MTG thread


I am confused about the FTV cards. I thought Jace was a banned card from most formats and thus they did not reprint them. I am obviously confused about this format/printing.
Only banned in modern, and an FTV reprint doesn't affect standard. Jace is legal in legacy and vintage. Admittedly, Wizards is doing their best to kill of legacy so whatevah but there will be plenty of demand for an FTV jace.


Wizards is doing their best to kill of legacy so whatevah but there will be plenty of demand for an FTV jace.
(Eye roll) Ya I am sure the company wants to kill off a format that is popular as hell just because it doesn't sell booster packs. The head guys at Wizards, Aaron and Maro have said multiple times that they do not care for the reprint list but understand that the company needs to stand by their word. Hell when the biggest reseller of magic cards, Starcity Games, even said that they would love them to remove the list, it is obvious that most people would like it going away so people can get their shiny new Alpha Duels but that would cause the neckbeards and the 50 year old collectors to go apeshit.


Trakanon Raider
It's got nothing to do with standing by their word and everything to do with financial realities. Chronicles nearly crashed the secondary market for Magic, and a healthy resell market is vital to keeping the game going.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's got nothing to do with standing by their word and everything to do with financial realities. Chronicles nearly crashed the secondary market for Magic, and a healthy resell market is vital to keeping the game going.
Really? I don't remember that. I just remember Chronicles being an incredibly fucking awful set full of almost nothing but shitty cards.


Golden Squire
The only reason Wizards doesn't get rid of the public reserved list is because they are afraid of being sued by collectors if they reprint anything on it. They very much want to get rid of it because unless Wizards can reprint dual lands legacy is a dead format long term. Also gameplaywise, a public reserved list was a boneheaded decision.

As for From the Vault, Wizards needs to get its act together and figure out a way to make it so that it, and products like it (Modern Masters), actually sell at MSRP when released. Whether this means enforcing pricing via contracts, raising MSRP on these products, or printing enough product to satisfy initial demand they have to do something. It is a piss poor customer experience for these products to have the MSRP they do but actually cost 150%-300% MSRP before they have even been released.


Potato del Grande
Can't they just do functional reprints of anything they want on the resversed list?

Or put something into commander (this is legacy legal right?) like a buffed Grove of the Burnwillows which is also Mountain-Forest - a draw back so slight that the unprintable dual land is only just strictly better.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Shocklands are still the best new dual, and they already count as their basic land types. The lack of any drawback whatsoever on true duals means that unless they print something really retarded, like say a fetchable Grove of the Burnwillows, nothing will ever really compete.

And if they ever did print something as retarded as a fetchable Grove, the value of duals would take a pretty big hit anyway. So either reprint true duals or don't, but don't try to frankenstein up a legacy only alternate dual.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
just ban duals from legacy.

They have to do something though. I'd be playing legacy right now but I'm not willing to sink a few thousand dollars in to a land base to do it.


Tranny Chaser
Can't they just do functional reprints of anything they want on the resversed list?
Wizards defines functional reprints as cards that are mechanically identical (casting cost, type, power toughness, game text, etc) and any card on the reserved list cannot have a functional reprint either. Now, it's not hard to see how that rule could be completely perverted with hamfisted versions of older cards (throw a tribal subtype onto everything for example) but I think the direction they have taken is the proper one. All of the old timers and freakwads can sit safe in the knowledge that their prohibitively expensive eternal formats and overpriced collections will never suffer from reprints.

Oh, and enjoy your almost non-existent support for those formats.

Meanwhile by setting Modern with only post-reserve list sets Wizards has an eternal format they can support, they can do premium products specifically for (Modern Masters 2 - The Search for More Money), and for most of the people who play the game the cards are still fucking old as shit. Seventh edition onward is a toooooon of sets and a tooooon of cards many current players never played with in Standard. It's just fine.


Trakanon Raider
Really? I don't remember that. I just remember Chronicles being an incredibly fucking awful set full of almost nothing but shitty cards.
A lot of the cards in Chronicles were pretty valuable before they were massively reprinted and flooded the market. By today's competitive standards a lot of older cards are shit, but at the time many of them were extremely popular.

