I'm kind of curious to see what it'd look like if instead of a horde of menavliatons I had the battanian fian champ archers just gatling-gunning everything. I figure that any army with shields would eventually get close enough to turn it into a melee fight where the fians would still roast recruits but wouldn't be as cost effective as menavliatons or sturgian infantry.More or less the same techniques we all use. I haven't spent a lot of time paying attention to specific troop types; I just go for balance when upgrading with probably 40% cav. I think lords should do a better job of upgrading as well, so long as they don't instant spawn with a full army again.
Trying to decide if I want to try to finish my game before taking a break. We're starting to build up some steam unless whatever with controversy quest does screws it up.
I also kind of want to see how my menavlions do against a large cavalry charge. Theoretically they should do very well with polarms but it's hard to arrange that with the game as it is now.