QFT.I'm not entirely positive anyone is directly real on this show at all.
Yes, it's called key imagery.It's not just that- look at all the imagery in a lot of these scenes. There are bars and fences everywhere. I don't think it's an accident. The stairs look just like bars. These scenes were shot intentionally this way.
I agree; if this were the Dune universe, Eliot would be anabominationfighting against possession.The show reminds me a lot of reading some of the Dune books, where shit is happening that is way over my head. Like the scene with Angela in the restaurant was mesmerizing, but I don't really understand it. The old man is telling Angela that she should get those guys prosecuted, and be ruthless and emotionless about it? But why is he doing it? Why does he think she is going to do it?
This show is whatever you want it to be.While the whole prison/mental institution angle does have a lot of merit I really hope its not true.
I'd rather the show be about hacking, hactivism evil corps etc. without all this "what's real what's not bs".