-Fourth Bridge Prowler (So many X/1s, and coming down after combat to kill bigger things after they've absorbed an attack (or before combat to reduce their defending power enough to safely swing with a fatty). Also cast it several times to murder itself for Revolt triggers.)
-Illusionist's Strategem (Amazing with Revolt creatures, can potentially catch people with their pants down on their attack, but they're likely to be expecting SOMETHING when you pass turn with 4+ mana up. Amazing with U/R's etb thopter makers.)
-Invigorated Rampage (Specifically in Red/Green, this thing is wild. Pushes through massive piles of damage. Also hilarious if you have Double Strikers, and to a lesser extent, Red's First Strikers.)
-Renegade Map (It's like an Evolving Wilds with tons of upside)
-Scrounging Bandar (Amazing at enabling shenanigans, whether it's loading fliers/double-strikers with counters, spreading out counters to make sure everyone gets buffed by Lifecrafter's Gift, or just by killing himself proactively during the upkeep to trigger Revolt. Also amusing, if you have a winding constrictor and two bandars out, they can just buff each other each upkeep until they're giant murder monkeys.)
-Yahenni: She's an absolute bomb if you've got removal. And even if you don't, with so many decks running small dudes/servos, she makes combat real fuckery. Got to cast Monstrous Onslaught with her on 6 Power, proceeded to swing for lethal. Fun card
-Greenwheel Libreator (By the time you string together Revolt, he's not all that impressive. Amazing with turn 1 Renegade Map, though. This is definitely a card designed for Fetchland Formats.)
-Untethered Express (STILL GREAT. But the expectations it had to live up to were super high, so "great" is still short of "jesus christ it's a better renegade freighter!" That 1 Mana Cost is a big difference in a format this high tempo. Amazing "finisher," though, and I still played it in the base deck of every pool I opened, I just sided it out when I was on the draw in some of the aggressive matches.)
Was an interesting Sealed Format. The cards felt a bit slower than pure KLD, but Revolt encouraging people not to block seemed to cancel that out, leaving the format about as fast as pure KLD. Managed to take home 2.5 boxes over the weekend, so my EDH needs are pretty well sated
The two top-8 drafts we did were, as usual, a clusterfuck since half the top 8 didn't read the full set spoiler. I ended up on 4-Color Control to win one top 8, with 4 Renegade Map and 15 lands. Other top 8 draft I strung together a decent G/W deck with Sram and a million Pacifisms to cantrip off of, split the finals.
Did 4 tournaments, made the cut in two, 0-2 dropped the other two. But the 0-2 drops were weird. Had Smuggler's Copter and Verdurous Gearhulk in one of the pools, and the other was basically perfect R/G Energy Aggro. Baraal's Expertise/Yahenni's Expertise blow-outs ended both decks' hopes and dreams

Meanwhile the mediocre pools muddled through to the top.
Standout bombs over the weekend were definitely Ridgescale Tusker and Scrapper Champion for uncommons, Baraal's Expertise at Rare, the Black Demon (as long as you had ~11-12 decent artifacts to back it), Big Dumb Game Ending Lizard, and Tezzeret "The 3-for-1er" for Mythic.
Winding Constrictor deserves a shout out, despite not being a bomb, but just for being exactly as amazing as expected.