MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
It's highly unlikely that Bob will ever see another reprint in a Standard set, and if they did another MM it's equally unlikely they'd include the same mythics as previously. Fetches will see a wide release at some point; Confidant won't.


Tranny Chaser
I see you didn't get that I was trying to highlight how you were saying that you didn't want to trade your reprinted Dark Confidant because it probably wouldn't get reprinted. Sure, it's not likely to show up in a Standard legal set but there isn't anything stopping him from being reprinted in other products.


Trakanon Raider
I got your point, but he won't be back again any time soon, if ever. It's very unlikely that fetches won't be back in 2014 because WotC is pushing Modern as a format so hard.

This didn't stop me from buying a half dozen of them over the weekend, but it does make me hesitant to trade another chase card for them. Part of it is that I find it so goddamn annoying to spend a lot on a mana base.


Super glad I picked up a playset of fetches for 200 back before SCG spiked the prices on all of them. Hard part now is just knowing when to trade them. I'd like to wait until modern PTQ season, but will be sad if something unexpected makes them dip significantly before then.

On the flipside.. I wish I'd gotten into legacy before dual lands got ridiculous. 120 for a played underground sea, are you fucking serious? OUCH! I hope legacy takes a while before it finally succombs to WotC attempts to kill it :p


Trakanon Raider
Legacy (or Type 1 back then) seemed expensive as a kid when duals were 10 bucks a pop. Nowadays I'd almost be happy for a Standard deck to cost that.


Golden Squire
Legacy (or Type 1 back then) seemed expensive as a kid when duals were 10 bucks a pop. Nowadays I'd almost be happy for a Standard deck to cost that.
Yeah I don't know. I know Wizards doesn't like pissing collectors off but the prices on fetch lands is insane.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I got back on the Magic train about 4 months ago after a 16 year absence (5 digit DCI number started playing during Beta but didn't compete until Revised and quit just before Mirage) and I've been doing a lot of traveling lately trying to qualify for Pro Tour Theros and Star City Invitationals. The game is a hell of a lot more intricate than it was when I quit, but I am having a lot of fun. To be frank, I should have probably spent a lot more time practicing before jumping in feet first, but after just a month I was already winning my local stores FNM more than half the time and it's the most competitive shop within 200 miles.

My fatal flaws so far have been resisting net decking or refusing to play the most powerful decks. I really need to get out of that mentality (which is an old school mindset) because it's literally not possible to compete consistently today without net decking in some way.

I'm going to a PTQ on Saturday and think I have finally settled on just playing Jund although I have the cards to put together anything in Standard right now. Anyone else here play at the Pro level or have aspirations to? I'm not looking to do it as a job. I just want to make it once to check it on my bucket list.


El Presidente
The thing with reprinting some stuff is that other stuff will increase in price to keep formats relatively stable in price. So MM is likely to cause fetches and thoughtseize and so on a bit of a price bump upwards. If they start reprinting basically everything that gets played it can lower the price of the format a goodly amount but that will at some point alienate stores and collectors.


Trakanon Raider
I'm going to a PTQ on Saturday and think I have finally settled on just playing Jund although I have the cards to put together anything in Standard right now. Anyone else here play at the Pro level or have aspirations to? I'm not looking to do it as a job. I just want to make it once to check it on my bucket list.
Pro events are a dramatic step up in competition and financial commitment (if you're really playing to win). I've considered it, but I honestly can't afford the travel schedule to accrue enough points for the necessary bye rounds. I've done some Grand Prix events recently, and those are a lot of fun. It's not quite the same as a PTQ, but competition is quite high and you'll find yourself up against some well known players.


El Presidente
Pro events are a dramatic step up in competition and financial commitment (if you're really playing to win). I've considered it, but I honestly can't afford the travel schedule to accrue enough points for the necessary bye rounds. I've done some Grand Prix events recently, and those are a lot of fun. It's not quite the same as a PTQ, but competition is quite high and you'll find yourself up against some well known players.
Grand Prix far exceed PTQs in terms of competition. I've played a handful of PTs and the step up from PTQs to PTs is massive. Even if you're in the shit part of the standings, there aren't many easy wins. Everyone there had to win a ptq or qualify some other way so even in the 1-3 bracket playing mostly to get a single extra pro point you're playing against someone good.

All that said PTs are an awesome experience. If you do qualify the one thing I can say is to take it seriously and really be prepared. You might be the big wheel in your local area but the PT is different and if you haven't properly tested you'll be disabused quickly.


Trakanon Raider
I have been told several times that what really makes or breaks you at a PT is your support structure. Having a team that you can test with and run a gauntlet of common match ups is invaluable. You can get away with 3 or 4 games before a FNM with a tier 1 deck and probably know enough about it to do reasonably well. That's not at all the case with a big tournament though.

