NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lebron's basketball IQ has always been off the charts. Years ago he drives the lane, gets help D from the otherside and passes the ball to an open teammate (still the right play) who misses. He knew what he was doing when he got the ball because he knew Hibbert wasn't there, but George's pursuit was so bad that it might've been too late anyway. Best player in the world


Trakanon Raider
I think this is an overreaction. George over pursued never expecting anything but a jump shot there. If that doesn't happen LeBron doesn't get to the lane. With two seconds left it takes a fuck up on defense to let someone get to the rim like that, which is exactly what happened.

Wonderful decision making by LeBron though. Springbok mentioned it above but a couple years ago I don't think he has the wherewithal to do anything but turn and shoot a fade away there.
I'd agree it was an overreaction if Lebron hadn't done the exact same thing to them when Vogel took Hibbert out of the game the time before that. If Hibbert was in, it wouldn't have mattered that George over pursued.
With 2.2 seconds, Lebron had just enough time to catch the ball and either shoot, pass, or drive...he couldn't drive then pass, so if Hibbert was in the game, he wouldn't have challenged him. If Hibbert had been near the paint instead of near Bosh, then maybe Lebron passes to Bosh and Bosh takes a jumper. Maybe Lebron steps back and takes a jumper of his own. Either is a better alternative than Lebron getting an easy layup.
Taking Hibbert out (especially after JUST getting burned by doing that exact thing on a play before) was a horrible decision.


Legal Ephebophile
Weird, because DWade challenged Hibbert and made a layup for a 91-89 lead with 42 seconds to go in the 4Q. So I think saying LeBron wouldn't have challenged Hibbert is silly.


Legal Ephebophile
You're making a definitive statement when you have no reason/proof to do so. You have no idea what would've happened if Hibbert was in. If Wade can drive to the basket with the game tied and time running down and score a layup on Hibbert what makes it any different for LeBron to do the same?

Edit: Great article about LeBron~


Potato del Grande
Uh, bleacher report. Warriors over the cap. 2013/14 - $74,885,328

I'm torn as a Lakers fan, I really really dislike Howard and his game. He's a huge liability on the offensive end. His defense CAN be great but he also gambles quite a bit and gets in foul trouble ALL the time.

It'd set the Lakers back if he left, but at the same time I really don't think I want a 5 year max contract DH dragging down the franchise. Guy is a tool.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Uh, bleacher report. Warriors over the cap. 2013/14 - $74,885,328

I'm torn as a Lakers fan, I really really dislike Howard and his game. He's a huge liability on the offensive end. His defense CAN be great but he also gambles quite a bit and gets in foul trouble ALL the time.

It'd set the Lakers back if he left, but at the same time I really don't think I want a 5 year max contract DH dragging down the franchise. Guy is a tool.
Let DH walk, trade Gasol, and amnesty Kobe, tank like no tomorrow for that 2014 guy who is supposedly a sure thing.


Potato del Grande
They may be "letting" DH walk by keeping D'Antoni as coach, but I'm sure they'll give him a max offer. They aren't trading Gasol until they find out if DH resigns or not as insurance for the C position. No way they amnesty Kobe, he comes off the books in 2014 anyways. Fairly sure they will amnesty Artest.

I'm not very optimistic as long as Jim Buss is the head of the franchise, look at his head coach selections. Mike Brown and Mike D'Antoni. God.


Potato del Grande
That's when he'll bust a knee. Also, then something will have to be done to prevent Gaige from ever cheering for the Lakers.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Let DH walk, trade Gasol, and amnesty Kobe, tank like no tomorrow for that 2014 guy who is supposedly a sure thing.
That's their best bet, hard as it is to imagine the Lakers actually trying to tank.

Ideally though, they find a way to pull off a S&T for Howard where they get at least one young piece or a pick + expirings in return. That's the only way Howard gets a max 5-year deal, so there is incentive for both he and the Lakers to look for that.


<Prior Amod>
I don't get Howard. Granted I'm not a fan of him and don't really follow him close...but how could he have been so good in Orlando and so terriable in LA?


Potato del Grande
Injured his back in Orlando, played through the healing process last year. System differences, players. He was never great offensively or at the line. He's just been the best lane defender in the league and used to overpower everyone down low. He gets stripped like a mofo, has no go to move, and is getting worse at the line. Guy doesn't seem to work on his game at all.

Lakers don't build through the draft. They've basically given up on it since the lottery was introduced. They got lucky with Kobe Bryant (at 13) and Bynum (at 10). They'll have boatloads of Cap in 2014 depending on how they play it. The lottery is a crap shoot anyways, there are very few sure things and you basically need a top 2 pick to (semi guarantee) you're going to get a star.

I'm not sure the Lakers even own their 1st rounder next year, but this one may actually be lotto protected? I'd have to check.


<Gold Donor>
Howard still has what it takes to be an all-time great, but his personality is just "different." Not sure what moves the Mavs can (potentially) make this off-season, but he's no longer at the top of my list.

Having said that, he'll probably have a career year next season if he stays healthy, which will fucking infuriate me. There just aren't any good FA stars available that you'd want to give a huge contract to right now.


<Gold Donor>
What a fucking series. Neither team executing well down the stretch, but fun as hell to watch as neutral. I thought analysts were out of their minds picking Indy, but I can see why they did now. Tough team - though they are kind of retarded sometimes.