Standards were just much different. Hell, Lion's Eye Diamond is the most expensive card from Mirage and it was a bulk rare at release and for a long time after. Meanwhile, Balduvian Horde was one of the most expensive creatures in print because it was a 5/5 for 4, and the only card with that ratio before it was Juzam Djinn.


Mr. Poopybutthole
just ban duals from legacy.

They have to do something though. I'd be playing legacy right now but I'm not willing to sink a few thousand dollars in to a land base to do it.
I always did very well in legacy with mono-white geddon stax, but that was back when duals were 20-40 bucks a piece depending on color. I doubt that the format has changed enough that left field decks like geddon-stax can't still be competitive, even if they aren't first tier.


They can't reprint cards that are exactly the same but they can make it function pretty much the same like

Powder Keg is on the reserve list but Ratchet Bomb just recently was made / reprinted. Sure its not a reprint, and thus not against the reserve list, but it does the same thing. And in this case, its better.

With the way they just changed the legendary rules, and Maro even saying that with the new change they are more likely to make Legendary lands, if I were a betting man I would put some funds down on legendary alpha duels sometime in the future. Think Serra's Savanna that is exactly the same, but a legendary land.

Sure this won't flat out fix legacy, it would sure go a long way to help it. Especially when you can reprint all the shock lands and fetches.


This is anecdotal but I don't think Legacy is going anywhere. The LGS where I lived in Mountain Home, Arkansas opened up about three years ago. Last week they held their first Legacy tourney. Not sanctioned for a while so they can allow ten proxies to get people into it but the plan is to be running no proxy sanctioned events in a couple months once folks are more familiar with the format. If fucking Mountain Home, AR can run an 8 man Legacy tourney there is no game store in America that can't.

Obviously attrition means there simply won't be dual lands left at some point but they are not required for a legacy deck to function. It's not the same as someone trying to build X midrange standard deck without picking up Thrangtusks or Y UW control deck but cheaping out and cutting snapcasters. Obviously they are the best option and taking two life from a shock land will be and I assume has been the difference between a game lose and a 1st place finish but you can play every deck I'm familiar without them.

The problem as I see it lies in how Legacy is viewed. It's not an insane leap for the "top players" at a store who net deck four different $500 decks in standard to make the leap to modern and be excited to participate and help push the format. Legacy on the other hand is a whole nother beast and for the most part those same players can't afford, won't spend the money, or simply can't find access to the cards to run a 100% perfect deck so they aren't pushing the format. The why play if my deck isn't 100% as good as it can ever possibly be mentality. Those players really drive the community and shape the way an area plays despite the fact that for every person I just described there are 15 people who show up to FNM with their door keeper mill deck.

There was more and it was a little more cohesive when I started but I'm fucking exhausted and the basic idea of what I'm trying to say is there. All numbers were pulled out of my ass and things were over simplified because fuck you that's why. Sell the format and do something to increase the number of viable decks for which cards can actually be obtained and the format would grow and be damn fun to play. But yeah why bother when you have Modern? I'm going to sleep.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How is Ratchet bomb better than Powder keg? Ratchet bomb may hit a wider range of permanents, but it also becomes open to removal every time you add a counter, Powder Keg does not. It seems insignificantly worse.
+Hits enchantments
+Hits planeswalkers
+synergy with untap effects
+wait till end of your opponents turn to decide if you want to counter up

-more vulnerable to instant speed removal like you said (this is actually way more narrow than you made it sound since it only occurs if they have something you are ratching up to AND something at the currrent value that wouldn't also screw you over.)

Overall I'd say it comes out ahead. You are right though: it isn't strictly better.


Golden Squire
Yeah the vulnerability of Ratchet Bomb is really narrow since you'll be tapping it during their endstep (or right before) anyway when usually their mana will be tapped.


Plus don't forget that we are talking about Legacy here and the only instant artifact hate that most people run in their sideboards is K-Grip due to counter/top and with split second your screwed regardless.
If you want to talk about functional reprints the best example is fork vs reverberate.

People have been clamoring for the repeal of the reserved list for years. I'd like to see it happen but I don't expect it. They used to get around this with foils in special sets/judge promos, but people complained about phyrexian negataor in a dual deck, and got rid of that loophole. Good once upon a time but a fucking dollar rare today. I love playing legacy and would like to see more people play it but its really expensive.