NBA 2023-24 Season Thread - The Lakers Lose, America Wins


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
4 the league and media can refocus on what's more important.

Like Boston.



Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I don't follow draft prospects or anything like that but from what I've read it seems kind of crazy this French guy was number one. Young, yeah, but he was a role player on the teams he was on. He doesn't seem to be a huge playmaker, wasn't an amazing shooter, and his physical attributes are nothing outstanding. Compare that to somebody like Luka or Wembanyama and he doesn't seem in their league. The gamble for potential I could see elsewhere in the lottery but #1? What am I missing? Was it just a weak draft class?
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Trump's Staff
Well, all of the Nuggets, Clippers, Pelicans, and Warriors getting appreciably worse this off season should make the west less of a shit show next season.

OKC, Dallas, Minnesota, Phoenix, Houston, and Sacramento look like the top 6 squads next year, unless the Lakers somehow land Klay without gutting their roster. If Dallas lands him though and OKC grabs Hartenstein that’s gonna be an awesome WCF battle.

The east is getting much much more interesting. Philly, New York, and Orlando all added firepower to take a shot at Boston. Those efforts are probably futile, but who knows how things will go depending on health this year. I’m hoping immaculate vibes in NY propel them into the ECF this year because that squad has so much chemistry and is fun to root for. Unless Embiid loses some weight they’re a second round exit. Those knees may as well be made of cheesesteak at this point.


Trump's Staff

I don’t know what happened here, but Naji Marshal is a solid pickup to replace him. Absolute dog of a defender that will smother his man full court, and a better shooter and playmaker than DJJ. Dallas will lose some verticality and transition scoring from Jones, but I think this is overall better for that squad.

I’m guessing Jones didn’t want to come off the bench behind Klay, and once he caught wind it was bye bye.