MTG thread


Potato del Grande
Urgh... what the fuck am I doing?

Modern Constructed Tournament this weekend so I just dropped $300 into a paper version of the Affinity Deck I used to play online. If eBay works I just sold my Tarmogoyf from MM drafting for $100, so if I'm lucky the other cards I got and what I'll get at the Tournament prizes (min 1 MM booster each) will help me to break even.

Any tips on selling cards? I'm getting a few boosters a week and a bigger chunk from drafting/limited every other month, I also have a giant box from like 10 years ago. I'd prefer to get rid of them pretty much as I win them as I'm not a collector.


Trakanon Raider
That's an inefficient way to build a playable collection. Just because you don't collect doesn't mean you don't need extra cards on hand or you'll be spending money on singles forever. Sell ahead of rotations and ride the Standard wave, while keeping what you can to build a good trade binder. You'll save yourself a mountain of money in the long run.

I nearly built Affinity, but I didn't want to drop $120 on Mox Opals that were good for that one deck when I could buy fetch lands that I could use in half a dozen archetypes instead. There were just too many Affinity-only cards in it. I'll gradually acquire the rest to build it as a secondary deck eventually, but for now I'm happy with Melira Pod.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
So, with the sealed in DOTP 2014 and other factors I've found myself wanting to get back into this game. I played heavily about 10 years ago, worked at a card store, have a fair amount of resources. Ideally the best way to get back into it would be sealed and pre-releases, however..

I now live in Japan, and I can't read Japanese. Anyone have any experience playing sealed or a pre-release where you don't read the langauge? How viable is it?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not going to lie, it could be rough.

But you've got access to MTG Salvation and can print out full spoilers the night before, Learn some basic japanese numbers to help you find your parings.

It's doable, as long as you make your opponent aware you'll be hitting up the printout a lot.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Not going to lie, it could be rough.

But you've got access to MTG Salvation and can print out full spoilers the night before, Learn some basic japanese numbers to help you find your parings.

It's doable, as long as you make your opponent aware you'll be hitting up the printout a lot.
I can have a conversation in Japanese well enough, but having a card explained to me might be almost impossible. It depends. Is First strike "Furusuto Sutoraiku" or is it something in Japanese for example? I looked at some Japanese cards and they have both Kanji and kana available on them so I should be able to read em well enough.

Printing out the spoilers would really help though. I think I can make this happen!


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So, with the sealed in DOTP 2014 and other factors I've found myself wanting to get back into this game. I played heavily about 10 years ago, worked at a card store, have a fair amount of resources. Ideally the best way to get back into it would be sealed and pre-releases, however..

I now live in Japan, and I can't read Japanese. Anyone have any experience playing sealed or a pre-release where you don't read the langauge? How viable is it?
The visual spoiler will be out a few days prior. Get cracking. :p


Trakanon Raider
So far M14 isn't doing much for me. I realize it's a "beginner" set, but I was hoping for something a little more exciting, or at least nostalgic. Mutavault and Ooze are the only things of note for me so far. Kalonian Hydra is seeing some hype (and is a 2 turn clock in limited), and I'll test Archangel of Thune in Melira Pod, but otherwise it's left me pretty cold.

Thoughtseize being spoiled is really the only thing that might turn it around for me.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's a lot more interesting than M13 was. That said had what, 4 playable rares?


Trakanon Raider
Tap lands, Ground Seal, Mutilate, Rhox Faithmender, Garruk, Jace, Thragtusk, Thundermaw and Planar Cleansing have all seen recent competitive play. Past that, you've got fringe cards like Sublime Archangel, Staff of Nin, and Trading Post that used to see a little play. I'd say as of now, M13 is winning handily.

Time will tell, of course. It could be that the tribal hints in M14 are followed through on with Theros, or they spoil Thoughtseize tomorrow. Some of the rares have potential, they're just not terribly exciting (Ogre Battledriver replaces Hellrider, and not much changes).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Grand Prix Kansas City this weekend. Resisting the urge to put Wildfire Emissary in my deck.


The M14 artifact that lets you copy a triggered ability seems interesting. No clue how good it will be, but a fun card. Overall M14 looks pretty blah though. Not sure why anyone would crack core packs but I'm glad they do so that I can trade for the singles I care about.


Golden Squire
Gonna try standard for the first time at the PTQ in Seattle this weekend using a borrowed naya blitz deck. Figure it'll be good practice, and unlike the last time, when I tried modern, I'll at least know what most of the cards do because I've drafted them.


Trakanon Raider
Naya Blitz is all about counting to 20, it's a pretty straightforward deck. I had a lot of fun with it a couple months back. I'm sure the list has evolved a bit by now.

I'm either playing Reanimator or Prime Speaker Bant at FNM. My preference would be Bant, but I might wait a week for the rules changes to take effect and try that list out with Mimic and Zegana.


Trakanon Raider
Probably, but Mimic is too damn fun not to play. I ran a solidly midrange Bant list a month or so back at FNM that did pretty well and topped out with 3 Mimics rather than Zegana or Angel of Serenity. I'd like to try a similar list again with 1 Zegana / 2 Mimics, and dropping a Sphinx's Rev for another main deck answer. It really did quite well vs. the usual field. Aggro was not a serious problem with main deck lifegain, and my control match ups were very favorable. I just wanted a couple more options than I was able to play while keeping the creature count high enough to present a threat reliably. Admittedly, it did make me miss the old Wolf Run Bant lists.

I wouldn't take it to a Grand Prix, but it did fine in my local. Untapping with a Mimic with usually game over, especially if it copied Thragtusk. Even a copied Lox Smiter gets serious fast when they can't remove it right away.


I usually get a box or 2 of the M sets for casual drafting/sealed during Christmas at the families cabin but with all of the rare slivers and other jank mytics, I think I will just grab Theros instead regardless of it being a "more difficult environment' then core sets usually are.

Sure the whole set hasn't been spoiled yet but besides some hate bears possibly going into sideboards, Chandra, and some EDH cards, I don't think it is going to be worth it. Ill just buy singles and be done with it.


I'm not a fan of this set so far myself. You never know for certain but draft which is the only format I really play is probably going to be pretty shitty. Either 1st place slivers or mediocre unfocused decks because everyone cut slivers but not enough to build a deck. It's a catch 22 where you may not want to be "that guy" who tries to force them but you also can't risk letting one guy get 15 playable slivers. Fuck slivers in limited basically.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm not a fan of this set so far myself. You never know for certain but draft which is the only format I really play is probably going to be pretty shitty. Either 1st place slivers or mediocre unfocused decks because everyone cut slivers but not enough to build a deck. It's a catch 22 where you may not want to be "that guy" who tries to force them but you also can't risk letting one guy get 15 playable slivers. Fuck slivers in limited basically.
I think it'll be pretty good for drafting as far as core sets go. Most of the slivers are good on their own and just get better if you have multiples. You don't need to draft a sliver deck, they're just all upside.


Golden Squire
As said earlier I'm going naya blitz and I have a Voice of Resurgence. My friend didn't get any of them since they're expensive. Does Voice of Resurgence actually go well with this kind of deck?