New Progression Server confirmed


Server is in a strange limbo. Says up but isn't. Lots of people piled into the old server select chat thing. I think it is better than actually playing.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Tell those clowns to roll a PvP teams server, hard coded.
yes, but not hard coded


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Dicked around on the beta for a bit, xp seems pretty near old xp, with like ~5% per kill at level 1 for whites. Dunno how it looks later on, but early levels at least seem pretty long.

Shared bank means you'll probably want to skip the first 10 or so levels anyway with a fire beetle eye/bone chip quest or somesuch.


<Bronze Donator>
btw -- there will be rewards given out to those that participate a lot in Beta.

no word yet on what exactly the rewards will be.


I made one of those 7/33 tailoring whips before the server went down. Think that is bug worthy? Not sure what they are doing about tradeskilled items that are out-of-era. Or is that even out-of-era?
the new freeport actually looks like a trade hub giant city. cool imo compared to the old design being more like a small town.


Tranny Chaser
It's like a period accurate medieval capital and just like one it's a pain in the ass getting around in. I don't mind any of the revamps of outdoor zones because they are all basically the same but if the reverted Freeport on all servers everyone would be fine with it.


No corpse runs, powerful spells, hard hitting hand to hand, new zone geometry, strong pets, spells are spread out through levels instead of a bunch every 4 or 5. That's all I can think of right now.


<Bronze Donator>
you don't even need to go to your trainer to learn new skills, you just automatically learn them when you ding
raid tool
guild tool
modern clients give your character more HP/mana than you would have had in classic


Tranny Chaser
1. Some of the zones have been revamped over the years and the geometry of this server has to match the geometry of live so there's a new Freeport, Oasis/South Ro, East Commons, Tox, Misty Thicket, etc. The only one of those that is really different is Freeport.

2. Paineel and The Hole are going to be there at release and they were later additions.

3. Exp is about double what it was during that time which is still much less than it is currently on Live. A level 1 killing a snake is like 5.5% exp before modifiers.

4. Speaking of modifiers there are no race exp penalties or class exp penalties but all exp bonuses remain. Human, halfling, rogues, and warriors I think all got bonuses?

5. This is an issue that died years ago but spells are more effective now than they were. If you compare dmg numbers, for example, you'll see basically everyone just nukes harder.

6. All classes that get spells now gain spells at a rate of one per level (and sometimes more) rather than the 1/4/8/12 or 1/5/9/14 progressions of old. Druids get SoW at 10 instead of 14, for example.

7. Shared banking is in. Maps are also in.

8. You can buy exp pots from the online store. Only the 25% bonus exp ones are available.

9. Summoned pets and Monk unarmed damage is very, very high in relation to what it was during Classic and it cannot be changed. At level 50 a Monk's fists have an attack/delay of 20/26 and Mage pets are going to make tanks irrelevant for a long time. The same is true for dps classes like the Rogue and the Ranger. They are going to be 100% outclassed by casters and Monks.

10. There are a few spells that were not in at release that will be present. Those mostly include Breeze and lower level rezzes for Clerics and I think Paladins. Nothing crazy.

11. If you die you'll respawn with all of your items. Corpse runs are not a thing.

12. There's a new looting system that is pretty good but if you don't like it you can just turn it off.