MTG thread


Molten Core Raider
Not really, you can't cast it off Burning-Tree Emissary, and it isn't especially aggressive. It's better in the Naya lists which "go bigger".


If not in the main, then throwing it in the side seems legit. Good card against anyone playing counterspells or trying to flash things in. Also, if you can kill it.. an X/X when your goal is to dump creatures onto the board seems pretty good.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So, at GP Miami I started off 6-0 with zero byes and then dropped 3 straight to miss day 2. 2 of those matches I can attribute to my own poor play but one of the losses was just to drawing poorly. It was heartbreaking because I only had to win 1 of the 3 to make day 2.


Golden Squire
Thanks for the advice. I ended up going 6-3 at the PTQ. Lost first round to an Act Two deck, but I at least was smart enough to sideboard in my Boros Reckoners for game two wherein I got Blood Artist'd to death instead of Blasphemous Act'd to death. Then I later lost two matches I probably should have won if I played better but oh well, I am still happy for my first games in constructed standard.


Trakanon Raider
Managed to snag 3 Scavenging Ooze promos thus far. Trying to find a shop later today to finish out a set. It'd be nice to have that handled before the prerelease.


Golden Squire
Are you using the same promo code? I was under the impression each shop entered the code into Wizard's system when you redeemed it to prevent those kinds of shenanigans.


Modern is so much more fun, can't wait to finish building the legacy deck. I had 10x as much fun going 2-1-1 at modern tonight than anytime in standard since rotation (including 4-0s and gameday wins and states top 8).


Trakanon Raider
Nope the store just takes the slip and tosses it (not in front of you) while they give you your pack.
Stores vary wildly. My local shop took the slip from me but had no idea what to do with it and probably just tossed it. The next place I went actually told me to hang onto it and try it at another store. The third was a HobbyTown, and the beardy dude they had working the gaming section actually took my driver's license and recorded it along with the code on a log sheet. He seemed to take it super seriously. I stopped at a fourth place on the way home yesterday, and he took the printout but nothing else.

I think HobbyTown must have some weird policies, or something. They *clearly* don't sell a lot of MTG. Hell, there were unopened packs of Kamigawa, Scourge and Shards of Alara just sitting in the case next to the register.

And yes, Modern is super fun. I love Standard, but they play out a lot differently. I'm constantly having to switch decks in Standard to keep current, whereas you can really focus on a specific style in Modern and learn every single trick.


Trakanon Raider
Preordered more or less everything $4 and under in M14 I might conceivably want or use, and the grand total was a touch over fifty bucks. I skipped new planeswalkers, hydra, archangel and mutavault for now. I can probably scrounge up at least a handful of those at the prerelease, and I feel like archangel is getting overheated at the moment.

Still working out a way to snag a set of the ComicCon planeswalkers this year. I figure they have a good shot of spiking in value.


Trakanon Raider
Stores vary wildly. My local shop took the slip from me but had no idea what to do with it and probably just tossed it. The next place I went actually told me to hang onto it and try it at another store. The third was a HobbyTown, and the beardy dude they had working the gaming section actually took my driver's license and recorded it along with the code on a log sheet. He seemed to take it super seriously. I stopped at a fourth place on the way home yesterday, and he took the printout but nothing else.

I think HobbyTown must have some weird policies, or something. They *clearly* don't sell a lot of MTG. Hell, there were unopened packs of Kamigawa, Scourge and Shards of Alara just sitting in the case next to the register.

And yes, Modern is super fun. I love Standard, but they play out a lot differently. I'm constantly having to switch decks in Standard to keep current, whereas you can really focus on a specific style in Modern and learn every single trick.
I couldn't get my android and steam version to print out with the code, so just took my nexus and showed them and they gave me my packs.....havent tired it at other stores yet


Trakanon Raider
Maybe it was just dumb luck, but sealed M14 last night kinda sucked. I talked to around 3 players who were actually excited about their pulls, and everyone seemed to have a pretty weak deck. The lack of color fixing in the set really cramps limited playability compared to ravnica block.


Trakanon Raider
People are always excited about their picks at a prerelease, even base sets. It's the 'zomg new card is so good!' effect.


Attendance at pre-releases here were godawful. I think M14 in general has no one excited. Slivers were made uninteresting and there aren't many interesting or potentially powerful cards in the set as a whole.


I didn't bother going even though I ended up with today off. Nothing excites me in the set so just not interested. It doesn't help that it's a core set following the really good DMZ and MM sets which had some really fun and synergistic limited options. 14 has a few unique cards but nothing exciting below mythic. Core sets are always build a bear workshops anyways but meh.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, a couple people pulled Garruk and Chandra and the collective reaction was "oh, neat I guess." Three or four Archangels, a Mutavault and a Scavenging Ooze were the big pulls I saw. Overall energy just wasn't too high for anyone.

I came away with a couple decent cards from the new hate cycle, which was nice, but I didn't bother staying around late to trade.


Archangel is the real deal on modo beta but unless thermos hoses control somehow I don't see the deck working in the current meta. Play tested a ton of variations v current wu based control and its almost unwinnable IMO. BW running heartless summoning is explosive as hell and I have shit on all the top aggto and midrange decks so far. Good odds with awful starts too but can't find good options for control matches. Will see how the Meta shapes up but aggro is looking pretty weak ATM. Fuckng best time ever for casual decks though, so many bad combos to play with. FFS my best testing deck main boards two chalice of life.

I'm not sold on the hate cycle. Red I can see as a four of sideboard v control matchups but there's way too many three drops that are strictly better until rotation. Very narrow and the hate isn't powerful enough to make many 75s


Trakanon Raider
The zombie is decently on curve even if it whiffs, and the paladin might end up alright. Witchhunter will only see play in auras, and the blue one is awful.

When you say aggro is weak, what format are you referring to? Current + m14? I have hard time seeing how aggro is taking much of a hit until it loses Innistrad block in October.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Aggro is going to be the only strategy after rotation unless Theros has some serious shit to make up for what's missing in the core set. Farseek leaving is a big deal for midrange and control decks, so is Think Twice/Thoughtscour. That's how control decks hit their land drops consistently and get to their big spells. Add to that the manabarbs for nonbasics and we'll be seeing a lot of linear mono or almost-mono colored decks next season. UWR doesn't use Farseek but it loses Pillar for dealing with Voice, and again, not having access to Think Twice or Thoughtscour is a big deal.

Green actually loses all of it's mana fixing in m14. Elf that only produces green, and no rampant growth, farseek, wild growth, etc.