MTG thread


Golden Squire
Surprise surprise MTGO crashed during both the Magic Online Championship and the PTQ from this weekend. At least this time Brian Kibler was playing and he sounds pissed. Doubt anything will change though. Unless Wizards invests serious resources into improving Magic Online, then unifying it with Duels of the Planeswalkers and the paper product, it's dead given the impending release of Hearthstone and Hex. Oh sure, you'll have a bunch of people playing it as now, but outside of the hardcore everyone will be flocking to products that don't suck and cost far less.

Actually I stand corrected, everyone will be flocking to products that cost far less.


El Presidente
I've had MTGO crash on me during a sealed PTQ that I was currently sitting at 6-0 before. Really annoying.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That is the only major problem I see with online play. If a system crashes you are pretty much out of luck. If something happened in a store that prevented play, the owner would at least try to make up for it some how. In an online situation, the players are just shit out of luck unless it is a major event. There is no guarantee that Hex will be any better with how they handle a server crash. If the game becomes as popular as many people are hoping, then that just means a higher chance of something not working right. The difference will indeed be on how cryptozoic handles server faults or for that matter bug faults.


All the foils are on a different "track" and thus have no baring on if you get a rare or a mythic so yes, you can get a mythic and a foil one in the same back. My brother got a foil Elspeth Tirel from scars in the same pack as a normal Elspeth so yes it happens when you are lucky.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Guy next to me in a sealed event pulled a foil Snapcaster and a Snapcaster in the same pack. He grabbed his packs right before mine. :p I pulled a Liliana so it was okay.


Poet Warrior
Cool, I figured he must be wrong. Definitely the best pack I've opened since my return to Magic this summer.

Between me and two other friends, we have opened a total of four boxes of Theros so far. We have opened exactly zero Stormbreath Dragon or Polukranos. We have gotten an Elspeth for each box as well as a number of Ashioks and Thoughtseizes but still, its fucking bullshit and we (I) want Polukranos...dammit!!

*edit - Just remembered, no Hythonia's either. Not so much a huge deal I think but still!! <-- two more exclamation marks!!




Great... I bought Magic 2014 for the PS3 to play sealed and it turns out that you can only create two sealed decks, can't delete them, and it costs money for more deck slots than the two. So you get to play sealed twice and then you have to shell out for the right to continue. This kind of shit is why I've started to pirate games most of the time, you can't fucking trust developers not to sacrifice game quality in favor of trying to milk you out of cash. This isn't a F2P game, yet it offers basically a shareware version unless you pay more. Fucking bullshit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It sucks but if you have the PC version you can edit some files to reset your two sealed "slots" & unlock all cards. You lose your single player progress though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And also, did you really think that WoTC would add anything for free to a digital offering? It still costs $15 to draft in MTGO.

I just pray that some of the other digital card games coming out soon prompt them to be a bit more reasonable. I'm actually a fan of them leaving the events turned off and making everything much cheaper.


Tranny Chaser
Great... I bought Magic 2014 for the PS3 to play sealed and it turns out that you can only create two sealed decks, can't delete them, and it costs money for more deck slots than the two. So you get to play sealed twice and then you have to shell out for the right to continue. This kind of shit is why I've started to pirate games most of the time, you can't fucking trust developers not to sacrifice game quality in favor of trying to milk you out of cash. This isn't a F2P game, yet it offers basically a shareware version unless you pay more. Fucking bullshit.
Look up the old Microprose game also named Duels of the Planeswalkers. It's a bunch of what you are looking for.


I just pray that some of the other digital card games coming out soon prompt them to be a bit more reasonable.
I just got into the Hearthstone beta and although it isn't anywhere near as complex as MTGO I am having a blast playing it and will hopefully put a boot up Wizards ass. The fact that they recently admitted to hiring an outside firm to help fix MTGO is a good sign to start.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just got into the Hearthstone beta and although it isn't anywhere near as complex as MTGO I am having a blast playing it and will hopefully put a boot up Wizards ass. The fact that they recently admitted to hiring an outside firm to help fix MTGO is a good sign to start.
Yeah, I've been looking for a key for a while now. I've heard it's not as complex but I spend way too much money drafting MTGO and was hoping Hearthstone could get me my limited fix.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Great... I bought Magic 2014 for the PS3 to play sealed and it turns out that you can only create two sealed decks, can't delete them, and it costs money for more deck slots than the two. So you get to play sealed twice and then you have to shell out for the right to continue. This kind of shit is why I've started to pirate games most of the time, you can't fucking trust developers not to sacrifice game quality in favor of trying to milk you out of cash. This isn't a F2P game, yet it offers basically a shareware version unless you pay more. Fucking bullshit.
It's a shame you didn't read this thread pages back, months go when the PC version went live. You would have known about this and could have made a more informed choice.

I'm glad to hear someone figured out the ini editing or w/e to reset that. Maybe something similar will pop up for the ps3.


Trump's Staff
MTGO is pretty fucked atm. The fact that they've killed off scheduled events is pretty bad.
It's much worse than that, the fact that they were willing to do this means it's probably a deep-seated bug in the code that requires re-writing the whole software. MTGO allows you to redeem virtual card sets for physical card sets, so they can't let it fail. If MTGO cards become worthless, then the real life cards also become worthless.

There was a post on Reddit saying that MTGO prices have crashed so much due to this announcement that you could computer-automate buying a full set of Theros from the trade bots for about 140 tickets. ($130) A full set of actual paper Theros sells for about $190 on Ebay. How long do you think it's going to be before someone figures out that this is a great way to print money?


El Presidente
It's much worse than that, the fact that they were willing to do this means it's probably a deep-seated bug in the code that requires re-writing the whole software. MTGO allows you to redeem virtual card sets for physical card sets, so they can't let it fail. If MTGO cards become worthless, then the real life cards also become worthless.

There was a post on Reddit saying that MTGO prices have crashed so much due to this announcement that you could computer-automate buying a full set of Theros from the trade bots for about 140 tickets. ($130) A full set of actual paper Theros sells for about $190 on Ebay. How long do you think it's going to be before someone figures out that this is a great way to print money?
Well they upped the redemption fee so it's not really a huge margin. And this has always been going on, people buy cards from drafters, redeem and sell sets for 30-40 dollars of profit. The big change to what crashed prices on cards is the redemption changes so trash rares are worth less than before.