning kick to knock the cup of coffee out of his car competitors hand, they shoulda worked on that stuff a lot more.

First season ended up really good though, the second season was great and you can tell they put in a lot more effort into choreography and working on the moves. Loved it.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
This is a fucking garbage opinion. The Matrix was the greatest sci-fi movie of the 90s and probably is still better than everything up to now. The sequels were trash, but the original was and is incredible.

Did I hurt your feels?

Sorry, I didn't think the first one was awesome. It was mediocre at best. Everything that followed was a fucking travesty.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, no he's right, your opinion is wrong, but this is America unfortunately so not much we can do about it. YET.

I was going to challenge his "greatest sci-fi" blurb about The Matrix but, he's right, by far the best scifi from the 90s and since then I'd say maybe a couple of movies that can even compete. Maybe Blade Runner 2049, Ex Machina, The Last Jedi, a couple of others.
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<Prior Amod>
Yeah, no he's right, your opinion is wrong, but this is America unfortunately so not much we can do about it. YET.

I was going to challenge his "greatest sci-fi" blurb about The Matrix but, he's right, by far the best scifi from the 90s and since then I'd say maybe a couple of movies that can even compete....The Last Jedi...

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