Motorcycle Thread



The black Triumph Speedmaster is now gone, and I wrecked the black Bonneville. Still have the chopper and the green 72 Triumph.Just picked up an 06 Superglide as well


I am back riding again after I finished the chemo and all. I bought an XG-750, word of caution it is a shit bike. Don't even think about one. That being said it's still a motorcycle and I love to ride and until I can get them to lemon law it or sell it and not lose too much I will be riding it. I really want the KTM 390 but I think it's too small for me. Not engine small just low to the ground and I am a big dude at 6' 200".

I am working on a startup business that has to do with motorcycles and want feedback if you guys are bored. I posted it here on the forums.Startup

Feel free to tell me how stupid you think it is or show me something else that already does it. Below is a video of what Aprilia is doing that is very similar but on a $20k+ bike.



Doesn't at the moment. Previous owner died and it's been sitting the last 4 years. Need to clean the carb and redo some of the wiring. Hoping to start it today.


I'm a little ashamed...I paid $500. Some guy in the hospital needs the money. His sister is selling it for him. I tried to tell her it was worth more. She just kept saying $500 and take it tonight. I guess she kept finding stuff he stole from her while she was cleaning his house.


I'm a little ashamed...I paid $500. Some guy in the hospital needs the money. His sister is selling it for him. I tried to tell her it was worth more. She just kept saying $500 and take it tonight. I guess she kept finding stuff he stole from her while she was cleaning his house.
I will buy it for $5k and will come to you!


My first question was "Is it stolen?" Titles good though. My conscience is clean. I'll replace the tins and re-wire it. Should be for sale in a month or two.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm sure it's been asked before in this thread, so I apologize in advance if I'm bringing up a tired topic of discussion. I work as an RN on a progressive care unit (a step-down unit from our ICU) in a very busy hospital which resides in a large town with a huge motorcycle/dirt bike culture. I see victims of motorcycle accidents, male and female, young and old, on a weekly basis. I've seen injuries from a few broken bones, to multiple amputated limbs, to complete vegetative states, and everything else in between. To a degree, I suppose I already know the answer to my question, but I've always wanted to get the perspective of a motorcycle enthusiast, and in the hospital as someone is (or isn't) recovering, it never feels like an appropriate place to look for an answer.

So to put it simply: is it really worth it? I know you all understand the risks. And I'm sure a nice chunk of you have either experienced first hand what it's like to be involved in a motorcycle accident or know at least one other person who has. I don't ride, though I've always wanted to. And I obviously have gained a perspective through my job that most people do not have. That being said, I don't really get it. Riding looks fun as fuck. I wish I had it in me to learn, but after all I've seen, there is no way I could ever justify that risk. Enlighten me, motorcycle lovers.


Vyemm Raider
I'm sure it's been asked before in this thread, so I apologize in advance if I'm bringing up a tired topic of discussion. I work as an RN on a progressive care unit (a step-down unit from our ICU) in a very busy hospital which resides in a large town with a huge motorcycle/dirt bike culture. I see victims of motorcycle accidents, male and female, young and old, on a weekly basis. I've seen injuries from a few broken bones, to multiple amputated limbs, to complete vegetative states, and everything else in between. To a degree, I suppose I already know the answer to my question, but I've always wanted to get the perspective of a motorcycle enthusiast, and in the hospital as someone is (or isn't) recovering, it never feels like an appropriate place to look for an answer.

So to put it simply: is it really worth it? I know you all understand the risks. And I'm sure a nice chunk of you have either experienced first hand what it's like to be involved in a motorcycle accident or know at least one other person who has. I don't ride, though I've always wanted to. And I obviously have gained a perspective through my job that most people do not have. That being said, I don't really get it. Riding looks fun as fuck. I wish I had it in me to learn, but after all I've seen, there is no way I could ever justify that risk. Enlighten me, motorcycle lovers.
I'm right there with you. I've always wanted to ride, but struggle with the opportunity cost of it. I'm sure it's a lot of fun, but I value my body to much to risk it. I guess my point is sure it's fun, but how fun is it really, and if you have a serious injury that inhibits your ability to do other activities or *gasp* even play video games, how fun is that?


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
It's hard to describe, but for me there were times I would liken it to a religious experience.

But those times were going 140ish splitting rush hour traffic, or topping out around 190 with the front tire skipping off the ground due to lift. (I watched too many ghost rider runs)

Now I'm old, and live in Memphis, which turns riding a bike from "you can wreck" to "you are gonna die". I still miss it everyday.


