Movies That Would Be Made, If You Could Make It Happen


Alien reboot with some retcon. Newt didn't die, but was shipped off to a Weyland-Yutani research station to have the alien extracted from her. She survived the extraction, and thus was an on-going subject of study as she grew up on the station.

Fast forward ten years. Newt is now 16. Predictably, Weyland-Yutani fucks up research on the alien and shit hits the fan as the aliens proceed to wipe their boney asses with the flesh of every human on the station. Newt survives by hiding under some grates and subsists on bags of Cheetos and pepperoni sticks.

Incoming space marines to save the day...or shit the bed.

The sets are all real action sets, not some CGI crap. Ships, station interiors and alien scapes are all hand-built sets with some CGI-enhanced lighting. No green screens here, motherfuckers.

The survivors of the W-Y station and the marines do battle with the aliens...lots of screaming, blood, bullets and paniced running/crawling through tight corridors. They make their way to the marine ship and scuttle the W-Y station in hopes of eradicating the aliens...but alas, one was hiding in a box of kleenex on the marine ship, so the battle begins anew. More blood, snot, crying for mommy, and bullets getting corked off around inflammable objects and more peril stacking and epic instrumental music.

I forgot to mention, the protagonist in the whole conflict is Newt. A 16-year-old girl who is tough and wise beyond her years, that takes command of the situation and leads the survivors to the promised land of safety. The culmination of the movie involves Newt and an Alpha Male alien.
Newt essentially kicks the alpha male alien's testicles into the great cosmic void, and wins the day.

I'd have Chlo? Moretz play Newt. She's shaping up to be Sigourney Weaver+Jodie Foster=awesome all in one. She'd pull this off in big ways.

I'd have Benedict Cumberbatch be the psycho, unstable, passive-aggressive, murderous android like Ash.

All the sets would be hand built. CGI limited to lighting. Live sets have a certain something something that cannot be replicated with CGI, and this was one of the many charming things about Alien and Aliens.

Also, I'd find a way to fit Bill Paxton into the story.

The script is written. Want it? PM me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i think that script was already done in Aliens :a human settlement/space station/whatever goes to shit and the marines have to save the day but they all die in the end.
BUT.....the idea of seeing Newt alive and kicking ass is really great.though,you have to explain:where are Ripley and Hicks?and Bishop?
plus,Newt was 10 in Aliens,so just fast forward 6 years


Molten Core Raider
Fall of the Malazan Empire done Band of Brothers style(HBO). I really like how the units communicated on screen with the military / soldier humor. Their world is so big the show could go on for 10 seasons easily. If this got half the credit GoT has, they could even do spin off movies with origin stories of different Gods / Knights, etc.
This. Except I'd do the oft-rumored Chain of Dogs movie. Just that part of the second book has...everything. It would break a billion dollars, easy, if done right.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Larry Correia's Monster Hunter Inc. books. Monsters(vampires and werewolves and everything else) are real but the general public doesn't know/believe. When someone survives an attack from one of these things if they show the right traits they get recruited by a private mercenary/bounty hunter type team. They kill monsters for bounties paid by the government.

Wouldn't have to follow the overarching story too closely, that shit gets too out there sometimes with Old Gods etc. Just the formula of this sort of Blackwater mercenary type company killing the fuck out of monsters with guns and shit would be awesome on film. As long as they didn't puss out on the violence or the scale of it.


Vyemm Raider
A Chtulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Shoggoth, old gods-style movie that is basically the last 10-20 minutes of Cabin in the Woods, except for the whole movie. Would NOT fuck it up by making the goddamn story about some fucking dumbshit meeting a girl amidst the carnage and falling in love as they try to escape. No, they get eaten first.

Story would be about a slick, power-hungry cultist that manipulated and brought the apocalypse about, very House of Cards feeling, just set against the backdrop of cultists, destruction, and tentacled terrors.

I just came up with this on the spot, but damn it sounds good....


<Gold Donor>
Larry Correia's Monster Hunter Inc. books. Monsters(vampires and werewolves and everything else) are real but the general public doesn't know/believe. When someone survives an attack from one of these things if they show the right traits they get recruited by a private mercenary/bounty hunter type team. They kill monsters for bounties paid by the government.

