NCAA Tournament Challenge


Potato del Grande
I'm not a Michigan fan, this game has been terribly officiated, but hey that's probably the norm.


<Gold Donor>
Great game. Left McGary on the bench too long, left Spike in too long as well. Michigan got out-coached and out-hustled in the second half. Really great game though.


Trakanon Raider
Agreed. Great game. Grats to Louisville. Action packed until the last second. Too bad all games aren't like that.


<Prior Amod>
Cool Pitino gets to be the only coach to win titles with different teams. He seems like a pretty cool guy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Congrats Rick Pitino. Called this one with 17 minutes left in the Syracuse game. The second Michigan's luck to be able to hit every single 3 pointer they took for the half court line ran out they're shown for the trash they are.


Potato del Grande
haha Pitino thought he was in a war zone for a second. SNIPER, EVERYONE DOWN!!!!

diaf Tarrant.


Trakanon Raider
So hey how about that Women's NCAA basketball game?


Also, UConn all the way.


It was a fun Final Four. 2 of the 3 games were very entertaining as a basketball fan but as a Syracuse fan the 2nd game was just terrible for obvious reasons. Congratulations to all of the teams that played, Wichita State was a ton of fun to watch and the championship game was just awesome.

There were some bad things, officiating was terrible overall and not just in the Syracuse game. Wichita State was robbed of any chance to win on that jump ball call. Syracuse was robbed of their comeback by having both of their starting Guards fouled out due to two terrible calls. Much of the championship game was just a mess, although it was an entertaining mess, I think that the referees lost control of the game, it wasn't a tight ship that's for sure.

Attending the Saturday games, as much as I hate to say it, the Michigan fans were pretty awesome. They are super loud, they have fun chants. I suppose that's the difference of being a large public university and a medium sized private university. Michigan just had way more fans. Also I assume that football helps with their general rowdiness, loudness, chants, etc. Taking the differences of the schools and fanbases into consideration I think that we had a pretty strong showing, there was plenty of Orange inside and out on the streets.

I think we discussed it after the Big East Championship game but Louisville will seriously foul you on every position. Their kids are so energetic and aggressive and they get away with the majority of what they do. Sadly that's just the fact. Another fact is that Mitch McGary should have been fouled out of the Syracuse game twice at least, that's purely a knock on the officiating, the kid was a monster and looked like the best player on the court in the first half of the Syracuse game but I can't get over the fact that our two guards were fouled out of the game while McGary was allowed to have his way inside.

The NCAA needs to work on officiating, the simple fact that shady stuff has been discovered to have been going on is enough for us to doubt and question virtually anything. When I see a bad call, when I see two of my Guards fouled out of the game for no good reason, yeah you're damn right that I'm going to question that shit. Is every official dirty? Of course not. There just needs to be more oversight of the referees, there needs to be more public access to referees, and if they are simply doing that bad of a job then they need to be replaced. It's as simple as that.

I don't get how people were bullying Sutekh over his complaints about the officiating. They are certainly valid and it's silly to argue otherwise, especially when everyone was complaining about the calls in the championship game, which at one point Louisville had double the fouls of Michigan. It's stupid and hypocritical, when the referees make bad calls against your team it's the end of the world, when they cause both of our starting Guards to foul out it's justified. Get over yourselves. The officiating was bad overall.


Trakanon Raider
Agreed the officiating was pretty bad overall, but Sutekh just asks for it.

You said it yourself (Charles) that Louisville pretty much fouls all the time, so it should be no surprise they were up by a lot of fouls in the championship game. Though I agree there were bad calls for both sides. I think the team that played better won in the end and penalties that were called or uncalled wouldn't have changed the game in the end.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The retards "bullying" me on this form is the equivalent to fish swimming on the bellies of Sharks. I don't even realize they exist.