I get the danger. At work I often have to do maintenance on bus bars with 3 phase power that can just melt people. Tubes that if I open them radiation will come spilling out. A motorcycle seems tame.

That being said I ride quite conservatively. I am aware of my surroundings and wear full gear, they call it All The Gear All The Time (ATGATT). I am on a cruiser that I can handle quite easily and I could really handle a much faster bike but have no need to go that fast.

There are tons of risks in life and while a motorcycle is a risk I feel like it's worth it.


You ride 'em you wreck 'em. Short answer is "Yes" if you want to be a chicken shit and avoid things that are considered "dangerous" that's your decision. Enjoy the cobwebs. I spent my last ER trip on the phone gathering parts for the bike I wrecked. I was on a bike 2 days later. Fun on a bun.
Sex is fun too. And a hell of a lot more dangerous.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sure it's been asked before in this thread, so I apologize in advance if I'm bringing up a tired topic of discussion. I work as an RN on a progressive care unit (a step-down unit from our ICU) in a very busy hospital which resides in a large town with a huge motorcycle/dirt bike culture. I see victims of motorcycle accidents, male and female, young and old, on a weekly basis. I've seen injuries from a few broken bones, to multiple amputated limbs, to complete vegetative states, and everything else in between. To a degree, I suppose I already know the answer to my question, but I've always wanted to get the perspective of a motorcycle enthusiast, and in the hospital as someone is (or isn't) recovering, it never feels like an appropriate place to look for an answer.

So to put it simply: is it really worth it? I know you all understand the risks. And I'm sure a nice chunk of you have either experienced first hand what it's like to be involved in a motorcycle accident or know at least one other person who has. I don't ride, though I've always wanted to. And I obviously have gained a perspective through my job that most people do not have. That being said, I don't really get it. Riding looks fun as fuck. I wish I had it in me to learn, but after all I've seen, there is no way I could ever justify that risk. Enlighten me, motorcycle lovers.
I posted this in another thread when someone asked a similar question.

I started typing up a long post about my story, but I will just keep it short and sweet. This isn't to sway you one way or the other, but at least give some perspective.

I used to ride but was in a motorcycle accident that left me paralyzed from the chest down. I loved riding, the freedom I felt when I was out riding was like nothing else. Unfortunately it changed my life forever, for the worse, but I still loved it. However, much to the chagrin of my wife and family if I was miraculously healed and got up and started walking tomorrow, I would undoubtedly ride again.

Take it for what you will. Riding is amazing but, no matter how good you are, it comes with risks.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
a_skeleton_03, it's tame because you ride a cruiser. Lol. I was much younger then, and rode with a group of guys that was known for... Eh.... Doing questionable things? We put track wear on tires on state highways in the Ozarks. And played cat and mouse with "professional cats".

Ameraves came as close top rolling snake eyes on a wreck as you can get, and can give you perspective I, and most others, can not.

That being said here is something to consider:

How comfortable are you with dying or being seriously injured? Ride long enough, you will lay a bike down at least once. I laid mine down twice, both were easy, and I got into two collisions. I walked away every time (once with a hard limp), but never wrecked at speed. At speed, unless you are lucky, it's really fucking bad (Liquid brain, limbs flying off, parts of you ground off etc). It's dangerous.

If you do it, congrats. I loved riding more than I can really express. Take a riding school(a good one, usually a week or longer), learn to low side, always dress for the crash and not the ride, read twist of the wrist. Find people to ride with, and make sure they ride how you want to ride (if you want to do crazy, ride with crazy, etc).

Oh, and get a sport bike. Save the cruiser etc for when you are too old to ride the piss out of it. Fuck I miss my bike. I kept it in my bedroom for the first year. Fuk.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Sex is fun too. And a hell of a lot more dangerous.
I might be doing sex wrong.

As far as the risk of riding a bike - there is risk, and then there is risk. We all risk something every single time we get into any vehicle. People who ride crotch rockets very fast and stupid are often called "organ donors." They're idiots. The same is true of people who drive their cars that way. I have a cruiser bike, and I drive incredibly defensively and cautiously. Not so defensive and cautious as to be a problem for others, that's no good, either. However, I have been in some very close calls - all the fault of others, and avoided because I was paying attention.

I have to have faith in other people. I don't believe that anyone between me and my destination is going to intentionally damage me on the motorcycle. If I do my part, and drive well and carefully, I'm going to enjoy my ride and the fact that accidents on motorcycles tend to be more deadly than cars will not deter me from riding. The same is true of my bicycle. Though I feel much less safe on the bicycle than the motorcycle, to be honest.