Wouldn't have to follow the overarching story too closely, that shit gets too out there sometimes with Old Gods etc. Just the formula of this sort of Blackwater mercenary type company killing the fuck out of monsters with guns and shit would be awesome on film. As long as they didn't puss out on the violence or the scale of it.
I agree with this 100%. When talking to a friend about these books I commented that the basic premise would make great movies. You could make as many movies as you wanted as long as people kept paying to see it, because what dude doesn't want to watch vampires, werewolves, demons, etc. get pumped full of thousands of rounds of ammunition? Just pick a couple of new ones each movie.

I would start my own petition to include Agent Franks too. He's awesome.


I would create a new horror movie icon.
A character with a mask that you could add to the iconic masks worn by Jason Vorhees or Mike Myers.
The killer would be a teenager or child...

He would go trick r' treating and would stand there with his bag out, and even after he was given candy he would just stand there with his arms out holding the bag. Staring.
Once the person or persons at the door were thoroughly freaked out, he would pull out his weapon of choice from his bag, and proceed to hack up everyone in the house... women, children, men, doesn't matter.

Anyway, that's all I got for it..just popped into my head one night while thinking about how shitty horror movies are recently and Hollywood desperately needs a new iconic killer. No idea what the mask would be or what the rest of the story would be, but yeah... if I had the money and time I would make that into a classic, iconic slasher movie to be put in when with the famous slashers.


The Forever War would make a pretty killer movie if you had the infinite budget you'd need to redesign pretty much everything after each collapsar jump.


Millie's Staff Member
There hasn't been a memorable mask since Scream. 10 years from now no one will remember The Purge masks or You're Next masks.
And half of those pictures are from movies that aren't even horror movies.

Unless you consider The Mask a horror movie because of how terrible it was.
The Bane mask was pretty sweet . probably could throw in The Scarecrow for shits and gigs.

some more movies i would like to see made.
Michael Crichton's State of Fear
Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol
and Anne Rice's The Tale of The Body Thief.


A Man Chooses....
"Legend" by David Gemmell. first book I ever read that made me think "Fuck I want to see this on the big screen". One of my two or three favorites ever.


I would make a movie about 2 midgets that both on 2 separate occassions had been in an accident and lost both their legs and arms and then in the hospital, fell in love with each other.

Title of the movie would be something with the wording "potatoes" in it, the genre would probably be comedy / drama with an abrupt ending (where they may or may not die, its for the viewers to decide)

Laugh or be outrageous if you will, but every other suggestion has actually been done in one way or another, your movies would probably be one of many, where as this one is truly unique.


Avatar of War Slayer
I would create a new horror movie icon.
A character with a mask that you could add to the iconic masks worn by Jason Vorhees or Mike Myers.
The killer would be a teenager or child...

He would go trick r' treating and would stand there with his bag out, and even after he was given candy he would just stand there with his arms out holding the bag. Staring.
Once the person or persons at the door were thoroughly freaked out, he would pull out his weapon of choice from his bag, and proceed to hack up everyone in the house... women, children, men, doesn't matter.

Anyway, that's all I got for it..just popped into my head one night while thinking about how shitty horror movies are recently and Hollywood desperately needs a new iconic killer. No idea what the mask would be or what the rest of the story would be, but yeah... if I had the money and time I would make that into a classic, iconic slasher movie to be put in when with the famous slashers.


Trakanon Raider
After reading about Michael J Fox in a new series, can we please get another Back to the Future trilogy starting in 2015. Marty's son goes back in time 30 years to 1985. We get to experience the 80s again. Everyone is still alive right? Crispin Glover might need to uncrazy himself but this can work.


Goonsquad Officer
I'd dig a faithful robotech movie, could be 3+ movies long. hell i bet you could make 3 movies out of the macross saga (and if you don't do the rest it's not as big a deal. zentradi are where it's at). Pacific Rim made me content that we have the special effects to do good giant robots. Man I like the robotech story, but it's painful to watch some of the old anime sequences (mostly the ones where people fight on foot...when I watch the character (non robot) combat It seems like something out of speed racer).

I'd like to see Wool, and Leviathan Wakes movies. liked those series a lot.

Atopia would make an interesting movie but it would be a WTF-fest.