Neverwinter: PC


The level of interest for this game can only be described as underwhelming from what I can tell.

Any game that looks like it is going to have a chance upon release normally has a fairly active forum on the homepage, this doesn't.

Anyways ....

From what I can tell, you are stuck in a city environment only. And you can click on a map to select adventures and does that then transport you there ?

It seems that there is no open world to explore, like D&D Online. Is this true ?


The level of interest for this game can only be described as underwhelming from what I can tell.

Any game that looks like it is going to have a chance upon release normally has a fairly active forum on the homepage, this doesn't.

Anyways ....

From what I can tell, you are stuck in a city environment only. And you can click on a map to select adventures and does that then transport you there ?

It seems that there is no open world to explore, like D&D Online. Is this true ?
Item,gear stats, character stats atm for the most part are not coded right so its makes zero difference if have level 20 40 60 weapon, armors,whatever in dungeon as tank to fighting naked.

LOTR had this same issue gazllion years ago in the betas.


Why are all the good RP IP's going to MMO shit?


Trakanon Raider
Why are all the good RP IP's going to MMO shit?
It's simple... they are receiving funding based on the IP and it also gives them leverage for solid box sales. You make a good cinematic, Youtube videos, and throw some nice HQ images here and there and you have yourself a game.

Everyone plays a month or so, you go F2P, have people spend money in cash shops maybe sub in and out (if you have some type of tiered membership) as you post Producer letters and game updates that you apologize for not being in the game earlier. Not to mention promotions and email blasts about coming back to the game.

Before you know it, you made some money off of mediocrity, empty promises, and false advertisements.


If you're a member of gamespot you can grab a key for the beta event this weekend.

I'll probably give it a go. As a game that's built as a F2P from the ground up, I'm not expecting a masterpiece. I'm not happy about 4e either. Like others have said, the Foundry is the only thing at the moment that piques my interest. Let's see foundry packs for improved armor/character models and I might raise a brow.


The Foundry is the one thing about this game that caught my interest, and to me is an element of a next generation mmo. And only on that feature will I give this a go when it goes live.

Everything else looks like the same old stuff.

Phoenix Prime_sl

Wish I could play. Lost Internet about two weeks ago. A beta key I cant use. Very sad. So it will be a race to see who gets this code first.



A nice asshole.
Got this E-mail:

The third Beta Weekend for Neverwinter is coming, with more invites than ever! This is the first time that the Great Weapon Fighter, Pirates' Skyhold, Icespire Peak, Chasm and PvP will be available for the masses to try. Come and join us in an epic adventure through the Forgotten Realms!

Neverwinter will be available to play starting March 22nd at 12pm PDT, and then closing on March 24th at 11:59pm PDT.

We are also holding a Crash the Shard event on March 23nd starting at 1pm PDT. If you login between 1pm and 2pm on that day, you will receive an exclusive Pirate Hat when Neverwinter launches!

If you have not done so yet, you can redeem your key here!

Then go download the client here!

For any issues when logging in, please contact Customer Support.

But didn't include a key...


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, I got that email too, with no key. So I went and got one from gamespot. Couldn't remember my pword for my old account, so I made a new one and got a key, quick and easy.


Got this E-mail:

The third Beta Weekend for Neverwinter is coming, with more invites than ever! This is the first time that the Great Weapon Fighter, Pirates' Skyhold, Icespire Peak, Chasm and PvP will be available for the masses to try. Come and join us in an epic adventure through the Forgotten Realms!

Neverwinter will be available to play starting March 22nd at 12pm PDT, and then closing on March 24th at 11:59pm PDT.

We are also holding a Crash the Shard event on March 23nd starting at 1pm PDT. If you login between 1pm and 2pm on that day, you will receive an exclusive Pirate Hat when Neverwinter launches!

If you have not done so yet, you can redeem your key here!

Then go download the client here!

For any issues when logging in, please contact Customer Support.

But didn't include a key...
someone gave me key for last beta, if get extra will pm you ok.

