I can agree with that, first act was at least faithful to a degree, and then it just goes off the rails. The monsters not being sentient vampires but to some kind of caveman mutant screws everything up. I know in love novella, one of the things that he bitched about was his neighbor that used to work with him or something, I used to ride to work together, and he was always trying to figure out where the hell he would hide during daytime.
Towards the end when the new world order a vampire people come out, he's looking through his one day and sees them hunt his buddy down, and it pisses him off, because he actually still had sympathy for his friend.
I don't know. I'd honestly still like to see a true adaptation, but I don't think you can make a movie about a white man surviving a vampire Apocalypse.
Stake Land might actually be the best version of the book, even though it's way out there, but you can kind of tell it was an influence in the film. But Mister it's probably a better representation of Nevel than any of those other movies have.