Also, aren't most PTs combined constructed & sealed? That's what keeps me from trying that much. My sealed game is just terrible. It's a completely different set of skills that I just never developed and frankly don't enjoy as much. Very surprised to hear that Grand Prix are more competitive than PTQs, though. That seems counter intuitive, since Grand Prix are supposed to work as feeder events.

In other news, we're having our first Modern tourney this Saturday at my local shop. They're less than a year old, and FNM is topping 50 players regularly now so it's really great to see some competition. With MM releasing, enough people are now interested in the format that they're going to start expanding. I'm liking Modern more and more; it reminds me of the old days of MTG.

Assuming TCG doesn't fuck me, I should have a pretty damn competitive Melira Pod deck for this weekend. I've got to skimp on fetches for a bit (6 instead of 4, using Marsh Flats instead of Misty Rainforests), but I should be fine for our first tourney. I don't think decks will be too highly optimized just yet.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Hmm from what you guys are saying it's worth sorting through my magic cards when I get back to Australia? I have a full set of 4 of each revised dual land, as well as several thousand other cards...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I have been told several times that what really makes or breaks you at a PT is your support structure. Having a team that you can test with and run a gauntlet of common match ups is invaluable. You can get away with 3 or 4 games before a FNM with a tier 1 deck and probably know enough about it to do reasonably well. That's not at all the case with a big tournament though.

Also, aren't most PTs combined constructed & sealed? That's what keeps me from trying that much. My sealed game is just terrible. It's a completely different set of skills that I just never developed and frankly don't enjoy as much. Very surprised to hear that Grand Prix are more competitive than PTQs, though. That seems counter intuitive, since Grand Prix are supposed to work as feeder events.

In other news, we're having our first Modern tourney this Saturday at my local shop. They're less than a year old, and FNM is topping 50 players regularly now so it's really great to see some competition. With MM releasing, enough people are now interested in the format that they're going to start expanding. I'm liking Modern more and more; it reminds me of the old days of MTG.

Assuming TCG doesn't fuck me, I should have a pretty damn competitive Melira Pod deck for this weekend. I've got to skimp on fetches for a bit (6 instead of 4, using Marsh Flats instead of Misty Rainforests), but I should be fine for our first tourney. I don't think decks will be too highly optimized just yet.
PTs are 3 rounds of draft, 4 rounds of Constructed Day, then a cut, then repeat that same structure on day 2, then its a cut to top 8 with 3 rounds of single elim constructed, best of 5 matches.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Hmm from what you guys are saying it's worth sorting through my magic cards when I get back to Australia? I have a full set of 4 of each revised dual land, as well as several thousand other cards...
No, you can just send them to me.


Molten Core Raider
I have been told several times that what really makes or breaks you at a PT is your support structure. Having a team that you can test with and run a gauntlet of common match ups is invaluable. You can get away with 3 or 4 games before a FNM with a tier 1 deck and probably know enough about it to do reasonably well. That's not at all the case with a big tournament though.

Also, aren't most PTs combined constructed & sealed? That's what keeps me from trying that much. My sealed game is just terrible. It's a completely different set of skills that I just never developed and frankly don't enjoy as much. Very surprised to hear that Grand Prix are more competitive than PTQs, though. That seems counter intuitive, since Grand Prix are supposed to work as feeder events.
It goes PT>GP>PTQ>Local Games.

GP and PT level is about constant playtesting, or social engineering to get the best tech.

The best advice I can give you...Have fun. If you want to be competitive, you have to live MTG. It requires lots of playtesting, lots of travel, and constant engagement. Some of my best friends I made during my MTG days...I've never regretted the time I spent devoted to it, but when I decided to walk away...I never looked back.


El Presidente
PTs are 3 rounds of draft, 4 rounds of Constructed Day, then a cut, then repeat that same structure on day 2, then its a cut to top 8 with 3 rounds of single elim constructed, best of 5 matches.
It's 3 and 5. Each of the 2 days is 8 rounds. Also top 8 is sometimes limited but yes it's best of 5 in T8. Also recent change is that the day 2 cut is at 4-4 now so over half the field makes day 2 though a significant part of it are outside top 8 contention already. Also PTs are booster draft and not sealed generally.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Top 8 will never be limited again, and hasn't been for a long time. Limited gets worse coverage ratings, WotC has already said this.


Trakanon Raider
Hmm from what you guys are saying it's worth sorting through my magic cards when I get back to Australia? I have a full set of 4 of each revised dual land, as well as several thousand other cards...
Yes. Dual lands are $80-120 a pop depending on condition and which one it is. Most of the other really expensive cards predate revised though (the old P9, Arabian stuff like Bazaar of Baghdad, etc.), but there's also some random shit that's worth a ton now like Force of Will, Wasteland and Lion's Eye Diamond.


El Presidente
Nagoya was a limited top 8 during split format as was San Juan. I know that the lower ratings lead to split formats but don't recall them specifically stating that top 8s will always be constructed from now on.