Also maybe with that email you wont need key hmm.

My biggest gripe with Neverwinter is this.

Im huge dnd nerd ,same with alot fantasy books, syfy etc, but cant stand 4.0 rules.

However my main gripes are beyond its Cryptic and even worse Perfect world are the graphics for character models are like 8 bit dated as hell, when you make you character if want more then black, grey, brown, brown, brown for hair color you cant, so no redhead for chick toon or no yellow, blonde, cant even make your mages hair white cause they dont have it.
Eye colors same deal if want green or blue its all brown, brown or black lol.

Next the graphics look to me even more dated on Ultra, Ultra then defiance that is all im going to say, there are no medium high graphics and settings let alone high or Ultra, no slidders non.
Then the dnd rules 4.0 which suck and the game is action mmo kinda like tera in some ways.

Lastly the stats atm most them for items and characters dont matter, so even if your level 1-10-20-30-40-50-60+ etc your gear dont do shit, so why spend time geting it, mean you get rare drop in dungeon or get Master crafted gear, well it just comestic atm.
Thus no carrot on the stick to raid or do hardmode dungeons.

Dungeons atm are almost roll in your face skill level atm.

On top stats not working like in LOTR classic beta many,many years ago the were not coded in right for stats to matter so why wear gear even as tank when you can clear the dungeon naked.

But as bad as the graphics are character models, the item models so farr make almost all look the same.

Foundry can be saving grace for this but last beta wasnt ready, same with pvp.

Hell even with sucky 4.0 rules, I would love the neverwinter setting even with this being action mmo, still but cant get passed the bland lack of classes, items, character stats dont matter, terrible graphics.

When ever you post suggestion on there forums some fanboy troll attacks you saying what do you expect for the graphics being so bad, character models, lack of classes, stats dont matter atm they attack any of us and say what do you expect for ftp.

Jesus money means nothing to me if game even had better graphics little, and stats counting after i saw the rest would buy the founder pack, but the stuff is so overall bad that even if they paid me would not play it atm, and that makes me sad.

Cause was really looking forward to this years ago, before perfect world got cryptic etc.

also the sound for story scenes has no sound atm, you will see zoom in for bosses, and there is not even music atm for it, let alone the boss voiceovers working like me Da Ogre me da smash you, nothing just makes the boss fights, bland,faceroll its sad.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There was a 1gb patch + a few smaller ones iirc between last beta and this one coming up.

Perhaps your qualms will be quelled. Or not.


Miracle patch! Am I right?!
Well i be honest Hatorade,

I am trying to get patch notes atm, but they have not posted them for last 15 days so we see.

That being said the 1 gig patch would expect is the 2 new areas open this beta, the pvp, also the level cap to 50 this beta, and some bug fixes.

I dont even know if crafting is still fubared.

If find anything out will let the board know.

When gave my disappointment with the graphics was not kidding , also did not even get to how bad the animations are etc.

What makes the item stats and characters stats mean nothing atm, and either not working right or not even coded worse, is you would be like in some games were you got higher level item, rare, mastercrafted well atleast looks kewl right?well atm this is the sadest part of the character models, graphics, items etc.

Atm you dont see much at all difference in level 1 toon and level 60 toon in gear, character looks etc, so on top of almost all item stats not working be coded they all look the fucking same.


Vyemm Raider
Aleksei, I'm curious about the graphics in this game, can you tell us more about the quality of said graphics?


A nice asshole.
Shit graphics can always be glossed over if animations are smooth. Let us hope they pick one to focus on, then again shit graphics and animations can be glossed over if gameplay is fantastic.

Oh and got my key came in a later e-mail with nothing else in it that screams "wups!"


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hopefully they made identify scrolls purchaseable with regular gold instead of goddamned astral diamonds or whatever. That is a serious pain in the ass. And no gold auction house either is kind of meh. Though maybe the diamonds are more accessible now; I seem to remember getting the STO version of them for doing missions/dailies/all kinds of shit.