Private Discussion with Roshen, Myself (TL), Gynx & Dojii (Apok), and Breeze (RoE) - [url=" - best file hosting solution, with no limits, totaly free[/url] ... 7163372391
Longdale, Holly <Email address edited out>
3:31 PM (5 hours ago)
I hope this doesn't read like a form letter, but I'm sending an email to the folks who have been sending me information, questions, and comments on the Ragefire rotation.
As I said to a few people based on a new proposal that came up last week, that we would take a look at it. I certainly didn't intend to give an impression that Dev would issue a Holy Hand Grenade to bless any kind of proposal. If that's how it came across, I'm sorry.
It appears to us as though the guilds are working together, discussing and compromising. Looking at threads like the one here, it appears that guilds ARE working towards compromises and a rotation that works for everyone: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=341
We feel in time you will all come to a resolution that works on Ragefire. Please keep working together and PM Roshen on the forums when you have posted a plan you all agree on and he will sticky it.
I hope you all see our point of view. We really feel that this isn't an area that Dev should be involved in because no matter what happens, it isn't us who will be managing how you play or getting involved unless a guild breaks the rules you all agree on. You all have to live with it as a community.
I really admire everyone for their passionate involvement and representing the players on Ragefire who so passionately tackle these concerns.
Holly Longdale
Posting it here incase it gets deleted.