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Dani posted a bit on thesubreddit for N&A. Obviously take what she says with a grain of salt but according to her the footage of her and Alana making fun of Shane while he tried to hunt with his bow was totally edited together from two unrelated events and the turtles were protected and off limits from the start so both turtle scenes (Shane and the girls fighting and Jeff and EJ's failed turtle jail) were bullshit for the cameras. She also confirmed what I speculated earlier in the thread that the scene where everybody arrived just as they were about to eat the eel was choreographed by the producers.
for those that can't read redditALL turtles were protected by the private nature reserve we filmed on. Everyone was aware of this.
No we were never given any food, water, or assistance. There was a lot of food there, we really didn't need the turtle anyway.
You bet I did! I made myself a hat, shoes, clothing, and a TON of cordage for traps and fishing line early on. When Shane was planning on leaving, I sat with him for about 5 hours and taught him how to make cordage and a hat to keep him protected in the 120 degree savannah weather.
The show will take and manipulate whatever footage they want to make a dramatic storyline. They can insert audio clips, smirks, laughs, eye rolls next to any footage to create tension and drama. It is not scripted, but definitely altered to fit a plot.
1) Charlie and I could not have been more polar opposite! However, this made for such a beautiful relationship and learning experience for the both of us. I'm still completely shocked, and grateful that we hit it off so well. It definitely opened up my mind and gave me a greater appreciation for the people who served in the military. I learned to trust someone so different than me and how mentally strong it made me doing that whole challenge. Our extraction was the hardest thing I've ever done. 2) you would think I would have had some kind of advantage but Colombia is the most bio diverse country in the world and both locations had nothing in common besides mango trees! 3) i honestly got along great with Shane. We've hung out a few times since we returned from Colombia. I have no regrets-- Shane and I had a lot of long conversations out there and the best thing for him was to be separate from Alana. His camp was not far from us at all and we still hung out every night on the savannah.
4) cashew nuts and almonds! The show is making it seem like protein is the essential nutrient that everyone needed. Carbs are more important. 5) spiderwebs make awesome STERILE bandages in the field when you have nothing else! Wrap a fresh web over your wound then cover with a plant bandage (after cleaning it of course) 6) Alana is a tough girl who doesn't have time for nonsense and will tell you how it is. She doesn't play into pity-parties and whiners. She's definitely strong and skilled. She's very nurturing and caring but does not do well when someone disrespects her
On day 1 I found cashew trees, mangos, edible flowers, heart of Palm, lots of Colombian fruit that I can't think of the name off the top of my head. It was the dry season so most of our food was not ripe and a couple of the fruits were fatal if not cooked- the fruit that Shane brought me while I had my fever was one of them and it's highly toxic and poisonous if consumed raw (they tried to make it look like he climbed a tree and brought mangos which is completely false). Alana was also catching fish all the time & eating a lot of bugs! We had a whole agouti family as well which we didn't need to kill because we were eating so well. I was basically feeding the agouti out of my hand![]()
Not at all. I'm a workhorse and can't sit still! My strategy for both was to just thrive and maintain a deep connection to nature: only take what you need, don't chop down trees if you won't use the materials, survive smart, respect your environment and the creatures that live there & of course be self aware of your own strengths and limitations. Of course the way they portray most of the women is not accurate. But, I didn't do this to become a television star so the experience itself is most meaningful to me. If they want to make it look like I was on a 40 day camping trip then so be it.
The interviews were so annoying! We would only be about 20 feet away from our shelter. They did these constantly throughout the day. Every day. Cameras everywhere.
Choreographed. We weren't allowed to make some of our own choices which bothered me.
Because if you watch the clip they recently aired, Alana and I had to join the big group.
On my 21 day I wanted to build my shelter in a different spot but we couldn't because it was too noisy from water rapids and interfered with the camera. I can't release other things at this time.
Because I'm part Asian! Don't worry I get that ALOT. I actually don't do any drugs at all- not even pot!
Sure! Well some examples would be them not showing the footage of me building our shelter ;; inserting audio clips to make it look like I was laughing at Shane ;; most of the footage shown was from week 1 when I had a 102 fever ;; Alana and I were the only ones successfully harvesting food ;; the plethora of dry perfect firewood laying around every two feet which meant it was pointless to be chopping down entire trees in 120 degree weather ;; all of the nasty things Shane said to Alana ;; Alana catching a million fish ;; me making the hats, cordage, shoes, clothing... The list goes on and on and on. The answer to your next question is that a lot of it was choreographed. It's TV, there's a lot of logistics involved. My survival strategy was not anything like Alana or Shane's. When I enter the wilderness, my mindset immediately goes into a deep connection with nature and my environment. I learn from the animals and I work hard and smart. Everything and everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
I totally agree with you. XL was more confusing because we had SO many more camera people for all of the different groups. A lot of organization/camera stuff needed to be planned more carefully. I enjoyed my 21 day experience with Charlie more. I am also not a fan of the drama and I don't care to be a television star/camera hog, lol.
No, I made sunscreen/insect repellent with a mixture of mud, ash, and medicinal plants.
Awesome! Thank you. 1~ I am french english chinese and portugese. 2~ I didn't start watching the show until I found out I was doing it. I was scouted through my wilderness medicine school and a primitive survival group. 3~ I like the 21 day more because it's less focused on the drama and shows more survival. 4~ The 21 day was harder for me. Our location was the toughest and our 3-part extraction was the hardest out of any of them.
pretty pissed about the turtle shit, that means the whole entire exchange between alana being the perfect animal lover and shane being the crazy kill kill kill bastard, all for show.
that means when ej found that turtle and they put it in the stupid cage, all for show
i don't know about the merge (again i haven't watched the show since crazy girl left) but them doing that w/ choreo again sounds like shitty, eh i loose care for the show now, gonna go and put in w/ crazy girl.